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loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
Does your school give too much homework? Not you college people, I'm talking about all the minors in public schools.

Did you know that homework has little effect on achievement? If you don't have homework, it doesn't make too much of a difference. Teachers think that homework prepares them for college, but homework has little effect.

So, does your school give out too much homework, or too little? (If this topic should be moved, then move it, seeing as this seemed like the best place to put this, but I'm not sure. =\)
Well, here's something I made for an English assignment. It touches upon this subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8_lrh2pnQs
(ironically, people think I'm the worst overachiever in the school)

But, um. If you're unlucky, the teachers of all six academic courses you take might give you homework on the same nights, and in that case, you're pretty much screwed. On the flip side, and this happens just as frequently, you'll get no homework at all for a few days.
If I didn't get to practice math in my Algebra II homework, I doubt I would understand how to even do the problems
So even though I'm all BLUUUUHH when I have to do my homework, if I never had any I'd never fully understand the subject

Although there are things that I'm like "wtf why are we doing this" in my English class. Last week, we had finished our big essay on To Kill A Mockingbird (uuugggghh), and were watching the movie in class for fun.
Next class?
Essay on the differences between the film and the novel.
And I wasn't paying attention to the movie, either. (I was reading...)

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When I was in high school, we used to wriggle our way out of doing homework by pushing the due date further and further forward until he eventually just gave up on us doing anything.

I think I wrote one essay in Advanced Higher English. :D! I used to do that for Maths, too, but I did actually fail that subject so it's probably not a good idea to just sit and mess around with your boyfriend's iPod Touch every period.
Teachers think that homework prepares them for college, but homework has little effect.

?? College/uni is at least 50% homework or study (inb4 'unless you're an english major' tailsy), so yeah it kind of does prepare you for that. People at college/uni don't give two butts whether you hand in your stuff, so being motivated to do homework or study on your own really is something you need to learn and make a habit out of at school. Your lecturers aren't going to ask you whether you've done your homework or study and they aren't going to push you to do it - regular studying and homework are at their most important when you're in college/uni because they actually do help when you're studying regularly, not just cramming (which is what most people do).

I used to do that for Maths, too, but I did actually fail that subject so it's probably not a good idea to just sit and mess around with your boyfriend's iPod Touch every period.
fun story: I did no homework/study for my entire maths unit in highschool and finished with something like 28% in the tertiary entrance exam (this is also because I barely grasp maths as it is but hey)
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No, school prepares you for college. Ok yeah, it's good to make a habit out of turning your stuff in, but a study shows that homework has little effect on making you better prepared for college. By homework, I mean the actually homework, what you do on the homework. What you do on the homework doesn't really make you smarter since you already know it in school. (unless you dont grasp the situation)

I have to read hundreds of pages a week for homework. Well, I do love reading, but still. Actually, my school might give out alot of homework, but if they do, I usually just do it on a bus, xD.
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If I didn't get to practice math in my Algebra II homework, I doubt I would understand how to even do the problems
So even though I'm all BLUUUUHH when I have to do my homework, if I never had any I'd never fully understand the subject

I agree with Seeker on this one. I remember back in the 5th grade I never fully understood how to divide fractions in school, but somehow I got the hang of it while doing the homework. So I probably would've failed Math, =P.

And now, even though we have a decent amount of homework, I still grasp things better by doing it.

So yeah, homework does help, but then you sometimes get those out-of-the-blue assignments and have to wing it. Usually it's with reading essays I procrastinate in because I read my on books instead. >~<
Unless you are inhumanly skilled at maths, you won't do well unless you actually do the work. It's not a matter of knowing what to do, it's a matter of being able to do it comfortably and quickly.

In other subjects I can buy homework being less important, but it still gives you practice at things other than the actual material you're covering - writing essays, for example. Being able to write well in general - not just essays - is very valuable.
?? College/uni is at least 50% homework or study (inb4 'unless you're an english major' tailsy)

Actually, being an English major does consist of a lot of work! You *have* to read all the required reading otherwise you will not understand a word of the lectures, and considering I have to read about, oh, 8 books a module, that's quite a task even though I only do three modules a trimester. You have to be able to speak articulately and comment intelligently on the reading in seminars, because that *also* counts for your overall mark, and you need to be able to condense your knowledge into a relatively short space and still sound like a clever clogs. It's pretty difficult, if you think about it!

Of course I don't read half of the books and do all my essays the night before (LIKE RIGHT NOW :D). But I'm just a genius who naturally writes well. This will not always work.

And yeah you do actually have to work hard for Maths. I drew a cat on my exam paper. That was how much work I did. I don't think I answered any question in paper 2.
At my school it typically varies depending on what teachers you get. Two of my current teachers give quite a bit of homework, which really sucks as I now have to choose between getting all of it done and having free time.

My English teacher giving that much homework I don't typically mind, as it is reasonable, but my AP Bio teacher has no clue what is reasonable. I think her problem is that she wants to assign as much homework as if it were an actual college course, not realizing that we have five other classes that both assign work and take up our whole days. Although we never get any work back from her, so I don't know if it's affecting people's grades at all.

Homework does help, as it is needed to practice whatever subject (especially Math), but when there's far too much of it it can become impossible to learn anything.
No, school prepares you for college. Ok yeah, it's good to make a habit out of turning your stuff in, but a study shows that homework has little effect on making you better prepared for college. By homework, I mean the actually homework, what you do on the homework. What you do on the homework doesn't really make you smarter since you already know it in school. (unless you dont grasp the situation)

It's difficult to truly understand lecture material in most fields of study without actively working through it yourself. This is why we have homework and lab periods, and you can only fit so much into a 50 minute timeframe.

That's not to say it's not possible to have excessive, superfluous workloads, but having absolutely no homework will leave you totally unprepared for university.
In school homework just felt like practise for exams we would have for another half a year anyway, since the teachers basically knew what were coming up in exams and just made us do example questions over and over as homework. While not a bad thing, learning material just for the exam isn't exactly the best way to go about it, especially since some people can get away with doing no homework the entire year and study the week before the exam and do just as well.

I don't think I got too much homework. I'm the laziest person I know and I managed to get most of them done on time! Though I'm not sure how I'd know if it was too little work or not.
And since people are talking about maths, I feel the homework isn't there to make you understand really, it was mainly there to get you in practice. While repeating something over and over isn't the best method of learning (since learning how to derive something is a better skill to have than just memory) it does help a lot when it comes to stuff like trig identities. I don't really want to waste time in an exam trying to remember how cot relates to cosec relate to each other by deriving it, I much prefer it being second nature, which homework does help with.

Anyway yeah, I didn't get too much homework or anything. So far uni homework doesn't seem that much either (silly me, I'm supposed to be doing some right now!) but I'm sure it'll pick up sooner or later. It is hard enough that I'm looking back to school work and finding it funny that that was work.
Did you know that homework has little effect on achievement?
Whoa...is that really true? I'm guessing it is.
DarkAura said:
So, does your school give out too much homework, or too little?
Well, my maths teacher doesn't like homework, he just gives it out so that the parents don't complain and stuff. But at our school in fifth grade, I get quite a bit of homework.

But our Christmas play is coming up soon, so all our homework is learning song words. :3
I definitely get far too much homework. We have math homework after every class, including right now on Thanksgiving break. We also tend to have a lot of "if you don't get this done in class then it's homework" assignments, which I usually finish, but it would be pretty annoying if I was any slower. I also have to write a speech on a subject that I don't particularly care about this weekend.

Also, we're supposed to read in Spanish for an hour each week for Spanish III, but I think the teacher forgot about that. Shh.
No, school prepares you for college. Ok yeah, it's good to make a habit out of turning your stuff in, but a study shows that homework has little effect on making you better prepared for college. By homework, I mean the actually homework, what you do on the homework. What you do on the homework doesn't really make you smarter since you already know it in school. (unless you dont grasp the situation)
As people above said, homework gets you in the habit of studying regularly, which is absolutely necessary when you get to later schooling and college, or else you will fail. And like Seeker above, if my teachers didn't give out homework, I probably wouldn't score half as well on the tests; homework also reinforces your knowledge of the subject. And yes, you do already know what the homework tests. But for most people homework is necessary to remind them, and reinforce the concept in their head, as well as for practice. Practice is always good.

I have to read hundreds of pages a week for homework. Well, I do love reading, but still. Actually, my school might give out alot of homework, but if they do, I usually just do it on a bus, xD.
You think reading hundreds of pages is bad? Try annotating them. Pure torture. For my English class, anyway.

Well, my maths teacher doesn't like homework, he just gives it out so that the parents don't complain and stuff. But at our school in fifth grade, I get quite a bit of homework.
Don't talk until you get to middle school. Elementary school really does not count.
As people above said, homework gets you in the habit of studying regularly, which is absolutely necessary when you get to later schooling and college, or else you will fail. And like Seeker above, if my teachers didn't give out homework, I probably wouldn't score half as well on the tests; homework also reinforces your knowledge of the subject. And yes, you do already know what the homework tests. But for most people homework is necessary to remind them, and reinforce the concept in their head, as well as for practice. Practice is always good.
It's when teachers give homework for the sake of homework, and excessive homework, where things really start to fall apart - but then, they really have no choice because my parents, like so many other High Expectations Asian parents, get really angry if there's no homework. He even influenced the council enough to give my English teacher a negative review just because I wasn't getting homework from her.

Don't talk until you get to middle school. Elementary school really does not count.
This. Also, if I may add, middle school is like nothing when compared to grades 11 and 12 (junior and senior).
There's a fine line between actual homework and mindless busywork. Some work will actually help prepare you for college, but pointless assignments wont.
Hmm... those scientists who said homework doesn't do much shouldn't even be scientists...

Homework doesn't really do anything for me though. I grasp very subject perfectly. =\
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