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I never did homework back in school (that's not entirely true though) and I still managed to get graduated in uni so homework doesn't necessarily help.

What I hated the most, however, was studying for exams. I still do. This is something I must fix on myself.
I find that some home work helps but a lot of the math work is tiresome and silly.

I know repetition is needed to memorize stuff in math but doing the same question 20 times slightly changed is silly and just bores me.

A) to T) with 2-3 questions each -_- for question 1
I understand how important homework is and all that, I just despise doing it. Because of this I will procrastinate on everything, and usually come out OK. The only subject that that doesn't work in very well is my English class. It's a "Challenge" English class, which means it's for a group of us 28 kids who had to pass a test, write an essay, etc. to get in. About half of us are designated "Gifted" by the government, while most of the rest never took the test that would give them that title. Because of that, the class, though for a bunch of ninth graders, focuses mainly on the twelfth grade curriculum, and advances the same way, meaning that our twelfth grade class will focus mainly on skills learned in third year university. Fun.
Homework doesn't really do anything for me though. I grasp very subject perfectly. =\

Try being in high school.

Did you know that homework has little effect on achievement? If you don't have homework, it doesn't make too much of a difference.

What do you mean by "achievement"? How is it measured? How was the study conducted? I'm not going to believe you until you cite your sources.
It was from some educational magazine my stupid teacher had us read. Umm, It had the initials TFK on it.
It was from some educational magazine my stupid teacher had us read. Umm, It had the initials TFK on it.

Okay, so I did some googling. It seems like the verdict is pretty mixed on whether homework helps students or not, but most studies agree that more homework is associated with better test scores for older students (> elementary):

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Even though I dislike doing homework, I must conclude that doing them is probably beneficial if I want good grades. Having good grades also mean that I will more likely be accepted by a good college*, which generally associates with higher starting salaries.

And now, off to procrastinate some more do homework.

*Since I live in an affluent area in the US and don't exactly have exceptional extracurricular activities or awards
Actually, being an English major does consist of a lot of work! You *have* to read all the required reading otherwise you will not understand a word of the lectures, and considering I have to read about, oh, 8 books a module, that's quite a task even though I only do three modules a trimester. You have to be able to speak articulately and comment intelligently on the reading in seminars, because that *also* counts for your overall mark, and you need to be able to condense your knowledge into a relatively short space and still sound like a clever clogs. It's pretty difficult, if you think about it!

Of course I don't read half of the books and do all my essays the night before (LIKE RIGHT NOW :D). But I'm just a genius who naturally writes well. This will not always work.
oh I totally agree! but I was just pre-empting the oncoming 'unless you're ME!' :D I took one english unit and I had seven books to read, so.
Hmm... those scientists who said homework doesn't do much shouldn't even be scientists...
They might not be, depending on your source.
(edit: didn't see a few posts where the source is actually cited; can't be bothered to look over it now)

Anyways. During my school years, I've mastered the technique of wriggling my way out of getting any homework done. Now, I'm facing entry exams (note that where I live the equivalent to SATs mean nothing; for one they'd have to stop being annulated every year because some asshole somewhere cheated) and I can't spend three hours focused on studying for them. Whether these two facts are correlated and what correlation they share exactly would be for somebody smarter than I am to figure out.
They might not be, depending on your source.
(edit: didn't see a few posts where the source is actually cited; can't be bothered to look over it now)

Anyways. During my school years, I've mastered the technique of wriggling my way out of getting any homework done. Now, I'm facing entry exams (note that where I live the equivalent to SATs mean nothing; for one they'd have to stop being annulated every year because some asshole somewhere cheated) and I can't spend three hours focused on studying for them. Whether these two facts are correlated and what correlation they share exactly would be for somebody smarter than I am to figure out.

It seems that the lack of homework left you without the focus neccessary for the task at hand. Long hours spent on homework would likely have increased your ability to concentrate. Therefore, these cupcakes are delicious and taste like murder.


I mean what
This. Also, if I may add, middle school is like nothing when compared to grades 11 and 12 (junior and senior).

I've never had a lot of homework but probably my worst year in terms of it was grade 11. Now that I'm a senior and only three of my classes give homework (one of those classes, I must add, is music theory so I actually find the homework fun) i don't have to worry about anything :V cept the bullshit senior exit project but not til 2012
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