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Idea Center

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I think we should get a Warriors RP up and running up there... It'd be popular and I'm rather fond of my most recent character Nettleflight, a Maine coon.
Agreeing for Warriors idea! I'm fond of the name Eaglepaw/Eaglefeather...

I had a plot once, but I forgot it... anyone have any ideas?
I had a good Warriors RP plot inolving a Clan of Nomads who had beliefs of their own. One of these was that their ancestors had pointed the lake out as the Clan's eventual home, but they were to wait until the "dead sun" and the "moon of blood" had appeared in the sky.

It isn't very good, though. That's why I decided not to make an RP out of it when i thought it up.
It actually sounds interesting. I'd be up for it if you expanded a bit. My character's already in mind, of course.

If anyone wants a wolf RP, I've got an idea for that, too.

We could somehow get everyone in the Warriors Fan Club to join :o
And it would live. Dibs on the name 'Stormfeather'~ obviously

And.. I have two crack ideas >_<
Would anyone be interested in a Percy Jackson RP? I don't have an idea for a plot yet, but I know how it would work...
MAYPUL STORAY I got addicted again. And, no plot, but I know how it'd work....

For both, no knowledge is required. I shall provide?
Expanding on my idea from before, this time, adding a prolouge into the mix:

Nearly Thirty years after the events of the Omen of the Stars had ended
The night was quiet. The birds were all resting, as were the mice and squirrels. Even the Twolegs had finally gone back to their nests.

A lone sound broke the stillness: A cat quietly coming out of thick undergrowth. He looked around to make sure that the coast was clear, then he flicked his tail in a signal.

At once, more cats joined him, coming out of the undergrowth that the first cat had come out of. Once they had all entered the clearing, the first cat spoke:

"It's here. We've found it."

"How can you be so sure, Stone," Another cat cat spoke up, "The Moon-"
"Has spoken to me. We have found the place for us to finally call our own."
"You said that about the gorge, too," The cat retorted, "But there were cats already there, and they drove us away."
"That was an mistake on my part. I did not wait for the signal. We all suffered for it.
"This time, however, I know what we're doing. We must find the future leader among the enemy, and then-"
"Future leader?" The second cat spoke up, "This next prophecy reolves around the next leader?"
"Are you questioning me, Ice?" Stone's expression did not change, "You know that you will have to help guide the next leader once I am gone. Do you want this Clan to fall because of you?"
Ice said nothing. Stone could tell he had convinced her.
"Once the leader has been chosen, we shall wait for the two signals. The Dead sun-"
The cats around him were shocked. "The dead sun? That hasn't happened since-"
"I know. The Dead Sun and the Moon of Blood. Those will be what guides your next leader."
"One thing doesn't make sense, Stone," Ice said, "'Among the enemy' that means that you're going to..."
Stone flicked his tail toward a dark lake in the distance. The group of cats could see a full moon shining over the water.
"There are already cats living in where we belong," Stone's voice was but a whisper, "What better way to drive them out than with one of their own leading us..."

I'm probably going to take a leaf from Shinging Eevee's book and not start this "Main Plot" For a time in the RP
Great idea, Exo-Raikou! Sounds epic :DDD It's a little confusing, but I manage to make sense of it almost right away.

@Dragon: Yes, if the whole Warriors fan club was in it, that would be awesome!

And you can bet I'll be in it. :)
So totally HELL YEAH

And Exo-Raikou, I didn't even know you read Warriors.

Bringing up my ideas again >:/

Would anyone be interested in a Percy Jackson RP? I don't have an idea for a plot yet, but I know how it would work...
MAYPUL STORAY I got addicted again. And, no plot, but I know how it'd work....

No knowledge nessecary for either one, I will provide, just say yess or no to one of them, dammit >=3
If I knew at least what Percy Jackson was about, I would acknowledge it.

I wrote to my friend and asked what MapleStory was a while ago, but she hasn't replied yet.

So, for both it's "I don't really know."
:o You're serious?

Maple Story- LINK The end. Not a very good explanation, but meh >_>

Percy Jackson- Book series. About kids, who are the children of Greek gods. They sometimes have powers, and go to 'Camp Half-Blood', where they get trained for combat, and go on quests.

^Bad explanation.
Glad you like it.

I'd post the RP now, but my internet's lagging at the moment, so it would take way too long.
OOh, I used to read that series obsessively. I would soooo join. ^^
A Maplestory RPG would be epic. Even more so if I could start out as my actual character, who is very awesome looking. x3
Warriors RP hell yes. I haven't RPed in a good long while, so this would be fun for me~

Percy Jackson sounds like a fun thing.

MapleStory does too... I don't exactly get the plot, but it also "sounds like a fun thing."
There is no plot. I'd imagine the RP would be just like the game: running around and stabbing things, wearing awesome-looking armor and wielding silly weapons like lollipops and paint brushes (or normal swords and stuff), and laugh at stupid people. It'll be great. xD
Laughing at stupid people is a plus. >=3

Now, we need a name.. and have to decide which I should post first >_<
EDIT: Screw this, Maple Story~ But I need a name.
Dibs on the name Goldenfeather(Father: Ravenclaw(nothing to do with HP), Mother: Goldenwing)

Yay for all of the Warriors Club in RP!

Who's going to make it? I certainly can't, I am hopeless at plot and general RP stuff, but I like it.

For any form base...


Age(in seasons/moons):





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