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It's Christmas!


Also opened my presents :D

Got some pants, two puzzles, and a Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary Dsixl :D

Also Chocolate's (supposedly) feeling better :D

I got an iPod Classic, and probably other stuff but idk what yet, so uh I'm good.
The one time of the year that I LOVE how into her religion my mother is!
It's currently 7:22 AM and I still haven't left my room. I'm supposed to leave my room when my little brother Michael wakes up, but that might be in a few hours. Damnit. I woke up at 6:42, but I have no idea why. Like, at all. Anywho. Something I want to say.

So, my big brother Kris (he turned nineteen the day before Christmas Eve :3) came back from his friend's holiday party, and my mom and I were on the computer looking at cartoons that I used to watch when I was a little kid (Miss Spider. Now shut up. That show was amusing when I was little.), and my dad was there too. He started telling us that he was on this website that listed reasons as to how you can make smart kids believe Santa is real. (Here's the link if you're interested.) And this is how the conversation went:

Kris: *finishes reading* ...anyone endorsed by the United States government is legally a real thing. Therefore, since NORAD tracks Santa, Santa is real.

Me: Well that was fun.

Dad: And you know... now that you've said all that, I have something to say.

Mom: What?

Dad: You say that Santa's bag uses nanotecnology, he's invisible, his sleigh uses rockets, and more? And when you say that, you know I'm Santa, right?

Kris: Yeah...?

Dad: I have come to a conclusion.

Me: What?

Dad: I am fucking awesome.

You see this is why I love my dad. Also! Merry Christmas to everybody! :D

It's christmas.



although, I can't open my presents yet, because my family insists on doing everything together. and we were up till one last night. So probably have to wait two hours. GAH, WHY MUST YOU BIG BOXES TAUNT ME SO?!
-Hold Your Colour and Immersion, by Pendulum
-fuckload of candy :D
-one of those bouncy balls with the water and glitter inside (oddly enough, I saw mom get buy this, she told me it was for a cousin >:T)
-fancy new earbuds
-$20, $25 dollar Amazon gift card (I'll be honest, if everyone ever had gotten me an Amazon card, I would have been more than okay with that because >$150 in books = <3)
-laptop cooling base
-two red handkerchiefs (why... thank you, uncle chris)
-rad jacket (this def. made up for the handkerchiefs)
-a drinking bird (still going!)

-a light that clips onto my Kindle (I'm probably not going to use it all that much, especially since Sarah mentioned that there were complaints in its comments about it scratching the Kindle. :/)
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happy holidays, don't forget to be politically correct :B

nah, merry christmas all and hope you enjoyed the presents i bought you ;o
- Pretty awesome bike
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
- 8GB MP3 Player
- 3 Andrew Lloyd Webber CDs
- Avatar and Inception
- Two fantasy books by James Patterson (who I didn't know did fantasy books)
- €40 Xtravision card
- €20 phone credit
- Lynx Dark Temptation set
- Nice pens
- Notepad
- Chocolate and sweeties
Oh yeah, I also got Jurassic: The Hunted. It's hours of pumping lead into dinosaurs' brains! :D
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