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Kingmaker Mafia II (Villagers win!)

Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 4)

Pretty much get rid of Legend. The only mafia member is the assassin guy and the rest of the innocent are villagers (including a mason). If Legend is a assassin lover, then we would see an innocent lover die as well too.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 4)

Last time I checked, I wasn't the AL. I'm not sure why Whirpool got that. Maybe Seri accidentally gave the wrong information?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 4)

okokok, so our seer just magically nails the assassain leader

>_> I'm saying that Seri must have accidentally PM'd Whirlpool as Assassin Lover instead of Assassin Guy.
And yes, I am admiting it; there is no way I can avoid death now :(

EDIT: Uh, am I getting lynched or not? :\
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Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 4)

Please don't call me Zachary; this is not even close to my real name. Go with the Chief, or Zackman/Zackrai. For future reference.

Execute Legendaryseeker99, I guess :/
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 4)

Chief Zackrai orders Legendaryseeker99 to be executed. He is slightly reluctant, but the citizens take Legendaryseeker99 to the guillotine. Without any resistance, he succumbs to the blade. A voice comes from the heavens.

"This man you have killed is an assassin, but hasn't done anything."

Legendaryseeker99 is dead. He was the Assassin Guy.

The citizens rejoice and return to their homes.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 4)

The citizens wake up nervously to another nervous day. Nervous, they step into the town square. Of course, there is a body - the body of Wargle on the ground.

Wargle is dead. She was not an assassin.

Today's king is Flower Doll, and I am tired of writing flavor text.

48 hours for discussion and execution!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 5)

OH, lordy, I'm king? (queen? O_o silly gender roles) Of all people...

SO, guys, any suggestions? I have my suspicions, but if you guys can think of something better, that's more than welcome. (wouldn't wanna nail an innocent accidentally D:)
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 5)

...wait, there's only me Kirby-Chan and Zackrai left? Crap.

uh so I'll just Execute Cheif Zackrai kthnxbai
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 5)

That's a quick choice. Let's hope we get the last assassin. Unless...
Re: Kingmaker Mafia II (Day 5)

Flower Doll quickly chooses Chief Zackrai. Caught by surprise, he is lead by Kirby-Chan to the guillotine and quickly killed. The sky's clouds part, and the citizens' nervousness is finally gone.

"This man you have killed is the last assassin."

Chief Zackrai is dead. He was the Assassin Lover.

The two remaining citizens rejoice!!


Alright! I guess that went pretty well. I had a huge failure in which I gave Whirlpool the incorrect results one night - I told him Legendaryseeker99 was the Assassin Lover by accidents. Ughhhh

I gave him the chance to send a message to the players, but he declined. Luckily, you villagers pulled through!

I also made a huge mistake with the lovers - after the assassin lover dies he ascends to the top and breaks up with the innocent lover... who knows who the assassin lover is. I sent them PMs notifying them that they broke up, and also that Flower Doll is not allowed to reveal Chief Zackrai.

It's also too bad that I didn't get to see much mason-y action at all, since InvaderSyl died pretty quickly. Or I didn't see a lovers' win. Oh well...

Still, I think it went pretty well! Congratulations to everyone, especially the remaining players.


Kirby-Chan: Kingmaker
Jack_the_PumpkinKing: Assassin Leader
Chief Zackrai: Assassin Lover
Legendaryseeker99: Assassin Guy
Flower Doll: Innocent Lover
SilverJade: Hero
InvaderSyl: Mason Recruiter
Whirlpool: Seer
Mai, Squirrel, Mawile, Wargle: Normal villagers

You are the Kingmaker. You choose who the king is every night. You need to send in two names - a priority and a backup, just in case the priority dies. If you are killed, you will be replaced. You may not roleclaim in the thread or you will be automatically killed. You cannot choose the same person twice until you run out of players to choose. You win when all assassins are dead.

You are the Assassin Leader. Your teammates are Chief Zackrai and Legendaryseeker99. You can communicate with the other assassins. You send in a night action every night to choose whom to kill. You win when all non-assassins are dead.

You are the Assassin Lover. Your teammates on the assassin side are Jack_the_PumpkinKing, the Assassin Leader, and Legendaryseeker99, the Assassin Guy. Your lover is Flower Doll. If you die, Flower Doll will die; if Flower Doll dies, you will die. You can communicate with the other Assassins and your lover, but your lover cannot communicate with the other Assassins. If the Assassin Leader dies, you and your lover will break up; you will become a normal Assassin Leader and the lover will become a normal Villager.

If the Assassin Leader and Assassin Guy are both dead, you, your lover, and the villagers all win. If your lover is the last remaining villager along with you and one or two of your teammates, then you, your lover, and the assassins all win.

You are the Assassin Guy. Your teammates are Jack_the_PumpkinKing, the Assassin Leader, and Chief Zackrai. You can communicate with the other assassins.You won't get to have any actual power unless both Jack_the_PumpkinKing and Chief Zackrai die. You win when all villagers are dead.

You are a Villager. You have no night action, but you can convince the King of the day whom to kill. You win when all assassins are dead.

You are the Innocent Lover. You are in love with Chief Zackrai. You can communicate with your lover, but you cannot communicate with his assassin teammates. If Chief Zackrai becomes the assassin leader, then you break up with him and become a normal Villager.

You are the Hero. You are loved by the villagers. If you are chosen to be executed by the king, the king will die instead.

You are the Mason Recruiter. You are in a group called the Mason, a group of villagers who can communicate with each other. You are the only member currently, but every night you can choose to recruit a new member. If you try to recruit an assassin you will die. You win when all assassins are dead.

You are a Seer. With your psychic powers, you can see the alignment of a player you target. 33% of the time you will get their exact role. You win when all assassins are dead.

Night 0:
Kirby: Kingmake Jack
Jack: Kill Mai
Whirlpool: See Jack
Syl: Recruit Squirrel
Day 1: Mawile executed.
Night 1:
Kirby: Kingmake Squirrel
Whirlpool: See Legendaryseeker99. Show role.
Syl: [randomized] Chief Zackrai
Jack: [randomized] InvaderSyl

Result: InvaderSyl killed.

Day 2: Whirlpool executed.

Night 2:
Kirby: Kingmake Wargle
Whirlpool: dead
Syl: dead
Jack: Squirrel
Day 3: Jack executed in record time.
Night 3:
Chief Zackrai and Flower Doll have broken up.
Kirby: Kingmake SilverJade/Chief Zackrai
Zackrai: Kill SilverJade
Day 4: Legendaryseeker99 executed.
Night 4:
Chief Zackrai: Kill Wargle
Kirby: Kingmake Wargle/Flower Doll (result: Flower Doll)
Day 5:
Chief Zackrai quickly executed. Villagers win!
Kirby-Chan, I love you right now XD (but then again Chief Zackrai couldn't be the King today but I love you anyway)

I'm actually quite happy with myself! I won us a Mafia game~
Wait, Zackrai was Mafia? How was he recruited, then...? I thought that the recruiter dies and stops recruiting when encountering the Mafia.
Wait, Zackrai was Mafia? How was he recruited, then...? I thought that the recruiter dies and stops recruiting when encountering the Mafia.

Syl recruited him, and Jack chose to kill her. I sent you a PM saying she chose to recruit him, but not necessarily that he was really recruited. This is why she was stabbed twice when she was dead.
Ahaha. That game was nice to watch, even though I died day one. It's all good though, because I would probably forgot all about this game or something. I'm really inactive in game's where I'm vanilla. >.> Which is purely my fault, of course.

Also I totally knew Chief Zackrai was mafia. Although I really misunderstood the assasin lover, I thought as long as Flower Doll wasn't the lover then she could kill either one of them and and the other would suicide because it was like a normal lover.

I really wanted to talk at some points (why not just kill Legendary, who's less experienced than Jack (and therefore less important, although still good at mafia) as a way to test Whirlpool?) and also 'Flower Doll is usually innocent'. Because everyone is 'usually innocent'.

Kingmaker Mafia III? I really wanted to be royalty at some point, though. :(

Good game! It was really entertaining.
I think the "kill Jack first" was to not kill an innocent as well (which wouldn't really have happened, since Legendary was the Assassin Guy).
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