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hurt 'n' heal

90 Arbok
80 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
75 Arcanine -
85 Ninetales
115 Scyther +
100 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
120 Magmar
90 Arbok
80 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
75 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
115 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
125 Magmar

Heal Magmar, hurt Pinsir.
90 Arbok
80 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
65 Arcanine -
85 Ninetales
120 Scyther +
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
125 Magmar
90 Arbok
80 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
70 Arcanine +
85 Ninetales
110 Scyther -
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
125 Magmar
90 Arbok
85 Sandslash HEAL
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
70 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
110 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
115 Magmar HURT
80 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
75 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
110 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
115 Magmar

Hurt Arbok, heal Arcanine!
70 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
75 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
110 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
120 Magmar

Heal Magmar, hurt Arbok.
70 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
100 Persian
65 Arcanine -
85 Ninetales
115 Scyther +
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
120 Magmar
70 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
90 Persian
65 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
115 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
125 Magmar

Heal Magmar, hurt Persian.
60 Arbok -
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
90 Persian
70 Arcanine +
85 Ninetales
115 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
125 Magmar
50 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
90 Persian
70 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
115 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar

Heal Magmar, hurt Arbok.
50 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
90 Primeape
90 Persian
65 Arcanine -
85 Ninetales
120 Scyther +
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar
55 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
80 Primeape
90 Persian
65 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
120 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar

Heal Arbok, hurt Primeape.
[95] Mew
[125] Celebi
[55] Jirachi
[20] Shaymin

Heal Shaymin, Hurt celebii.

Cause I can!
55 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
80 Primeape
90 Persian
55 Arcanine -
85 Ninetales
125 Scyther +
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar
60 Arbok +
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
70 Primeape -
90 Persian
55 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
125 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar
65 Arbok +
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
70 Primeape
80 Persian -
55 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
125 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar
65 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
70 Primeape
80 Persian
45 Arcanine -
85 Ninetales
130 Scyther +
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
130 Magmar
65 Arbok
85 Sandslash
100 Vileplume
100 Victreebel
70 Primeape
80 Persian
45 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
135 Scyther +
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
120 Magmar -

Go Scyther!
70 Arbok +
85 Sandslash
90 Vileplume -
100 Victreebel
70 Primeape
80 Persian
45 Arcanine
85 Ninetales
135 Scyther
90 Pinsir
90 Electabuzz
120 Magmar
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