• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

It's Me!

Heyo Wargle! Been a while.

Man it's really surreal seeing this place again, it just struck me how much I missed forum-style posting.
oh man, tons of familiar faces

yo! it's been like... three years or something but yeah hey, it's cool to see you
I'm just going to take this as proof that no one ever leaves and just stalks the forum.

Anyway, welcome back, I remember you though we didn't talk much.
Heyo Wargle! Been a while.

Man it's really surreal seeing this place again, it just struck me how much I missed forum-style posting.
either someone leaked ASB or there was a massivel urk fest because the day it came back old faces poured into the forum:

But is good thing~
either someone leaked ASB or there was a massivel urk fest because the day it came back old faces poured into the forum:
I think there was an e-mail sent out to all the old ASB players who hadn't been active since the reboot.
I think there was an e-mail sent out to all the old ASB players who hadn't been active since the reboot.

I know in Colours' case at least, I ran into him on another forum and I mentioned ASB was back and he decided to sign up for at least the ASB forum.
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