Chewy the Crispy Crunch
Crunch, not Crotch
Those whose greed overcomes their respect for the law find themselves on the doorsteps of the jail, not because they are wanted, but rather, to steal mischievous Pokemon and tame them. Security is not very potent, but after some time they will find you and kick you out.
It costs $1 to bribe the guards into letting you in the jail. After a while, more guards will come and you will have to bribe them with more and more money. Also, if a post is added and you are not in it, then look back to previous posts.
Ironically more powerful (and therefore more criminal) Pokemon are harder to find in the jail. The list below is incomplete but will be added to as more Pokemon are discovered.
NEW: The jail is facing a terrorist threat because... well, we're not really sure. Spies have hidden time bombs and mines within the jail. The government will generously reward anybody who finds and gets rid of a mine/bomb. You can choose one of your Pokemon to go in and if you successfully destroy a mine/bomb, you will receive $30 or a random rare Pokemon (chosen randomly, 50% chance of each). However, there is a 85% chance that your Pokemon will perish in the effort. And even if you find a mine, you have to destroy it, so Fighting, Rock, Steel, etc. types are recommended.
Known Inmates
Poochyena, Nuzleaf, Carvanha, Shuppet, Absol, Grimer, Sneasel, Skorupi, Koffing, Houndour, Ditto, Dusclops, Luxio, Drifloon, Misdreavus, Chatot, Sableye
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