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Kanto Mafia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

I want to hear who Superbird healed.

I'm leaning more towards Superbird because that is just a stupid move. There are still Mafia out there and if they really are Brock then they know who a healer is when we need healers
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Dammit, Mawile, you were supposed to keep your mouth shut.

I'm Bruno, immune to nightkills, and I was fake-claiming an important role so that the mafia would attack me instead of anyone else.
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Dammit, Mawile, you were supposed to keep your mouth shut.

I'm Bruno, immune to nightkills, and I was fake-claiming an important role so that the mafia would attack me instead of anyone else.

Er, for next time, you might want to wait for innocents to actually be dead before trying that? Although I'm still not sure whether to believe you, but we can see if anyone else claims Bruno, then.
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

If you want, have Lance target me. And see. Gah, I just messed everything up. Sorry...
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

... I'm not sure what to do. But, I'm not afraid to lynch, since I think the chances of activated Gary are pretty low. Blazheirio889 was Giovanni, probably, and she was roleblocked on Night 0, so there was no kill, meaning no alien. And today she may have been roleblocked... well, I dunno.

Nobody is dead except blazheirio889, though, so every role besides Giovanni is still alive. But since I think I trust both Superbird and Mawile I'll go with InvaderSyl.
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Hmm. I still wonder what it could have meant in the flavour text on day one when it said that InvaderSyl was feeling "strangely light-headed". Does anyone have any ideas? At first I thought that meant that she got healed or something, except that I don't really see why that would get noted. (Maybe that bit meant nothing at all?)

Mawile: yes, that's why I'm asking. :P
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Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Hmm. I still wonder what it could have meant in the flavour text on day one when it said that InvaderSyl was feeling "strangely light-headed". Does anyone have any ideas? At first I thought that meant that she got healed or something, except that I don't really see why that would get noted. (Maybe that bit meant nothing at all?)

Well the possible things people can be targeted with at night in this game are:

- kill (Nope, as blazheirio was blocked. Couldn't have been Lance either, since he apparently killed blazhy the next night.)
- roleblock (Nope, since blazhy got that.)
- heal
- tracked by Koga
- inspected
- dayblocked (Nope, someone else got that.)
- alien-activated (Probably not, as all of our potential killing actions that night are accounted-for.)

I don't see why any of these would merit a note. I'm wary that someone's lying (or we've otherwise neglected to account for something) and InvaderSyl may be an activated alien. I vote we abstain or lynch someone else rather than Syl, for the moment.
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

I'm wary that someone's lying (or we've otherwise neglected to account for something) and InvaderSyl may be an activated alien. I vote we abstain or lynch someone else rather than Syl, for the moment.

I agree; although it seems like there's no way for an her to have been activated if she is in fact alien, I'm afraid that we might have missed something and I don't want to risk it. :/ I would like to lynch today, though; how about SilverJade?
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Oh come on, why do I get voted for every game now :(
I've been busy and haven't followed the maffia games too much, and I have nothing important to say. So I saw no reason to post. But I'm active, alright?
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Oh come on, why do I get voted for every game now :(
I've been busy and haven't followed the maffia games too much, and I have nothing important to say. So I saw no reason to post. But I'm active, alright?

Well then, abstain or something >_>
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Okay! Withdraw. Er, who else hasn't posted: I think it's just ILS, ABCD, Phantom, and Clover? I don't think it would be fair to go for ILS after he was silenced for a day and hasn't had as much of a chance to talk as the rest of us, so, how about ABCD? (Or maybe they will see this and post too! c:)
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Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

Eh, I don't see much of a reason... I think I'll continue with InvaderSyl.
Re: Kanto Mafia [D-2]

I'm here, sorry I had real life issues and couldn't post.

I don't see the point in freezing ILS, since they are a very inexperienced player and at this point they don't know anything anyways. Nor do I see the point in lynching this early.
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