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Kingmaker Mafia II (Villagers win!)

Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

But I thought that if the Masons win and you are a non-Mason Townie, you lose.
EDIT: Ninja'd

Totally different thing.

The Masons are a subset within the Townies which (usually) have no special powers except knowing that they're all innocent. This is useful because this means the Masons will avoid lynching each other and sometimes even roleclaim to prevent the rest of the town from lynching them, which gives the town a slight statistical edge in randylynching a Mafia. The popular variation on this (present in this game) is a Mason Recruiter, which goes around turning people into Masons (except they also keep their special powers, if any). If the Masons outnumber everyone else, there's absolutely nothing special except that it's virtually impossible for the Mafia to win because the Masons will lynch it out before it can night-kill them all.

What you're thinking of is a Cult faction. This (unlike the Masons) is a third-party faction NOT associated with the innocents. The Cult Leader or Cult Recruiter also goes around turning people into cultists, but the difference is that if the Cult outnumbers everyone else (usually, only if there's nobody left but cultists) it wins, making the Mafia/Innocent struggle moot.

tl;dr Masons are good for Townies, Cultists are bad for everyone, and the two groups are distinctly different.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

That confirms Squirrel is innocent, then. Smart choice of the Kingmaker.

Being made king doesn't necessarily confirm your innocence. From the signup thread:

...Anyone besides the kingmaker can be chosen as the king, even an assassin...

Which leads to something interesting: I am the Seer. Jack and Legendaryseeker99 are mafia (with the whole "predict exact role" thing, Legendary is the Assassin Lover).

So, uh, kill Jack first, Squirrel?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

Totally different thing.

The Masons are a subset within the Townies which (usually) have no special powers except knowing that they're all innocent. This is useful because this means the Masons will avoid lynching each other and sometimes even roleclaim to prevent the rest of the town from lynching them, which gives the town a slight statistical edge in randylynching a Mafia. The popular variation on this (present in this game) is a Mason Recruiter, which goes around turning people into Masons (except they also keep their special powers, if any). If the Masons outnumber everyone else, there's absolutely nothing special except that it's virtually impossible for the Mafia to win because the Masons will lynch it out before it can night-kill them all.

What you're thinking of is a Cult faction. This (unlike the Masons) is a third-party faction NOT associated with the innocents. The Cult Leader or Cult Recruiter also goes around turning people into cultists, but the difference is that if the Cult outnumbers everyone else (usually, only if there's nobody left but cultists) it wins, making the Mafia/Innocent struggle moot.

tl;dr Masons are good for Townies, Cultists are bad for everyone, and the two groups are distinctly different.
Which leads to something interesting: I am the Seer. Jack and Legendaryseeker99 are mafia (with the whole "predict exact role" thing, Legendary is the Assassin Lover).

You are obviously lying, because
A) I am not an Assassin (Although this means nothing saying this)
and B) I am not a Lover of any sort.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

Which leads to something interesting: I am the Seer. Jack and Legendaryseeker99 are mafia (with the whole "predict exact role" thing, Legendary is the Assassin Lover).

Whirlpool, I wouldn't be too quick to trust your exact role power, seeing as though there is 33% chance of you being right. I'm not trying to disprove you, keep in mind. Just saying be wary.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

I think it goes more like "oh look you also found a role!" than "here, have something that might be right" since I didn't get any role with Jack's inspection.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

Being made king doesn't necessarily confirm your innocence. From the signup thread:

Which leads to something interesting: I am the Seer. Jack and Legendaryseeker99 are mafia (with the whole "predict exact role" thing, Legendary is the Assassin Lover).

So, uh, kill Jack first, Squirrel?

Will do.

But since I roleclaimed for both Syl and I and Syl's death proved that I was telling the truth, it's kind of hard for me not to be innocent, y'know?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

Being made king doesn't necessarily confirm your innocence. From the signup thread:
It wasn't proved by the fact that Squirrel's king; it's because Syl was Mason Recruiter.

Whirlpool said:
Which leads to something interesting: I am the Seer. Jack and Legendaryseeker99 are mafia (with the whole "predict exact role" thing, Legendary is the Assassin Lover).

So, uh, kill Jack first, Squirrel?

Well you're audacious. I can't speak for LS, but I personally am just a Villager. And besides that, the odds of inspecting two Mafia in two nights is practically nil, don'tcha think?

If our real Seer wants to come forward and refute Whirlpool, I think that might be a good idea. If you don't have any results yet, though, it's up to you whether to come forward or not, since it'll just put a target on you. (Hell, for all we know, that could be Whirlpool's intention - sacrifice himself as bait so whoever else is left in the Mafia can get the Seer with no problem.)
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

I think it goes more like "oh look you also found a role!" than "here, have something that might be right" since I didn't get any role with Jack's inspection.

The sign-up thread specifically said that there is a 33% chance of revealing the inspected persons exact role, not finding random roles. If you are going to fakeclaim, at least do the research :/
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

The sign-up thread specifically said that there is a 33% chance of revealing the inspected persons exact role, not finding random roles. If you are going to fakeclaim, at least do the research :/

..that's the point. 33% = "oh look you also found a role" when the RNG rolls that.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

33% means that 33% of the time, she will get the accurate, correct role in addition to the alignment. 67% of the time, she will only get the alignment.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

I call bull. finding two of three mafia in two nights is nigh impossible. I vote we execute Whirlpool, and if he turns innocent, take out those two.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

I call bull. finding two of three mafia in two nights is nigh impossible. I vote we execute Whirlpool, and if he turns innocent, take out those two.

I second this.
And I am still not an Assassin Lover, so I already know that he is lying.
EDIT: If you must, kill me first to prove that I was not the Assassin Lover, proving Whirlpool to be a lier.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

Executing Whirlpool, then. But if he's innocent, don't turn this into another Doctor Who Mafia and let either of them go.

Oh, and I was mistaken in my first post today. Someone else got recruited as a Mason. Not sure whether or not he/she wants to be revealed, though.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 2)

Squirrel and the other villagers turn on Whirlpool, on suspicion of her being a liar. They ruthlessly drag her as she struggles to break free, but Whirlpool is forced onto the guillotine and executed.

The villagers gasp in horror.

Whirlpool is dead. He was a Seer.

48 hours for night actions!

(Note: I did state that roles would be revealed upon death.)
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Night 2)

The villagers wake up nervously to another day. The sun is bright and fluffy clouds are scattered across the sky. They sigh as they see another body in the town square.

Squirrel is dead. She was a Villager.

A voice comes from the sky.

"Yet another innocent was killed last night. Your kingmaker has declared the next king to be Wargle."

Wargle is the king of Day 3. Villagers, you must convince Wargle whom to kill!

48 hours for discussion and execution.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 3)

Wargle, I think you should go for Jack first. More experienced player is always better to go for.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 3)

...alright then!

Wargle makes a speedy decision due to the results of the previous day. Due to the now-dead Whirlpool's revealing as a Seer, she quickly chooses to execute Jack_the_PumpkinKing, the first king whom Whirlpool had accused.

Jack_the_PumpkinKing is brought to the guillotine and executed. Again, a voice comes from the heavens.

"This one you have killed is the leader of the villains that plague your village."

Jack_the_PumpkinKing is dead. He was the Assassin Leader.

48 hours for night actions!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Night 3)

(I should be earlier with these.)

The citizens wake up nervously. Despite the success of yesterday's execution, the townspeople continue to worry about what this day will bring to them.

Again, they find a body in the town square; it is the body of SilverJade.

SilverJade is dead. She was a Hero.

The citizens mourn the loss of their hero. A voice comes from the heavens.

"The king is no longer SilverJade, but instead Chief Zackrai."

Chief Zackrai is the king of day 4. Villagers, you must advise Chief Zackrai on whom to execute!

48 hours for discussion and execution.
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