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Idea Center: Part Deuce

Well, the one of the things that would be required to sign up (If/when I make it)
would be some flaws. Inabilty to control power or use it properly, something like that.
I've thought this out, and I want the kids to actually be kind of wimpy at first, not able to use any pokemon moves or only really wimpy ones, and getting stronger with every battle, so there wouldn't be any super powerful ones.

And I have an explanation for why the dimensions got screwy, I just didn't put it up `cause it's kind of long.

And you're right, they should be humans.
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So, after obsessing over The Legend of Zelda for the past couple days weeks months, I had an idea for a psuedo-crossover RP between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Twilight Princess and Pokemon Black/White. The basis is on eight ocarina songs that played a large part in the Ocarina of Time. Also, I have enough theroretical evidence that Hyrule and Unova could be the same region, only that Unova was built on top of the ruins of Hyrule.(about a 2,000 year difference between the two civilizations) And the Triforce, being a holy ancient relic and all that, survived. And then of course there's the remnants of Team Plasma and the fact that the Shadow Triad is on the loose and could free Ghetsis. And how Ghetsis is bent on world domination. The RP would be for abour 8-14 ish people.

So, I'm in the process of putting the plotline/rules/forms/etc. together, but I was wondering if there was any intrest in an RP like this.

Any thoughts?
^This...Sounds great. I can tell you put a lot of work into this.
I loved Ocarina of time, and I might join if you did it, although i'm unfamiliar with the world of Zelda.

I keep on having this idea of Discord mashing together Equestria with our world in one world for kicks. And it's up to ponies and humans alike to stop him and get both worlds back. Not sure if I could pull it off but the idea's epic.

Not sure if the show characters would just be NPCs or not.
^ yes. do it. do it.

Although the people who joined No Turning Back (another pony one) might not be interested because of the similarity, with the exception of moi.
^ yes. do it. do it.

Although the people who joined No Turning Back (another pony one) might not be interested because of the similarity, with the exception of moi.

It'd be quite different. The only similarity would be humans and ponies...even then, it's on a much larger scale

...unless Starship Trooper has Discord plans, that is...
I've been thinking about a League of Legends RP. Considering how the whole Champion/Summoner relationship works, it could make for an interesting RP. I am not sure if anyone is interested, though; the interest in League of Legends seems fairly limited on these forums.
Okay, I've been totally into the book series The Missing, and I think it could be a good RP. It's about a bunch of adopted kids, and many of whom feel kind of lost in the world. Evidently, they're all the same age, at thirteen. Then one day, they start experiencing strange things: Strange letters, people appearing and disappearing into thin air, stuff like that. I dont really want to get too into explaining it, but I think this would actually be a good RP.
EDIT: Ah, screw it. I'm making it anyway :P
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1) An RP about the Asber battle going on. Only the people that are in the event may join this RP, so basiclly, those 30 people.

2) An RP about you being a pokemon and every player's character know each other. Simple enough? This story seems innocent at first, but takes a dark turn. everyone is capture by a certain team, one you get to choose. (You may not chose a team that someone else has. If someone has team rocket, you have to go with another team) Everyone soon escapes, but most of them have turned vicious and evil, contaminated by the team's evil nature, and want to murder everyone. Only a few of you are still pure at heart, and must stop the others, even though they are each other's friends...

Most of the players will have to be evil later in the story, so nly 3 will still be good. If three people have already chosen to be good, you MUST be evil.

1) An RP about the Asber battle going on. Only the people that are in the event may join this RP, so basiclly, those 30 people.

2) An RP about you being a pokemon and every player's character know each other. Simple enough? This story seems innocent at first, but takes a dark turn. everyone is capture by a certain team, one you get to choose. (You may not chose a team that someone else has. If someone has team rocket, you have to go with another team) Everyone soon escapes, but most of them have turned vicious and evil, contaminated by the team's evil nature, and want to murder everyone. Only a few of you are still pure at heart, and must stop the others, even though they are each other's friends...

Most of the players will have to be evil later in the story, so nly 3 will still be good. If three people have already chosen to be good, you MUST be evil.

I don't know about option one; I don't think there'd be that many people interested if we're keeping it exclusive. And also there's the fact that the "WE'RE GOING TO BEAT YOUR FACE IN" mandatory bravado got sort of old.
Make a new team? Team Dawn? Who'd be the leader? Princess Celestia?

How about two people a team?
Umm....do you even know who Princess Celestia is?

I'm just gonna go with the "two a team" thing. sign ups will be up in a while.
Nope. But that'll be the fun team. :P
And I did finally watch the first episode, thank you very much.
And yeah, two people would be best so you're not alone in it. You know what I mean?
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