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Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [Town Win]

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [N3]

After the bloodbath the session had turned into, it was no surprise when another corpse was turned up the next day, bringing the death count up to two-thirds of the original setup.

It was RK-9 who was found offed this time. He had been brutally smashed into the ground; a hand-shaped hole around his crushed remains made that much quite clear.

RK-9, the Prince of Heart, is dead. He was innocent.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D4]


Hopefully you all trust me now,, since I was right about LS99,, hmmmm??

Anyway,, Mawile,, you're gone.. Sorry bro,, can't have you killin'' my moirail.. Or anyone else for that matter..
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D4]

Ah, so Mawile is Mafia as well then. Sorry buddy, guess you are next

Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [D4]

It was quite safe to say that the next man down would be Mawile. It didn't seem to resist at all.

In spite of taking down what seemed to be the last one of the mafia, however, the players didn't quite feel safe yet. Some of the deathes didn't add up at all.

Mawile, the Thief of Doom, is dead. It was mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Homestuck Mafia 4: The Generic Version [N4]

HighMoon and Coloursfall, both alive the morning after, expected the other of them to be dead. But, instead, the final corpse was that of Chief Zackrai, whose head was solidly buried into the wall, covered by his own gigantified hand. It was apparent that he had tried the dangerous x10 FACEPALM COMBO and failed miserably.

Seeing the way he could inflate his gloved hand to deadly degrees suddenly explained all the unexplained murders. That, coupled with their previous trust, assured the two survivors that the slaughter was over.

"Well, all this mind-reading gave me a lot of levels. What about we go whack the Black King?"

"Might as well."

The two traveled to Skaia and bravely wielded the SUPERSONIC WARFAN and the 2X GOLDEN GUN against the atrocity, who fought back with all the might of his bird wings, unicorn horn, bear claws, betta fish fins, flea carapace, skin-meltingly hot Cheetos dispenser, electric cheeks, earphones hanging around, cybernetic parts, enormous smelly sneakers and (apparent) luck, who frequently lashed out with yet unseen items.

Ultimately, he was defeated, but he managed to score a profoundly grievous wound into one of the fighters, dealing out belated death. The other felt that claiming victory alone, rather than sharing with all eleven friends, was pointless, and never claimed the reward.


Chief Zackrai is dead. He was not innocent nor mafia.

All the scum in this game has died. Thus, the innocents win.

Will post the roles, signs, abstrata, prototypes and pretty much everything shortly.
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cries and whispers 'why did you kill me during night one' while stroking the thread's face

Where the underlined role is the one originally chosen by the player.

-The Mafiosi-

NEGREK was the SYLPH OF VOID, wielding the powers to render the town's efforts void -- be it at daytime, be it at nighttime.
- Godfather: Will not give informative roles alarming results when targeted thereby. Loses this power if the Page of Rage is dead.
- One-Shot Lynchproof: Will survive a lynching attempt once. Loses this power if the Page of Rage is dead.
Sign: Rat, which is pretty befitting of a devious, sneaky type that knows how to slip through the cracks.
Kind Abstratus: Punctuationkind (hence, why Mai was covered in /slashes/, Twilight Sparkle told herself to {brace} herself for a -dash- of danger, and Superbird was in a ,coma,).
Prototyping: A broken alchemiter.

LEGENDARYSEEKER99 was the PAGE OF RAGE, whose furious attacks leave victims no defence -- be it at daytime, be it at nighttime.
- Strongman: When nightkilling, roleblocks the target and prevents any other power roles from targeting that target. Loses this power if the Sylph of Void is dead.
- Two-Shot Executioner: Twice in the game, can give a day command to end the Day Phase and kill a given player who has received at least one vote that wasn't cast by the Page of Rage himself. Loses this power if the Sylph of Void is dead.
Sign: Tiger, befitting of his power, and ensuring that the Tiger and the Dragon played opposite factions. Ironically, said Dragon was the thorn on the mafia's side.
Kind Abstratus: Jokerkind.
Prototyping: A bag of hot Cheetos.

MAWILE was the THIEF OF DOOM, who aids the mafia from the shadows, without being a full member -- as though to steal their evil glory.
- Terrorist: Once in the game, can use a day command to name and kill a target, at the cost of life. Is mafia, but doesn't know who the other mafiosi are, and is unknown to them.
- Traitor: Is mafia and knows who the other mafiosi are, but the other mafiosi are only told that a Traitor exists.
Sign: Snake, a fine fit for a treacherous traitor.
Kind Abstratus: Bladekind (hence, why Karkat Vantas was sliced in half, although he was killed by his own power, not Mawile's).
Prototyping: A ceramic Pikachu.

-The Town-

OLE_SCHOOLER was the KNIGHT OF HOPE, whose risky powers, the players can only hope will be used well.
- Vigilante: Each night, can target and kill a player.
- Roleblocker: Each night, can target a player to shut their role powers off for the night.
Sign: Ox, going well with the strenght that both role powers possible imply.
Kind Abstratus: Spearking (hence, why Negrek was impaled with extreme prejudice).
Prototyping: An old pair of sneakers.

COLOURSFALL was the MAGE OF MIND, whose intellectual powers could reliably provide information.
- Cop: Each night, can target a player and discover their alignment.
- Tracker: Each night, can target a player and discover whether they have targeted any other players.
Sign: Dragon, as it's symbolic of intelligence in the Chinese Zodiac, and also ensures that the Tiger and the Dragon are in opposite factions. Note also that the original Hero of Mind was very closely associated with dragons.
Kind Abstratus: Warfankind (As seen with the SUPERSONIC WARFAN in the ending sequence).
Prototyping: A betta fish.

KARKAT VANTAS was the ROGUE OF LIFE, who could prevent death, but in kind of sloppy ways.
- Weak Doctor: Each night, can target a player and prevent them from being killed by any role powers. However, if a mafia-aligned player is targeted, the Rogue of Life dies.
- CPR Doctor: Each night, can target a player and prevent them from being killed by any role powers (aside from this). However, if their life is not threatened that night, they die by this power.
Sign: Pig, in fitting with the sloppiness.
Kind Abstratus: Forkkind.
Prototyping: A flea.

MAI was the MAID OF BREATH, whose obedience to external wills could have led to either alignment.
- Bodyguard: Innocent-aligned, can target a player and prevent them from being killed, with a 50% chance of killing the attacker and a 50% chance of being killed by them.
- One-Shot Janitor: Mafia-aligned, can prevent the mafia's victim for a single night from having their title and alignment publicized.
Sign: Sheep, because you know who could end up in either side? The sheeple, that's who!
Kind Abstratus: Stockingkind (Meant to summon katanas, similar to how Kanaya's Makeupkind can turn into chainsaws).
Prototyping: A laptop.

SUPERBIRD was the SEER OF BLOOD, who can either See for answers, or have spilled blood contain revelations.
- Oracle (Exposition): Each night, can ask a question about the setup or about a night action. Questions that would directly reveal a player's alignment are not answered.
- Oracle (Death): Each night, can target a player. Should the Seer of Blood die, the alignment and role powers of the targeted player are revealed to all.
Sign: Rooster, which fits somebody who could yell out the answers for the other players.
Kind Abstratus: Dicekind.
Prototyping: Four clover leaves.

HIGHMOON was the HEIR OF LIGHT, whose abnormal luck grants protection.
- One-Shot Bulletproof: Once in the game, can survive a death attempt at night.
- Paranoid Gun Owner: If a player directly targets the Heir of Light, that player is killed and, unless that player was mafia, the Heir of Light is told of that player's role powers.
Sign: Dog, because WHO'S A LUCKY DOG???
Kind Abstratus: 2xPistolkind.
Prototyping: A brown teddy bear and an iPod.

RK-9 was the PRINCE OF HEART, whose good intentions could turn out badly.
- Miller: Turns up alarming results to investigative roles.
- Beloved Princess: When killed, causes the next Day phase to be skipped.
Sign: Rabbit, which is a sign associated with amiability. Not to mention how, you know, rabbits are known for excessive breeding.
Kind Abstratus: Wandkind.
Prototyping: A dead bird.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE was the WITCH OF TIME, who could replace players with their alternate timeline selves, causing them to take upon the powers they chose not to have.
- Temporary Role Swapper: Each night, can cause a player to, for that Night and the following Day, have the powers they did not choose instead of their original powers. Cannot self-target and will fail against certain roles.
- Permanent Role Swapper: Each night, can cause a player to, permanently starting the next Day, have the powers they did not choose instead of their original powers. Cannot self-target and will fail against certain roles.
Sign: Monkey, which is a sign associated with creativity and craftiness, fitting with the fact that, used well, this role had a fair deal of potential.
Kind Abstratus: Telescopekind.
Prototyping: An old, battered unicorn plushie (as seen here).

-The neutral-

CHIEF ZACKRAI was the BARD OF SPACE, whose odd songstry could be either charming, or deadly.
- Serial Name Killer: Once per night, can call a sign, full mythological title and kind abstratus, with a 25% chance of killing a player with the called sign, a 50% chance of killing a player with the called title and a 100% chance of killing a player with the called abstratus. The Bard of Space's objective is to kill at least four players by this effect, and they can only call their own information while there are four or less living players.
- Cult Leader: Once per night, can target a player and attempt to guess each half of their title, their role powers, their sign, their kind abstratus and their prototyping. An effect is applied based on the number of correct guesses:
- 0: The Bard of Space dies, regardless of "cult counters".
- 1: Nothing happens.
- 2+: The player becomes Cult aligned and may communicated privately with the Bard of Space; however, if the player is mafia, instead, the Bard of Space dies, regardless of "cult counters".
- 3+: The Bard of Space gains a "cult counter". If the Bard of Space would be killed, they lose a "cult counter" instead if they have any.
- 4+: The player becomes Cult aligned even if they are mafia.
- 5+: The Bard of Space gains two "cult counters" instead of one.
- 6: The targeted player also gains a "cult counter", which is only effective while the Bard of Space is alive.
The Cult Leader's objective is to turn all living, non-mafia players Cult-aligned. Cult aligned players cannot target the Bard of Space with killing powers. Cult aligned players can cast a lynching vote against the Bard of Space, but never the first vote against them during that Day. Cult-aligned players display as their original alignment.
Sign: Horse, because I had no fitting sign for this (although in retrospect Rooster would fit) and no fitting role for that sign (although in retrospect it would go well with the Knight of Hope).
Kind Abstratus: Glovekind (explaining the three hand-related deathes).
Prototyping: A teddy bear.



Where "->" means "is a client player to".

ole_schooler -> Mai -> RK-9 -> Coloursfall -> Negrek -> Chief Zackrai -> Mawile -> Karkat Vantas -> Superbird -> HighMoon -> Legendaryseeker99 -> Twilight Sparkle -> ole_schooler



-Night Zero-
ole_schooler (Knight of Hope) did not roleblock a player.
Karkat Vantas (Rogue of Life) did not heal a player.
Mai (Maid of Breath) protected Negrek (Sylph of Void).
Negrek (Sylph of Void) killed Mai (Maid of Breath).
Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space) called Page of Void, Clubkind and Monkey. There is no Page of Void. No player is using Clubkind. Twilight Sparkle was not killed.
Coloursfall (Mage of Mind) did not investigate a player.
Superbird (Seer of Blood) asked "How many Mafia are there in the game?". The answer is "Three".
Twilight Sparkle (Witch of Time) did not role swap a player.

-Day One-
No one was lynched.

-Night One-
ole_schooler (Knight of Hope) blocked Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space).
Karkat Vantas (Rogue of Life) did not heal a player.
Negrek (Sylph of Void) killed Twilight Sparkle (Witch of Time).
Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space) did not make an attempt.
Coloursfall (Mage of Mind) investigated Legendaryseeker99 (Page of Rage).
Superbird (Seer of Blood) asked "Is there a miller or other player in this game who will appear Mafia if inspected who isn't actually Mafia?". The answer is "Yes".
Twilight Sparkle (Witch of Time) swapped ole_schooler (Knight of Hope). Starting the next night, ole_schooler (Knight of Hope) is a vigilante.

-Day Two-
No one was lynched.

-Night Two-
Karkat Vantas (Rogue of Life) healed Mawile (Thief of Doom).
Negrek (Sylph of Void) killed Superbird (Seer of Blood).
ole_schooler (Knight of Hope) killed Negrek (Sylph of Void).
Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space) called Ox. ole_schooler (Knight of Hope) was killed.
Coloursfall (Mage of Mind) investigated Legendaryseeker99 (Page of Rage).
Superbird (Seer of Blood) did not ask a question.

-Day Three-
Legendaryseeker99 (Page of Rage) was lynched.

-Night Three-
Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space) called Prince of Heart. RK-9 (Prince of Heart) was killed.
Coloursfall (Mage of Mind) investigated Mawile (Thief of Doom).

-Day Four-
Mawile (Thief of Doom) was lynched.

-Night Four-
Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space) called Lancekind, Bard of Space and Horse. ole_schooler (Knight of Hope) is already dead. Chief Zackrai (Bard of Space) was killed.
Coloursfall (Mage of Mind) did not investigate a player.
Oh ole_schooler, you targeted Negrek after neg killed me! You were such a sweet server player! <3

Good game, guys! I was even paying attention after my death, which is unusual *g*
Oh ole_schooler, you targeted Negrek after neg killed me! You were such a sweet server player! <3

Good game, guys! I was even paying attention after my death, which is unusual *g*

Awe, sucks, it was nothing. It actually was, I didn't know that's who killed you :D. But yeah, that was a fun game, for all that I spent half my time barking up the wrong tree and looking like a mafia. The battle's done, and we technically won, so sound that victory cheer!
Yay for innocent win, I guess! Dying on night one sucked but at least the server/client chain was fun.
I made a mistake. When I healed Mawile, it was to make sure she wasn't scum. But I never told anybody else about my powers!


Good work, though, town.
gj town. Unlucky that ole_schooler got swapped to vigilante; if me and LS99 had survived the night, we were pretty well set. Unfortunate that I only realized Mawile was the last mafia after I died.

And a pleasure doing business with you, Chief Zackrai.
well, if i had known you were mafia, Negrek, i would have been cool with that, and i might have even used you to win. I was so close.

But yeah, this was fun.
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