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knives alley hydra mafia

So can I just confirm that the theory we have going here is that Herbe has a secret role hidden from M&F (although he told her about it), that allows him to anonymously post and neighbourise one person (one half of a hydra) each night, and he targeted sande on N0?

Is that an accurate summary?

i don't think mf knows the full details of herbe's role except for that it's single-headed—he's not confirming/denying whether he's the neighborizer rn because it's "risky" for mf to have knowledge of it somehow (possibly bc he suspects mf might be mafia or something? idrk). but otherwise yes
So can I just confirm that the theory we have going here is that Herbe has a secret role hidden from M&F (although he told her about it), that allows him to anonymously post and neighbourise one person (one half of a hydra) each night, and he targeted sande on N0?

Is that an accurate summary?

i think that's what's accurate for what skylar thinks; i think there's a decent chance that the neighborizer is not herbe and that herbe has a different one-head action, because i don't think that neighborizing is so sensitive that herbe wouldn't want MF to know that's what he had (herbe also specified that he was worried MF was going to double-cross him with the knowledge of his role, and i have no idea how you could mess up neighborizing if you knew about it??)
fwiw our two flavor “characters” have their role, like, jointly/collectively
- m
same here

ok you know what i am going to assume since i am not in a mafia chat that i am not mafia even though i technically do not have a town role pm

or i just dont exist mechanically and im just a part of the flavor

actually that second idea makes more sense

uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm super suspicious of this

I'm caught up to the bottom of page 22

alma facepalm is what I call it when apparently everyone forgets there are no deaths allowed on n0
in case it hasn't been clear, i don't think the roleblock on RSP has anything to do with mafia - i did remember that there are no deaths on N0, it was factored into the "town can't get past ~d3" things i was thinking about. all my suspicion on stryke is founded purely on "rnp has reason to think they're not the same alignment" - honestly i'm not too suspicious of stryke himself, but i do also think he's the most flavorwise likely to be mafia if there are hydras where alignments are different between pairs, and that's why i'm voting him
uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm super suspicious of this
aiui it just had to do with the way their pm is flavored:

in response to that wallpost i am willing to reveal that our role PM only explicitly confirms Zori's role and not mine - i am referred to in flavor but not in terms of game mechanics

(i think that mist later said their role mechanically functions normally, ie she can also submit actions. but in flavor she isn't the focus)
- m
also note how i said i was gonna kill zori n1 not n0

and that i have decided not to in hopes of performing an experiment on my partner
if you're going to vig stryke anyway, i'll move my vote off him, but i genuinely don't know who else i would vote for; no one else is jumping out at me except skylar, and i want more time to see what she thinks before i go with my paranoia
rsp i love fucking around and finding out as much as the next guy - and i started this post with the intent to talk you out of shooting yourself in your other head but honestly i talked myself into supporting your experiment by the end of the first sentence here
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