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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

If you were able to pick the theme for a Pokemon game, what would it be?

In the game, you are able to switch between trainers to play. It's like a chaptered book, you play three different characters at different times. Eventually you would meet up and take in an evil force/pokemon champion together and may even turn on each other at points, fighting against the other. (you playing one, AI the other trainer.)

I would also make almost every pokemon available in the same game.
When the forums say there's a post but there's nothing there.

Who ya gonna call?

EDIT: Actually, a Ghostbusters theme is actually a good idea. Just throw some Luigi's Mansion in there and you have a Pokemon/Ghostbusters crossover.
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How about a game where you're a trainer on the routes and you get to become a gym leader, then an elite 4 member, and finally the champion. You choose a type you focus on at the start of the game and the final boss is red, who is fighting to become the champ.
i have a sort of mario-kartish idea, were the pokemon are racing in cars, and can use their attacks to knock opponents out of their way. there would be special "boss modes" were you have to use pokeballs to capture legendaries (which you then unlock and can use to race). it sounds crazy but i seems like a good idea in my head.
Something with a "Kirby's Dreamland-ish" type of feel. XD Really cutesy and dream like and stuff. Thats kinda how my fake games work out anyways.
Plausible Idea: A 3-D platformer where you play as Pikachu.

Implausible ideas: A survival game where you play as a basic Pokemon (like Ratatta or Bidoof) and survive the harsh Pokemon Island. You keep playing until you die. You then get to spend points on new Pokemon to play as. You get points for surviving a long time.

A Pokemon MOBA.

A 2-D sidescrolling platformer where you play as Sandshrew and fight other Pokemon with reidiculously over-complex combos. Called 'Sandshrew Beats The Snot Out Of Everyone'.

A platformer adventure where you level up, fight bosses (legendaries) and save the world from Darkrai, who is mind controlling the others. I guess you would play as a starter. And the order and difficulty of the areas and bosses depends on what Pokémon you choose. If you're Grass, you start in a tutorial-ish meadow area, the second is a lake with lillypad platforms and the last area before the Nightmare Cave is full of lava. If you choose Fire, the first area is a cave with some lava in the background, the second is a forest with swinging vines and the second-to-last is some rocks in the sea. And if you're a Water-type, the first area is a beach, the second is a volcano and the one before Darkrai's HQ is a very dangerous jungle. The rest would always be the same. And as you level up, you get better weapon choices and stuff.
A gritty reboot of the Pokémon franchise, reimagining Pikachu as a disgruntled police detective with a drinking problem. A routine investigation into a domestic homicide puts him on the trail of a government conspiracy involving the elusive "Team Rocket" - but who can he really trust when the corruption goes all the way to the top...?

Starring Jack Nicholson as Pikachu, Andy García as Giovanni, and Jigglypuff as itself.
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