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How do you pronounce 2010?


Says "also" and "or something" a lot
Two thousand (and) ten?
Two zero one zero?

Twenty-ten seems better in my opinion since it's easier to say and we will eventually start saying it like that by the 2100s anyway. I'll probably end up saying it the long way, since I'm used to it like that. Also I like to say things more properly anyway.
When I say it the long way, I say it with the 'and'. I dislike it when it's dropped but that's probably just the way I was taught.

I'll be saying twenty-twenty though, and probably each decade after that.
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Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

probably twenty-ten

not entirely sure
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Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Two thousand and ten. That's how rponounced it when I read the thread title in my head.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Two thousand and ten, but I pronounce it more like "Twothousanenten." Maybe it's a Midwestern accent thing.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Oh, whoops oblivious Flora

Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

well we were doing okay up until 1999 with saying two numbers, e.g. "nineteen-seventy-three" (1973). the 2000s (I utterly refuse to call it the "noughties" on account of that being a fucking retarded name) kind of buggered things up a little. saying stuff like "twenty-three" (2003) was just too confusing so I guess everyone went with saying the full number.

I'll call it "twenty-ten" because that sounds easiest I guess.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I'll probably say twenty-ten because my friends keep correcting me whenever I say two-thousand and ten. But-randomly-it would be weird to say twenty-thirty.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Two thousand and ten, but I pronounce it more like "Twothousanenten." Maybe it's a Midwestern accent thing.
I guess I do this too, but the way I say it still has a hint of a D in there.

(I utterly refuse to call it the "noughties" on account of that being a fucking retarded name)

I do like the sound of the word 'noughties', but I agree that it's a bit stupid, it isn't very fitting for something as important as a name of a decade.

Speaking of which, are the 10s called the 'tens' or the 'teens' or what? I suppose 'tens' which we'll probably be used to eventually but it sounds odd to me at the moment (although in a different way to noughties).
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I've been saying twenty-ten.


eta: what the hell are they going to call 2000-2009 anyway?
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Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Speaking of which, are the 10s called the 'tens' or the 'teens' or what? I suppose 'tens' which we'll probably be used to eventually but it sounds odd to me at the moment (although in a different way to noughties).
This reminds me of something.

What do you call the 1910s?
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

This reminds me of something.

What do you call the 1910s?

I don't know; I was originally going to write "will the 2010s be called the 'tens' or the 'teens' or what?" but then changed it since the 1910s also have a name.

The 00s in the 20th century were called the nineteen-hundreds weren't they? Then I'd call the 1910s the nineteen tens. Unless the 2010s go by a different name, in which case I'd call them the nineteen-whatevers. I've never needed to refer to that decade before so it's never really come up.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I don't know; I was originally going to write "will the 2010s be called the 'tens' or the 'teens' or what?" but then changed it since the 1910s also have a name.

The 00s in the 20th century were called the nineteen-hundreds weren't they? Then I'd call the 1910s the nineteen tens. Unless the 2010s go by a different name, in which case I'd call them the nineteen-whatevers. I've never needed to refer to that decade before so it's never really come up.
I always interpreted "ninteen-hundreds" as meaning the entire 20th century. Most of the time when I've seen people referencing the first decade of the century, they just call it "the early 20th century".
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I've heard 1900-1910 be referred to as 'the turn of the century', but that's uncool (what about that other turn of the century?). 1910s are just the nineteen-tens, I suppose.

Noughties is a horrible name, I'm sorry. I like 'the early 2000s'. 2010-2020 can be the teens~
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

Twenty-ten. For some reason I keep wanting to say twenty-o-ten, even though it makes no sense.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

I always interpreted "ninteen-hundreds" as meaning the entire 20th century. Most of the time when I've seen people referencing the first decade of the century, they just call it "the early 20th century".

I guess, but '2000s' could also refer to the whole century/millennium if you wanted it to, which is why I think 00s should be given a name. Noughties does the job, as ridiculous as it may sound. Although I think "oh-ohs" is used too.
Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010?

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