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Kingmaker Mafia II (Villagers win!)


Always a sucker for bubble tea
Role PMs have all been sent out, I think, so send the night actions in!

- Night actions not sent in will be randomized.
- The exact role of a person will be revealed upon their death.
- The kingmaker cannot roleclaim!
- Copying and pasting or quoting your role PM is not allowed. However, paraphrasing or faking it is allowed.
- Out-of-thread discussion is not allowed unless your role allows it.
- Nobody will be mod-killed for inactivity. Of course, though, inactive lynching is allowed.

48 hours for night actions!
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Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Thank you for sending in your actions, everyone! Here goes.

The citizens wake up to a cheerful day. Merchants sell their wares, bards sing... it's a normal day. Until they discover the body of Mai on the middle of the paved town square.

Mai is dead. She was a Villager.

A regal fanfare of trumpets from the heavens gave way to a strange message from the direction of the sky...

"One of you has sensed this tragedy coming. There will surely be many more in the days to come. So one of you will be a king, with the power to execute one person whom they suspect to be one of the assassins.

That king will be Jack_the_PumpkinKing."

Jack_the_PumpkinKing is the pumpkin king for day 1. He must post Execute (player) when he feels that he has reached a decision.[/b]

Villagers, you must convince the king whom to execute!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

*Cough*How 'bout we /don't/, 'cause that /always/ happens and we should giver her a chance for once*Cough*

Seriously, though, we shouldn't just point a finger at Flower Doll, because we have no leads. Think about it. She's usually innocent anyway. killing someone who is usually innocent is counter-productive unless we have some actual proof to theorize otherwise.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Usually doesn't mean anything; even if Karkat is usually alien, that's what the RNG said, not something that's very reliable.

But yeah, chances are good. Randexectution or abstain?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Hello, people-who-would-like-to-lynch-me-for-no-good-reason! *cough*legendaryseeker99*cough*

Okay, yeah, I can understand that I usually do that, but this game's been in daytime for...five hours total. Come on.

Also: @Whirlpool: Can't abstain, or the king will get killed instead.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Hmm. Cool.

Er, we probably shouldn't kill our talkative/useful people because they're useful, obviously*. Inactives might be useful roles but then again if they're inactive they won't be using their role so without any leads we might as well execute them.

*On the same note, that looks like the same reason Mai is dead, 'cause she's active and that's bad for the mafia.

Is there a time limit for the day phase? If not, I'd like to wait maybe a day or so to see who posts and who doesn't... does that sound good? Maybe then we can have two or three-ish inactives to choose from instead of half the player list?

(That is, if we even decide to execute an inactive. If any of you have suspicions that would be even better than inactive-lynching.)
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Yay. I'd rather not roleclaim, but the whole "I'm not mafia" thing isn't very convincing.

So, uh, wait?

Edit: And ninja'd because Legendary was ninja'd.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

So, I used a whole different RNG dice website, did a 12-sided dice instead of adding two normal dice, and I got 10(Whirlpool) again.
EDIT: Used the second site again.
The RNGods are telling us something...
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Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Your posts aren't usually particularly useful, and they're not being so right now

I feel like right now we should follow our king, as he is experienced and knows how these things work. It seems pretty clear to me why Mai was targeted (she's a really good sleuth :I ), and perhaps we should wait before lynching someone anyway, so that we might actually have a lead.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Besides pondering why the RNGods gave me three tens in a row and being sarcastic, what are we going to do now?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Unless the seer knows who is the mafia, there's not much to do. Keep in mind there are no doctors in this game and we don't want to lose a seer. I wait and see if we have any suspects or if we should lynch off inactives.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Checking in, glad I'm not Kingmaker this time and don't have to worry about being incompetent and stuff.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Well, the following people haven't posted as far as I can tell:


Syl hasn't been on in at least a couple weeks, I think, because of her new tablet, but IDK whether the rest of them have a reason to not be here; usually they talk, or at least check in. Shall we kill one of them?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 1)

Well, Syl has been on lately, but she has pretty much ignored the Mafia games, even when she was VM'd that she was getting lynched, so maybe Syl?
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