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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I've made a really big life decision.


Uh, I didn't do it.
I've thought about this for a long time, and I think it's time I acted on it. So I got a hold of my recruiter today. I'm joining the Air Force. I've done a lot of research and I think it's the Air Force that fits me best. Thing is, if I follow the path I want to it means my life is going to change. A lot. It means I most likely need to move out of state, that my current life may be uprooted pretty much completely.

The reason I've chosen the Air Force is, well they spend a lot of time overseas, I want to see the world, and I know people who've been based overseas for 11 years. Also It's an opportunity I don't want to waste.( Haha cross fingers for Hawaii) I scored a 93 on my ASVAB, which is pretty high, so I'm happy about that. I also, sometime in the future, want to work with Air Force Space Command. Right now I am planning on joining their security force. (Basically military police)

Not sure when I'd go to Texas, right now I am trying to meet my personal qualifications so that when I do go to BMT I am ready.
Congratulations! I have a female friend that's in the Air Force, and she says it's the most female-friendly military branch. She's a mechanic.

Best of luck to you!
That's so good! Absolute best of luck with everything, and well done for figuring out what you want to do and having the guts to go through with it. I only wish I were as good at this whole 'life' thing as you :3
But Indigo, she is really good as a friend. She came and told me about my first double post, etc. I mention the mafia because that one was one of my favorites and first...
We'll miss you! But I respect you soo much now that you're willing to do this! I wish you the best of luck, especially on going to Hawaii or someplace awesome! :D
I don't get it. Do they not have the internet in Hawaii? Are you not allowed computers in the Air Force? Do they work you so hard you don't have time to go on forums at all? Why's everyone saying goodbye? Am I being incredibly thick here?
One of my mom's co-workers went through the Air Force Academy and said it was just hell. It was worse at first--they try to haze you. After that, it's just the training that's dreadful. But Phantom, you seem tough enough to handle it, and that same co-worker said it does toughen you up, so...

Good luck.
Good luck, Phantom. We'll all miss you, and when you do return you'll likely get the same response as Cloudsong. Good luck!
Good luck, Phantom. We'll all miss you, and when you do return you'll likely get the same response as Cloudsong. Good luck!

THIS IS TRUE we love you come back fine ok :3

I liek Squirtles: Ah, I see.

Um, I never said I was leaving. 1) USAF is not like other branches in that you sign a dotted line and are shipped off. 2) I would first be going to Texas for BMT and MP training. After that it could be up to a year before I am called to base. For BMT I may be gone for about 8.5 weeks. Thing is I want to get into shape and be ready for BMT before I go. So I don't end up killing myself week 2. 3) It's the military, seriously if any branch were to have internet it would be the Air Force don't you think? 4) Hawaii was a joke. Besides when I fill my DREAM sheet I would prefer Europe or somewhere in the Pacific.

When I do leave, I will post here whenever I can, though responses may not come often, I will keep you updated. There is always a chance of being deployed, but that's the thing with the USAF, you're always deployed, you're always on base.

Also the Academy and going straight in are different. The Academy is insane, four chews my ass, but going straight into BMT they aren't as harsh, but you won't get as much pay as an officer would who went through Academy.
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My brother's in the Air Force over in Texas right now, and I'm so happy you decided to make this decision! Congrats to you! :))
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