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Where there's a will, there's a way.
Well, you might know me as MissEeveelution, an account of mine from back in *shudders* 2008, or as KlutzyKaytix33 from back in 2009. I actually just checked in on my more recent account, and I saw all of these messages asking where I am... :'D Well, it's been two years but I'm back either way!

For those of you who don't know me (which is probably most of you), my name is Kayti. I'm a fourteen year old girl, and uh, I love Pokemon. As do all of you, I'm assuming. XD Well, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you, and hopefully reconnecting with some old friends. :D
.......I remember your username from here...you forgot you password didn't you? xD BUT ANYWAY. Welcome back! Currently, the My Little Pony fad is going on, so it's a warning to you :D WE ARE THE PONY HEADS. JOIN USSSSSS

I'm also known as Silver, so as not to confuse you if you see someone call me Silver! I'll respond to either Twilight, or Silver!
Yay, someone that (vaguely) remembers me! *happy dance* To be quite honest, I couldn't even remember my old usernames... I had to dig through the introduction threads to find them. XD

Ahh, I see. I was wondering why I saw ponies everywhere. Everything makes so much more sense now. :D Nice to meet you, Silver!
Oh gawds the ponies... *hides* *sends letter to new person welcoming them, and with a warning "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! THE PONIES WILL EAT YOUR FLESH!"*
Yes, there are bronies and sis-stars everywhere. I am one of them.

I remember you, but I don't think I talked to you or anything. But it's good to see you're back and I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Oh, I think I know you! Could just be confusing you with somebody else though...

Either way, welcome back! Insert something generic here about how I hope you have a good time here and whatevernot.
I don't really remember you, but welcome back anyway. *Holds out hand* Steele, resident idiot not at your service. Wodka?
Thanks everyone! <3

Arylett, I'm pretty sure I remember you too. :D
The rest of you also seem vaguely familar to me. XD
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