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Idea Center

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Oh yes Final Fantasy RP would be awesome!

And if that comes all we need is a Harry Potter RP and everything in the RP world is fine.
I might try - when exams have passed - to revive Dreams of the Past. With less railroading and more actual info on the plot... >< I still get the feeling it utterly sucked, but...

I'm up for that! I'll continue as Ancea if you want, but if you follow link008's idea and restart it, I'll be an Aerodactyl this time. I like Aerodactyl.
^Yes. I'll probably be Qua again, or maybe an Electrode.

I like Dreams of the Past.... hopefully the people can stay together this time.
You guys actually would want it to be revived? =D Woot! After exams, though. x_x And I'll actually make a conscious effort to have everyone stay in a loose group-thingy. Though why they would, I don't know. XD
I'd totally join a FF roleplay if anyone had the pateince to explain it to me, since I've never played a FF and have only seen that one movie, Advent Children.
I'd totally join a FF roleplay if anyone had the pateince to explain it to me, since I've never played a FF and have only seen that one movie, Advent Children.

I think the only bits that really need explaining are the jobs, which is essentially FF terminology for character class.

You could brush up on what the Final Fantasy main series games have in common, but that's hardly necessary.
Final Fantasy x, where x is any positive integer other than 11: A spiky-haired youth with an obscure and probably depressing past rallies together a ramshackle group of heroes against an ambitious monarch/military leader aiming to take over the world, only to find that an even more sinister force with even more sinister plans has been pulling the strings the whole time. (Note that this only applies to the core games, not necessarily to spin-offs (e.g. Crystal Chronicles).)
Final Fantasy x, where x is any positive integer other than 11: A spiky-haired youth with an obscure and probably depressing past rallies together a ramshackle group of heroes against an ambitious monarch/military leader aiming to take over the world, only to find that an even more sinister force with even more sinister plans has been pulling the strings the whole time. (Note that this only applies to the core games, not necessarily to spin-offs (e.g. Crystal Chronicles).)

I and III (Japanese numbering) weren't like this.

Said youth didn't necessarily have spiky hair before VII.
...You guys really want DotP back? But seriously, guys, let's all sort of stay in one group, eh? XD Otherwise it gets really confusing. Now I need to rummage around after exams and find the old thread...
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