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Jacqui's Porno Nights

Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

All lovely/hilarious as always, although Alois/Alwin's faces and Alain's face seem kind of stretched, if you know what I mean.

Also I've been meaning to ask you are you familiar with this song

because Alois and Alwin should totally wear uniforms like the dancers/backup singers

either would be fine, really ;)
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

All lovely/hilarious as always, although Alois/Alwin's faces and Alain's face seem kind of stretched, if you know what I mean.
Yes, they are a little too long, because I tried to give them thin faces. Ivan has this very square jaw so he has a boxy face :v

Also I've been meaning to ask you are you familiar with this song

because Alois and Alwin should totally wear uniforms like the dancers/backup singers

either would be fine, really ;)
Ahaha, yes. Hello new addition to iTunes, hello racing imagination. Will most definitely do something related to this in the near future.

'Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi Party!'
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest


Obelix is so fabulous in that picture I could cry.

Alwin and Alois are cute as hell and that picture's going to look especially awesome when coloured. I envy your linearting abilties~

The stereotypes! picture is hilarious. I feel awfol for not remembering the names, but I particularly lovce the girl in the straitjacket with her hair flying everywhere and being all crazy, the Jewish guy with his little skullcap and money and the Russian with his vodka, hammer and sickle X3

While I love your crazy pictures, I think the Walk one might be my favourite of the lot here because the expressions in it are so damn cute. The whole thing is so lovely and peaceful I can just stare at it for ages.

And the final one is stunning because, like I said, your chibis are adorable, but you're also damn good at realism. The eyes are especially good.

I can't wait to see coloured versions of these.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

Aww, thank you very much :)

Meanwhile, I've inked the picture I plan to colour on the computer:

I think it looks pretty sweet.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

omg you should draw colin firth playing guitar it would make my LIFE

if not i am still your biggest fan :)
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

That looks gorgeous; the details on things like the curtain folds and the bird's tail are pretty stunning. I wish I could be bothered to ink things properly D:
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

omg you should draw colin firth playing guitar it would make my LIFE

if not i am still your biggest fan :)
will do, I'm a little busy atm so it might take a little :v

That looks gorgeous; the details on things like the curtain folds and the bird's tail are pretty stunning. I wish I could be bothered to ink things properly D:
it took AGES and i don't know how i'll colour it in SAI because I can't get SAI to open it without the white background but OH WELL
thankyou :>

is that a fucking penguin

(ilu strangy <3)

lalala shitty doodle

woohoo fags of tremendous proportions

Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

You make Cameron look adorable. And that should not be.

Obama's expression in the second one is priceless and have I told you recently that I love your colouring?
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

Awww HuggyxObama for life <3
1000x cuter than BushxBlair >:I

You make Cameron look adorable. And that should not be.

Obama's expression in the second one is priceless and have I told you recently that I love your colouring?
CAMERON IS ADORABLE even if he's kind of retarded sometimes.
Thank you! I'm working on my awesome colourin' techniques.


i worked very hard on this picture (10 min) but i think it captures what i am
update with my (hopefully temporary) new haircut for my Deviantart ID


Confusion at Henry's wedding. They hadn't discussed who was going to cursh the glass ):


just so you can see who's who :v
My art teacher told me they all look alike and i got depressed because its true


ps: i watched 'the damned' recently so that alois&alwin mel brooks song picture is probably on the way
oh yeah, you should all watch the damned because it's great. An insight on the why and how of the Nazi downfall, done beautifully by Mr. Luchino Visconti, writer and director extraordinaire. And it has a huge Nazi gay orgy in it.
But you should watch it for the plot and cinematographical qualities, really.
And the gay nazi transvestite.
i am secretly luchino visconti
Last edited:
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

Aww, I adore your new DevArt ID; the clothes are so unspeakably great, the outline of pink highlighter is really effective and "faggots only" is so you :3

Hee, Henry's expression in the wedding one is so perfect. They're the cutest gay jews ever (unless you count Wilson); I adore their matching outfits and his little bouncy skullcap is <3

Aww, I think your characters look different; Henry and Donal look similar in that they could be related, but not mistaken for one another. Roland is so adorable~ And I've said it before, but it needs saying again; I love how your guys look like guys, it's great.

What's guy in the top-left's name? The highlighter's too dark and I can't read it X3
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

What's guy in the top-left's name? The highlighter's too dark and I can't read it X3
It says Alain Patissier, highlighted in his favourite colour.
Thank you! Wilson is still and will always be the cutest gay jew but I can live with second-best.


I drew this because Bill Clinton is awesome.
That's all.


Alwin has his ways of getting promoted.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

I love your art, I can't believe I didn't look at this thread earlier.

(I didn't read the whole thread though, so if requests can't be taken, just ignore me...)

Could you draw me a Dewgong? |:P

Do whatever you'd like to it, just have fun with it.
Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

Aw, thank you! And yeah, I take requests even though I'm slow as fuck.



I drew this during a free period, then inked and coloured it in Rotterdam. It's primarily based on the Pet Shop Boys remix of Hooked On Radiation by... someone, but then it got weirder and weirder and now I'm not sure what it's about but I finished colouring it while listening to I Should Be So Lucky by Kylie Minogue ):



Goebbels was so tiny. 1,54 for 45 kg. So so tiny and obssessive.
Even though he used to call Hitler a disgusting bourgeouis before he saw him. Harumph.

They were so gay for each other. I mean they even had a suicide pact and Goebbels wrote everything in his journal. Went on a walk with the Fuhrer today, had lunch with the Fuhrer, saw the Fuhrer, the Fuhrer is so gorgeous!.

I mean I expected to see
at some point.

Re: Gay Hornet's Nest

z;hfsf that coloured Pet Shop Boys one is amazing. The colours are so bright and the people look so good (you can draw females) and it's so, I dunno, dynamic? I've been staring at it for ages now and I think it's the best thing ever.

And Hitler is criminally adorable in that last one :3
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