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R/S/E Is cloning in Emerald cheating?

Is it cheating?

  • Cloning is not cheating.

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • Cloning is cheating.

    Votes: 12 41.4%

  • Total voters


Also known as Hyozanryu
I've been cloning ever since I learned about this glitch, but it's always sort of bothered me. Mostly I use it to clone legendaries (like my event Mew) because very few people on the GTS ask for reasonable things - you try to get a Mareep and everybody wants a level 1 HG/SS event Giratina or something ridiculous. But it's still always seemed a bit... wrong. What do you think?
It's not supposed to happen. You're taking advantage of a fault in the programming. It's cheating.
Even if you look at it your way, you're getting stuff off of the GTS for nothing, so it kinda is cheating.
It's cheating but I don't really disapprove of cloning as I do with other sort of cheats (unless you use it to clone hundreds of master balls or something). I use it quite a lot to clone Pokémon to "back up" on Box (not that I've ever actually needed to), or loads or Magikarp if I want to transfer Pokémon to Emerald so I can restart on the other. Not sure about using them for the GTS though...

It's with cheats like this that I'm not really sure - it takes some of the fun and challenge out of the game, but if someone is okay with that then they can do it themselves if they really want to.

Also I generally like using glitches like this because I just generally like playing about with them, not so I can take advantage of them. I'd consider it cheating, but not as bad as getting loads of mater balls/rare candies/shinies/maxed out stats from an AR or gameshark.
Well, due to my bias towards glitches, I have to say no. You aren't using any outside programs or anything similar to clone your Pokemon. You are just using what the game is giving you, even if it was unintentional. I personally have no quarrel with cloning, AS LONG AS YOUR CLONES STAY OFF WIFI. Cloning for fun on your own little isolated cartridge is fine, but don't use it to your advantage on Net.

TL;DR- It's not cheating, it's glitching. Fine as long as you don't use the results online.
Well, due to my bias towards glitches, I have to say no. You aren't using any outside programs or anything similar to clone your Pokemon. You are just using what the game is giving you, even if it was unintentional. I personally have no quarrel with cloning, AS LONG AS YOUR CLONES STAY OFF WIFI. Cloning for fun on your own little isolated cartridge is fine, but don't use it to your advantage on Net.

TL;DR- It's not cheating, it's glitching. Fine as long as you don't use the results online.

"Do the rules say you can't rob the bank? Huh? Do they?"
It's the same as using cheating devices or any other glitch; It's cheating, but it's not like that really matters as long as you're not doing it to take advantage of other players or acting like it makes you a ~POKEMON MASTER~. There's not much point to acting like you aren't cheating when you do it.
I don't do it to take advantage of other people. It's not like I put up a Mew it took me a minute to clone and ask for somebody's hard-earned legendary or Level 100. That is seriously wrong. Mostly I just need normal ones that I don't have to facilities to obtain (like a Paras) so I can do some breeding. The problem is, when you look for a Paras, everyone wants a Giratina level 1 or a level 100 Buizel. My point is, if they all want a Mew, and the same amount of time was spent catching (or cloning) the Pokemon for offer and the Mew, why shouldn't I give it to them? I was ecstatic when somebody gave me a level 1, shiny Mew over the GTS. I sure didn't care if it was cheated.
I'm tempted to say no, since I use the glitch myself sometimes. I'd say its only cheating if you trade the cloned Pokemon to someone else without mentioning that it's a clone.
It's still cheating no matter what you intend to do with the result; you're manipulating a glitch that is an unintentional fault int he programming to your advantage, whether that's so you can get a particular pokemon off the GTS or because you want six of the same pokemon for kicks. You're making the game do something it isn't meant to do so you can get what you want. It's cheating.
It's still cheating no matter what you intend to do with the result; you're manipulating a glitch that is an unintentional fault int he programming to your advantage, whether that's so you can get a particular pokemon off the GTS or because you want six of the same pokemon for kicks. You're making the game do something it isn't meant to do so you can get what you want. It's cheating.

To be honest, it depends how one defines cheating. Let's say I want to see one of the glitches in Pokemon Blue that freezes my game. My game freezes and wipes the save data. Am I cheating? Because by your definition I am. Of course, I don't deny that in most cases using the cloning glitch is cheating. However, I don't think that cloning a Pokemon 'just for kicks' would be cheating.
The cloning glitch is not cheating. Is RNGing cheating? Same question. You are exploiting the programming, which is not using an external cheating device. If I want to pal park a pokemon, while also keeping it in emerald, I clone it.

If I spend hours breeding and ev training my pokemon, do I not have a right to duplicate it and trade it?
If I spend hours breeding and ev training my pokemon, do I not have a right to duplicate it and trade it?

I agree, since you are the one that got it to where it is, you should be able to do whatever you want with it.
Jomtien condos
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If I spend hours breeding and ev training my pokemon, do I not have a right to duplicate it and trade it?

If I spend years raising a child, do I not have to right to create an arbitrary number of identical forms at the same stage of development, with the same experiences, et cetera?
If I spend years raising a child, do I not have to right to create an arbitrary number of identical forms at the same stage of development, with the same experiences, et cetera?

But this is a game, not parenting with real, live, emotional humans.
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To be honest, it depends how one defines cheating. Let's say I want to see one of the glitches in Pokemon Blue that freezes my game. My game freezes and wipes the save data. Am I cheating? Because by your definition I am. Of course, I don't deny that in most cases using the cloning glitch is cheating. However, I don't think that cloning a Pokemon 'just for kicks' would be cheating.

yeah, it's cheating, but I don't think there's anything explicitly wrong with that. I think it's wrong if you're using cloned pokemon on the GTS or something, but I don't really have a problem with people dicking around on their own game - it is cheating though.

I have to admit, I'm learning how to hack games right now. If I live 4 hours away from where the Pokemon events are, therefore never have access to say, Arceus, so I hack him and use him to help my Pokedex, is that cheating? I would never get to fill that 493rd spot without 'Cheating.' I mean, yeah, getting everything you want off the GTS is wrong but just getting what's nessecary for your Pokedex? Nothin' wrong with that. I vote no, as long as you aren't soliciting a bunch of Lv. 100's that could kick anyone in the way's ass or something.
Yes, it's cheating.

So I work hard to get my EV'd shiny Rayquaza (or whatever), and then you come and offer a shiny Arceus. I'm forced to trade my Rayquaza, but the Arceus really fancies me, so I accept it.

I just lost my Rayquaza, but you're handing out God left and right like it was nothing? It's just not right. When you trade it away, you're not supposed to have it anymore.
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