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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I demand to know what is going on.

This isn't a prank. A prank involves tricking someone in falling for a practical joke of some kind. I just clicked onto the forum and suddenly my eyes are being assaulted.
And I don't appreciate my /legitimate complaint/ about getting a migraine from this layout being ignored in favor of "LOL THIS IS GREAT".

edit: alternatively i suggest staring at my sig
i find that it usually solves my problems
so pretty
And I don't appreciate my /legitimate complaint/ about getting a migraine from this layout being ignored in favor of "LOL THIS IS GREAT".

Hahaha no. If you had a migraine from this layout you would not still be on the forum, you would not be on the computer at all. Get over yourself.
Well I hope you guys are happy with your little prank. You just made Big Red Cherry Bomb sick and nearly have a seizure because he wanted to come here and check his RP.

Good going, guys.
I heard idle discussion
Of some sort of confusion
Of forums filled with Maggyo,
So to the forums I did go.

The pages touched by Hella Jeff
Overflowèd with Stunfisk
The bright, bold colors burned my eyes
And all that I could ask was "Why?"

"Why would anypony want
For a whole website to exeunt
Such a noisy, boisterous theme,
Even to fulfill a meme?"

I must conclude my typing here;
To carry on, I truly fear
Might do something not quite right
To my already flawed eyesight.
I would say "in before mad", but I'd be wrong. I'd also sound retarded.
Look, I don't care about the prank. Sure it's not my cup of tea, but whatever. It's April Fools.

When I hear my friend (and boyfriend as well, natch) on MSN just stop by to check on his RPs, and then he has to get off the computer because suddenly he's shaking and feeling very nauseous, it becomes a damn problem. I'm sitting here worried if he's going to be alright.

How about a little more thought before making something like this? Or at least a prank that doesn't trigger possibly-epileptic reactions, please?
Look, I don't care about the prank. Sure it's not my cup of tea, but whatever. It's April Fools.

When I hear my friend (and boyfriend as well, natch) on MSN just stop by to check on his RPs, and then he has to get off the computer because suddenly he's shaking and feeling very nauseous, it becomes a damn problem. I'm sitting here worried if he's going to be alright.

How about a little more thought before making something like this? Or at least a prank that doesn't trigger possibly-epileptic reactions, please?

I'm sorry. I don't know why everyone is ignoring your posts. Unfortunately I don't have access to the style controls in the admin control panel, or I'd switch it off (or at least default to some other style). I suggest you PM Negrek or Butterfree about it.
I'm sorry. I don't know why everyone is ignoring your posts. Unfortunately I don't have access to the style controls in the admin control panel, or I'd switch it off (or at least default to some other style). I suggest you PM Negrek or Butterfree about it.
Last I heard Big Red Cherry Bomb was fine.

P.S. What makes you think I don't get the reference?
I'm sorry. I don't know why everyone is ignoring your posts. Unfortunately I don't have access to the style controls in the admin control panel, or I'd switch it off (or at least default to some other style). I suggest you PM Negrek or Butterfree about it.

The post wasn't ignored, it was simply dealt with elsewhere.
Last I heard Big Red Cherry Bomb was fine.

P.S. What makes you think I don't get the reference?

Even if he's fine, Zora complained as well. And even if they're both lying for whatever reason, why would you not err on the side of caution?

(If you do it's even better.)
Are people really so dependent on these forums, though, that they can't chill out about it for a day?

this isn't permanent ololol.
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