• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hurt and Heal (Water-Types)

Blastoise: 15 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 13 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 15 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 15 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 8 HP
Walrein: 16 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 16 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 15 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP

Blastoise: 15 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 13 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 15 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 15 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 7 HP HURT
Walrein: 16 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 17 HP HEAL
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 15 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 15 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 13 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 15 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP HEAL
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 6 HP HURT
Walrein: 16 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 17 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 15 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 15 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 13 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 15 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 6 HP
Walrein: 15 HP [HURT]
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 17 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 16 HP [HEAL]
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 15 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 13 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP Healed
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 5 HP Hurt
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 17 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 16 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP (Healed)
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 13 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 4 HP Hurt
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 17 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 16 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 12 HP (hurt)
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 4 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 17 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 16 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP (healed)
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 15 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 12 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 3 HP HURT
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP HEAL
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 16 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP~Heal
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 12 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 2 HP HURT
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 16 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 11 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 2 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 17 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
I'd like to reserve the honor of killing Milotic for myself, so:

Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 11 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 16 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 2 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 14 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 17 HP
Gastrodon: 18 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
Manaphy: 15 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 11 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Milotic: 1 HP Hurt - Kill It!
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 17 HP
Gastrodon: 19 HP Heal
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 11 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 14 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 18 HP~Heal
Gastrodon: 19 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 15 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 11 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 13 HP (hurt)
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 19 HP (heal)
Gastrodon: 19 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 14 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 16 HP [Heal]
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 11 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 13 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 19 HP
Gastrodon: 19 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP [Hurt]
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 16 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 10 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 13 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 20 HP
Gastrodon: 19 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP

Why yes, I am trying to make Floatzel invincible :D
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 15 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 16 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 10 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 12 HP Hurt
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 14 HP
Floatzel: 20 HP
Gastrodon: 20 HP Heal
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 16 HP ~ Heal
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 16 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 10 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 12 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 14 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 13 HP ~ Hurt
Floatzel: 20 HP
Gastrodon: 20 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 16 HP
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 16 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 16 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 10 HP
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 12 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 13 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 13 HP
Floatzel: 21 HP
Gastrodon: 20 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
Blastoise: 16 HP
Golduck: 17 HP HEAL
Poliwrath: 15 HP
Slowbro: 16 HP
Tentacruel: 15 HP
Dewgong: 15 HP
Cloyster: 15 HP
Kingler: 16 HP
Seaking: 15 HP
Starmie: 16 HP
Gyarados: 16 HP
Lapras: 15 HP
Vaporeon: 15 HP
Omastar: 15 HP
Kabutops: 15 HP
Feraligatr: 15 HP
Lanturn: 16 HP
Azumarill: 9 HP HURT
Politoed: 15 HP
Quagsire: 15 HP
Slowking: 14 HP
Qwilfish: 15 HP
Corsola: 12 HP
Octillery: 15 HP
Mantine: 15 HP
Kingdra: 14 HP
Suicune: 17 HP
Swampert: 16 HP
Ludicolo: 16 HP
Pelipper: 15 HP
Surskit: 13 HP
Sharpedo: 15 HP
Wailord: 18 HP
Whiscash: 16 HP
Crawdaunt: 14 HP
Walrein: 15 HP
Huntail: 15 HP
Gorebyss: 15 HP
Relicanth: 16 HP
Luvdisc: 15 HP
Kyogre: 16 HP
Empoleon: 18 HP
Bibarel: 13 HP
Floatzel: 21 HP
Gastrodon: 20 HP
Lumineon: 16 HP
Phione: 13 HP
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