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Idea Center

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Looks like you're alive in the RP board again. =D

Hmm.. I'd be... oh this is hard. >_O
Looks fine to me.

I think I'll just reuse the character idea I usually use for such a thing, a Tauren shaman, borrowing from Warcraft. He would be good at... making herbal medication. Amoungst other things. =P
The Mist Ninja...are alive. I don't remember it ever being mentioned otherwise.

EDIT: I'm gunna edit the plot just a smiedge.
My first roleplay...


That was Shadowy Past (in a crappy Neopets form).
I have a really random roleplay idea. It would kinda be a bit romantic, but I'm not sure if I should actually do it.

It's pretty much like you're all characters in a romantic play (more like a romantic comedy, cause that's where I got the idea), and your character and another character would be just about the perfect match.

The only problem is that you don't actually know who your Mr./Miss Perfect is. Would anybody be interested? (It's probably a bit of a failure plot, but oh well.)
So I had this idea for an RP (Non-Pokemon) that I've been formulating for a little less than a month. It's probably going to be Final Fantasy.


For 20 years, the region of Jeareth has been completely shrouded by cloud cover, the sun has never shined since. Day by day, the clouds get darker and darker. Tension is rising in the three nations of the world, all worrying about the impending storm. Many phrophesized that the clouds will one day unleash a horrific storm, enough to destroy the world.

Two countries are on the verge of war. The tension from the impending storm has caused the two nations, Durkaeon and Refrastiano, to begin to suspect one another of crimes. Fear and hatred grow in the minds of the citizens. Both rulers have stopped communicating with one another for unknown reasons.

As the threat of the storm and the war continue to grow, the land of Jeareth continues to grow in fear of one another. Not even the wise Immortals or intelligent Black Mages are saved from the growing fear.

Two storms approach.

One to destroy cities, one to destroy the world.


Yeah, so if you're interested say something.
I have a really random roleplay idea. It would kinda be a bit romantic, but I'm not sure if I should actually do it.

It's pretty much like you're all characters in a romantic play (more like a romantic comedy, cause that's where I got the idea), and your character and another character would be just about the perfect match.

The only problem is that you don't actually know who your Mr./Miss Perfect is. Would anybody be interested? (It's probably a bit of a failure plot, but oh well.)
A romantic comedy sounds like it could be fun.
So I had this idea for an RP (Non-Pokemon) that I've been formulating for a little less than a month. It's probably going to be Final Fantasy.


For 20 years, the region of Jeareth has been completely shrouded by cloud cover, the sun has never shined since. Day by day, the clouds get darker and darker. Tension is rising in the three nations of the world, all worrying about the impending storm. Many phrophesized that the clouds will one day unleash a horrific storm, enough to destroy the world.

Two countries are on the verge of war. The tension from the impending storm has caused the two nations, Durkaeon and Refrastiano, to begin to suspect one another of crimes. Fear and hatred grow in the minds of the citizens. Both rulers have stopped communicating with one another for unknown reasons.

As the threat of the storm and the war continue to grow, the land of Jeareth continues to grow in fear of one another. Not even the wise Immortals or intelligent Black Mages are saved from the growing fear.

Two storms approach.

One to destroy cities, one to destroy the world.


Yeah, so if you're interested say something.

You've got my attention.

Stealing my thunder, jeez. =P
If I do make that roleplay, don't be surprised if my character starts saying, "Let's Misbehave!" as a joke. The play I was originally going to use as the play we're doing has that as a song. XP
I have a really random roleplay idea. It would kinda be a bit romantic, but I'm not sure if I should actually do it.

It's pretty much like you're all characters in a romantic play (more like a romantic comedy, cause that's where I got the idea), and your character and another character would be just about the perfect match.

The only problem is that you don't actually know who your Mr./Miss Perfect is. Would anybody be interested? (It's probably a bit of a failure plot, but oh well.)

A romantic comedy would be romantically funny interesting.

link008 said:
You've got my attention.

Stealing my thunder, jeez. =P

Well I'd been thinking about it since I got FF4 for Christmas.

But I still need to think up some more stuff for the plot and all.
It'd be cool, Flora.

It would be funnier if it was a character from entertainmentx an OC. And they dont really match. But I like your original idea more.
So I had this idea for an RP (Non-Pokemon) that I've been formulating for a little less than a month. It's probably going to be Final Fantasy.


For 20 years, the region of Jeareth has been completely shrouded by cloud cover, the sun has never shined since. Day by day, the clouds get darker and darker. Tension is rising in the three nations of the world, all worrying about the impending storm. Many phrophesized that the clouds will one day unleash a horrific storm, enough to destroy the world.

Two countries are on the verge of war. The tension from the impending storm has caused the two nations, Durkaeon and Refrastiano, to begin to suspect one another of crimes. Fear and hatred grow in the minds of the citizens. Both rulers have stopped communicating with one another for unknown reasons.

As the threat of the storm and the war continue to grow, the land of Jeareth continues to grow in fear of one another. Not even the wise Immortals or intelligent Black Mages are saved from the growing fear.

Two storms approach.

One to destroy cities, one to destroy the world.


Yeah, so if you're interested say something.

Seems interesting. I'm not much of a fan of the current FF one so...
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