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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
I edited my post because I didn't know he changed his name. How do we know you're not Mafia? Hm?
Yes you would. If we start the day with no leads then it's easier to just go out and start lynching somebody when you don't consider all of the options. When I flip innocent and you realize it was probably a lucky heal then I hope you get lynched next. Then the innocents may be able to win.
Cool, bomb. Is it like Paranoid Gun Owner, which kills anyone who targets you, or do you die from the hit?
Well, if you die tonight, it'll probably be because I roleblocked the healer.
Uh... Why am I a suspect again? Also I don't see an Alraune on the player list.
Don't block Alraune, then!
Well, the choices other than OrngSumb are Phantom and Legend. If OrngSumb flips innocent, I think Phantom would be a better choice to inspect as he was so quick to vote for OrngSumb before he even claimed. But since it's only two people, the result will really be the same either way; if one is innocent, the other is most likely Mafia, so it's up to you! Hopefully you will be healed tonight and all will go well!
First off I am a "she". And I might as well role claim since I
I am being suspected. I am a fishing brother with Saith, therefore innocent, hence why I was so quick to vote to lynch.
Fuck, my brain died when I was posting that and damn 500's kept blocking me from fixing it.
First off I am a "she". And I might as well role claim since I
I am being suspected. I am a fishing brother with Saith, therefore innocent, hence why I was so quick to vote to lynch.