• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



The one your mommy told you scary stories about...
My name is Darke Lourd (at least to anyone online). My hobbies include pokemon (duh), finding randomness in the internet, and the life-waster that is the MMORPG Mabinogi. My favorite genre of music is rock, and my favorite band is Coheed and Cambria.

By the way, the cake is a lie. Yes, I am that evil.

I'll often add random posters like this to my posts as well. I own none of them. Hooray for the internet!
Welcome to TCoD, where we drink tea and eat cod! Hope your stay here is wonderful!

a master of painfully-overused references to wildly popular games and old despair, inc crap
My name is Darke Lourd (at least to anyone online). My hobbies include pokemon (duh), finding randomness in the internet, and the life-waster that is the MMORPG Mabinogi. My favorite genre of music is rock, and my favorite band is Coheed and Cambria.
So far so good.
By the way, the cake is a lie. Yes, I am that evil.

I'll often add random posters like this to my posts as well. I own none of them. Hooray for the internet!
See here is where you messed up
Portal references are okay.

"The cake is a lie." is not. Do you do anything other than spout old memes?

Welcome, if so.
Alright then, I'll leave random internet references to other forums. Or at least keep them to an absolute minimum.
Welcome to the forums. I am your host, Ruffledfeathers. To the left of my brain is Seedeth. Just feed her honey and she won't kill you and do nasty things to the corpse.

Seedeth: Hi!!!
Coheed and Cambria? Isn't that the one where the guy sings with an incredibly annoying gay voice, or was I thinking of something else?
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