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I don't like spoilers

Giovanni is a gym leader

You were adopted

Mew ain't under the truck

The cake is a lie

Lady GaGa has a ****

Have an awful day! >:)
Wily was behind it all along.

And so was Sigma. Well, except for X8 and Command Mission, but 7 out of 9 isn't bad.

Bill is killed.

This picture:
Spoiling the Usual Suspects ruins the effect of the movie rather, I regret that I wasn't able to see it untwisted at first. And it is a great movie, you should see it.

At any rate...

(seriously what did you expect, posting a thread titled "I don't like spoilers")
Also, Ash dies!

Halloween is fake!

Your mom's a hooker!

Your dad's a fugitive!


The RED Scout just grabbed the Intelligence.
I thought Patrick Swayze was the Ghost? *shot*
Oh no not again.... *gets to cover* Well Welcome and watch out for the welcome mats... they bite.
OMJESUS! I just heard the most horrible news! Snape kills dumbledor <- does he have an "e" at the end of his name?
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