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Re: ...Awesome?

G/S/C=Epic win.=D

I hope they make a remake, it was my favorite generation, my first was goldd, then I lost it, then I got Crystal. Generation 2 is better than the newer games, like Dimond or Pearl. Alot more to do. It's sad for me that my GBA SP light battery ran out and now I can't play it, probroly won't get much money for it, either. It's just gathering dust right now.D=

Re: ...Awesome?

Friend: Well I ran into it last night ((Just so you know, I hadn't beaten Jasmine yet at this point))

Your friend apparently thinks like I do. Jasmine would always piss me off, so I explored around and found Mahogany and the Lake of Rage and catch the Red Gyarados. And so I'd go beat Pryce, do the other stuff, then go back and dragon rage Jasmine's Pokemon, making the gym infinitely easier. =D

Ironic, I rather like steel Pokemon now.
Re: ...Awesome?

That is horrific. What did you do to her? I would've knocked her into orbit around the earth.

I felt like that

I released her Clefable and Wigglytuff, caught a Clefairy and named it "uglywartypoopybutt". I could have done worse, but meh. The look on her face was priceless >3
Re: ...Awesome?

Silver Version was the first console game I've ever played. Unfortunately, the cartridge doesn't work anymore and then I discovered the use of ROMs... Good memories...
Re: ...Awesome?

Somehow.. my Crystal still works. I'm not entirely sure how....

But, eyah, my first two shinies were on that Crystal cartridge, an Unown and a Seel(who I eventually evolved) Why did I restart it? ... Ok, I honestly have no idea. I really like the new graphics of DP, but Crystal? My first game, and I still have the old thing. I play it every now and then too. *hugs Typhlosion*
Re: ...Awesome?

I have yet to own one *until next week that is....* BUT I have played it before. I don't know why, but just holding it sends shivers down my spine. I play it on my GBA SP, which, suprisinly, it works on.
Re: ...Awesome?

The next handheld needs to have a "Virtual Handheld" to download Virtual Biy and Game Boy and Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games.
Re: ...Awesome?

They were definatly the best Pokémon games ever made. I wish that they would make a remake, my internal battery died a few days ago. :sad:
Re: ...Awesome?

I can never forget it! The first I played it, I was up all night, sneakily playing it under the covers when my mom was asleep. I fell asleep at 1:00 and had to wake up at 5:30. It was worth it, though!
I really do hope they make a remake *sigh*...
Not that I'm tired of playing the original G/S/C games though, I remeber when I first played Pokemon: Crystal Version, (it was the first game I had ever played excluding games like Dig-Dug and The Neverhood) I didn't know how to use the directional pad properly... I couldn't walk around the table to at Elm's place to select a Pokemon, and I ended up with Cyndaquil because he was the only one I could reach :grin:.

I'm thinking about restarting Crystal :unsure:.... But if i do I'll definitely choose cyndaquil :grin:!
I hope for a remake too. In my opinion, Johto is pretty "not noticed"(well, to "new" fans and the like), maybe it has to do with the only Johto games not being playable on the DS?
I played not even to the first gym, I saved on Gold and went to dive practice.
I came home, ecstatic to play it. The title screen comes on. I press A because I saw it before. I'm like "ZOMG what the heck happened to my save file? ;.;"

And you say it's GBC? *checks* Maybe that's the problem. Gold's just a regular Game Boy game. EBAY LIED TO ME! ;.;

But anyways, since I can't play that, and I can't experience yellow because of Brock, Diamond comes up next, mainly because of Wi-Fi XD
GS remake plz

I replaced the battery in my Gold, will have to do soon for Crystal. Been attempting to blitz Crystal with Typhlosion, but that epicfailed when I got a pichu from the Odd Egg. I couldn't resist. Piiikaaachuuu~
Re: ...Awesome?

I haven't played Johto in a long time, so I'm not sure if it still hold up today like it used to. But, they really need to remake it...the next generation of snot-picking whippersnappers will wonder what video games their parents played, and handing them down a cartridge with a peeling sticker and a broken battery isn't going to cut it. We really need this remake for the DS, if not enough people have said so already. What would be really cool is if we could have Hoenn in addition to Kanto, since it hasn't had a direct sequel like RBY. Another cool thing would be to bring back the Pokemon sticker printing thing, so you can send the stickers wirelessly to your PC or printer, or send them to someone else with a DS.

my oldest system =snes
Get a Super Game Boy. It can play old GB games (no GBC), and the Pokemon games have custom borders and colors, so it looks really cool (compared to the old shitty Game Boy).
Hehe, this rules. My friend managed to find a Moemon ShinyGold ROM. ^_^ The only problem we've found so far is that the starters do not have moe sprites. v_v
Ahhh, GSC. I loved owning the entire game with Typhlosion.

Less fun was the way the game would reset every time I a) bumped the game cartridge or b) changed the GBA batteries without taking the cartridge out.

But 16 gyms was PWNAGE.
GSC is probably the best damn pair of pokemon games made. It seemed like there was some actual care in the series to go and make a true sequel, constantly referencing the Color Gen showing continuity and the development of the world explored in the previous games. That and the music was glorious. One thing I loved about GSC was how rare the newer pokemon were as opposed to the advance and Gem gens. You could go west of New bark town and hardly find a Sentret without a Rat or Pidgey getting in your way. This day in age I can't stand Bidoof. It just encouraged replay value as you wanted to find the new ones.

Then again, complications in obtaining pokemon started to occur. Hatching eggs, evolutions based on times of day, trading with items, roaming mons, etc. It wasn't perfect persay, but if I didn't remember having a good time going back to the land that started it all, then wow is all I can say.
G/S/C = Epic Win. Nintendo had BETTER remake those games, or else a certain Psychic will be very upset.
GSC is probably the best damn pair of pokemon games made. It seemed like there was some actual care in the series to go and make a true sequel, constantly referencing the Color Gen showing continuity and the development of the world explored in the previous games. That and the music was glorious. One thing I loved about GSC was how rare the newer pokemon were as opposed to the advance and Gem gens. You could go west of New bark town and hardly find a Sentret without a Rat or Pidgey getting in your way. This day in age I can't stand Bidoof. It just encouraged replay value as you wanted to find the new ones.

Then again, complications in obtaining pokemon started to occur. Hatching eggs, evolutions based on times of day, trading with items, roaming mons, etc. It wasn't perfect persay, but if I didn't remember having a good time going back to the land that started it all, then wow is all I can say.

A pair? You sure about that? XP

And what's wrong with eggs, time-required evolutions and roaming pokemon? Those have been in the games since GSC, and many people like them.
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