alma mater
is what I call it when I put every tomato I own in
- Pronoun
- any
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hmm... so tucker vote does not count?five minutes to eod.
2 – eifie (hmf, rsp)
2 – stryke (feh, lolfoxes)
1 – alma (bruh)
no! i just like... idk, it's fair enough for you to think that i guess, i'm just getting really tripped up at how you seem to be feeling iffy about me for not agreeing with all those assumptions. like i'm not trying to change your mind but i do feel like if we're being pragmatic here it's not really safe to base a vote around that heavily constructed world and at the very least i don't really see why you think it reflects negatively on me for feeling that way...? idk. weird vibesunfortunately this is EXACTLY what i am thinking, i do not think that what herbe said runs contrary to what he's said in the thread. would you rather i vote for eifie???i really feel like this is wildly assumptive. for stryke to make sense as a vote here you are assuming:
i just really feel like this is not a sound basis for a vote. like... it's not that i don't get where you're coming from but it's built on so many layers of largely unconfirmed/unfounded assumptions that it seems really unwise to risk taking a player (and a power role no less) out of the game over it
- herbe is not tucker (which runs contrary to the stuff herbe has said in the thread)
- therefore there are probably more single-headed roles
- therefore it's likely that some hydras have secret split alignments
- therefore based on the flavor text of rsp's role pm, stryke is likely mafia
excuse you i loved being neighbourizer but definitely hated the scum partI remember how much rari loved being scum neighborizer when I ran Cats Mafia
i shall legally defend strykehey bruh could you take away the risk of my death pls
look and be amazed! hoho!i don't know what to do. someone tell me what to do
action recorded. all votes on stryke are hereby null and void.i shall legally defend strykehey bruh could you take away the risk of my death pls
bruh momenti shall legally defend strykehey bruh could you take away the risk of my death pls
game setup compromisedare you fucking around or is this the attorney role rari told me about before the game
you- you coulda just voted for eifiei shall legally defend strykehey bruh could you take away the risk of my death pls