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Iran = Most Progressive Country

coming from a land where mullets are on every other forty-year-old-man's head, I quite like this.
I find it amusing that while this is just the same sort of thing that Iran's been doing for a while (restricting civil liberties), people hate mullets enough that this makes them like Iran.
I never did understand what was so horrible about mullets. I mean, I wouldn't want a mullet myself (I hate having hair hanging down the back of my neck), but what's the big deal? It's just a hairstyle.

And if you really want to bash somebody's haircut, there are far goofier-looking ones out there... one time when I was really bored I flipped through one of those random magazines that shows a lot of different hairstyles, and at least half of the girls' section looked goofier than any mullet I've ever seen. Like the ones that are so "bumped" up on top that they look like they're hiding a croissant in their hair.

I only wonder if they''ll ban the afro.

They'd better not, afros are awesome.
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