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Idea Center: Part Deuce

Well no, a legendary serves as something that can change the world - having someone play as one would wreck the plot entirely. :/ They have their own purpose, though~ I'm gonna experiment - for once.
I'd sign up! Another experience system sounds good, because honestly I probably would just drop dead inactive without it.
I know Stormecho, I was kind of thinkngbout loud. Anyway like I kind of said, I am totally in for that, but in will need to thinknof who I want to be.

Sleeping Pokemon will be fully evolved or non-evolving, ubers are encouraged. The experience system I will tweak - and it won't look as fancy unless I figure out how to do the neat little bars. I'll probably be a jerk about post quality too guys. :D FUN EH?

Other than that... I might implement a system where I stalk you all mercilessly examine your characters' development and actions and then privately tie them into a greater plot based on their personalities and such. And you'd receive a PM with private information or a vision or some event, which you react to in the RP and can reveal or keep hidden.

Or do it publicly, but that's no fun, right? :DDD

If I include humans I will demand that if someone shows interest, they damn well make a good one and stay active, because I don't want to hinge something on a human's reaction and have the RP die as a result. Plots and politics and trying to kill each other are all encouraged, but I'd rather splitting the party does not become the norm lest I die trying to keep track. I'm pretty sure we won't get to the end or resolve anything, but I'm determined to make this engaging and fun while it lasts. :D
You know I'm in on this.

Of COURSE playing humans should be allowed! I think I'm one of the rare minority who prefers being a human in an RP to being a Pokémon. I couldn't really be Mourmedy otherwise, could I?

And wow, my EXP system is being ripped off. XD I guess imitation is the best form of flattery or whatever the phrase is. Let me just warn you though, it's a challenge to keep motivation to distribute EXP. You also need a lot of free time to read through those posts and well, it really ain't a picnic trying to keep ontop of it turns out to be a really active phase. With distributing EXP and rewards, the entire life of the RP sort of does hinge on you so you have to stay as active as possible and CANNOT die. I'm not sure how I even do it, I'm usually extremely lazy.

Also, your different system sounds very interesting. It sounds like it could work. I might have to come up with something myself in Sanctic to encourage more character development and less LET'S FIGHT RANDOM THINGS.

To make the bars, assuming you have Windows Vista or higher, go to the Start Menu. Then type in the search bar: "charmap." You'll find the bars in there.
Stormecho: YESYESYESYESYES *coughcough* I would love to be in this. Especially if BlackTitress gets to play as Titress. mweeheehee...
Yes I am totally into this, I will be a lilipup, cuz I'm beast like that. Lol, unless you change your mind and Incan be Victini.
Stormecho: I'd join! Sounds good. Though I do get a bit competitive when it comes to EXP - something I've learned through Sanctic. But the plot sounds really nice. Let me know if you need any advice or anything. Because, you know, I'm amazing at that sort of thing.
I am fully aware that I'll have to be active like crazy for this to work out at all. Shower me with PMs if I don't post, guys - it's a daunting task for me to discipline myself into it. x3

I'm wavering with the exp system because then I seriously have a lot to stalk for, unless I steal a co-GM or two, and even then, that's three people who the RP fumbles without if they procrastinate or miss something, and I'm paranoid given this is the third try. Arylett, your system manages to be really awesome and effective at pushing people into worldbuilding and experimenting, but I'm not quite sure what I would change from yours to mine so I'm also flailing about that.
That'd be pretty awesome. :D If I do go for an exp system, I'd need to implement some sort of money system for the humans so they could get illegal boosters like awesome weapons and such~ I haven't put much thought into it before this time around, so this is going to take some frantic planning.

Alright, now I'm being indecisive about if the RP should start when the explorers find the tunnels, or when an actual dig of some sort takes place. Eugh, I hate being indecisive. :/
Make it start while the humans are digging. This allows the Pokemon players to talk and meet eachother before any action, and also allows you to tell what goes bad that causes humans to be lost/killed and why the pokemon have entered. Also allows you to tell what creatures may have been down there, sort of like aliens where the humans reach then planet and then the aliens break free and use the humans as hosts for their eggs.

Just an idea.
The discovery, because I just have this idea of the humans (pah, what humans? I'm probably going to be playing all of them like last time and controlling the entire cities.), in particular, Mourmedy, making a really badass entrance without much explanation as to their motives which is revealed later. I don't know how to explain what the heck I'm going on about, but it'd make sense if I had the chance to show it, trust me.

I *might* be willing to co-GM as well, if you'd like my services. Sanctic's kinda got me rather busy, but I was sort of one of the main players in the older ones, and since I'll probably be controlling humans excessively, it would make sense. At least, in my mind.
If you feel like you don't have enough when it starts, then I'd be willing to help as a co-GM - if you think you and whatever others you might have GM with you are fine, then that would be that
Edit: Ninja'd by Exo. Like usual. I'll see and start getting desperate on Friday and close to the weekend - I'll make my flailing around and choices then.

Metalos is making a human - and inventing a legion of weapons and stuff for him to use in the future, apparently - so you won't be entirely alone! Maybe you can split the cities? :P

Initial discovery being a unanimous decision, I will probably go with that! Thanks guys. Now if only I could hammer out the existence of an exp. system and how to balance it...

The sign up/ooc thread is slated to be posted this next Monday.
I got a rough EXP system:
Lv 1: 0exp, first evolution, 2 moves(1 must be non-attack)(both must be learned by egg or under Lv 5)

Lv 2: 6exp, 1 more move added(from level up)

Lv 3: 12exp, add 1 TM move

Lv 4: 24exp, if 2 stage evo then you may evolve to second form(ex piplup to prinplup, or baby evo to basic(ie pichu to pikachu, or magby to magmar)), may exchange 1 move for any learnable move(both TM or level up)

Lv 5: 36exp, may exchange move for another, if a 1 stage evo to final form(ex riolu to lucario)

Lv 6: 48exp, may exchange 1 move for ANY learnable move(tutor from any gen, TM/HM, Lv up, or an egg move)

Lv 7: 53exp, if 2 stage evo then evolve to final form(prinplup to empleon or magmar to Magmortar)

Lv 8: 58exp, may add one more move making total of 5 moves.

Lv 9: 68exp, may add another move to total making total of 6 moves.

Lv 10 (aka LvX): 76exp, exchange 1 move for a made up 'Signiture mive'(thanks Arylett for idea).
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If this RP is going to be as active as Sanctic, you're going to need to boost the EXP requirements by quite a bit.

Also, since apparently there will be more humans than just me, humans also need benefits. And don't thank me for the idea, thank ASB! That's where Signature Moves existed before I plucked them off. I also don't think that you should have such elaborate numerical rules for the Signature Move. An RP isn't really much like a video game in that nobody calculates how much damage moves do, and thus base damage would be highly irrelevant.
For the signature move, what if it IS 100?

As Arylett said, don't worry about damage, the person responsible for that will accept or decline

Also ok Arylett, I am a Computer Programmer so that is why I think like that. I might modify it later.

Humans: will level like pokemon, also this is assuming they have guns and armor.
Lv 1: 0exp, 1pistol, no armor, $500
Lv 2: 6exp, 1primary gun(anything But pistol), pistol is now Lv2(stronger), basic armor(very light), + $500
Lv 3: 12exp, primary can be changed or leveled up, pistol level 3, medium armor, +$1000
Lv 4: 24exp, primary exchange OR level up, pistol can Lv up OR change for magnum(like revolver or D. Eagle), medium heavy armor, +$1500
Lv 5: 36exp, primary Lv up, pistol/magnum Lv up, heavy armor, +$1500.
Lv 6: 48exp, both primary and pistol/magnum level up, +$1500
Lv 7: 53exp, both primary and pistol/magnum level up, +$1500
Lv 8: 58exp, Power Armor.
Lv 9: 68exp, armo lv up, +$2000
Lv 10: 76ex, Signature Gun obtained(just pimp out what ever yu primary is, like Pack-A-Punch in Call of Duty Zombies)
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