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knives alley hydra mafia

OK so here is what I think.

I definitely don't want to yeet lolfoxes D1; partly because I feel like Zori deserves to survive to D2 for a change, and partly because they genuinely are actually being helpful. And while the usual "D1 reads are basically arbitrary" still applies, I'm willing to go with them for now on alma mater and probably also bruh moment if nobody else raises an objection, if only because it's the path of least resistance. So that leaves RSP, feh and H&M&F.

Strykenix - Their bit is the same as usual, and just as non-alignment-indicative as usual. They were the first people to mention the "most of the hydras are lovers in flavour" thing, if that has any relevance. I find them sort of a mystery to be quite honest. Open to suggestions.

feh the owl - I can see why one might want to go for them. They're probably going to be among the trickiest to read, given sande doesn't play much and most of us don't really know Ephemera. So I don't think voting for them would be a terrible decision. But I confess it feels a bit mean to immediately vote someone out in their first day phase on the forum, haha... Maybe I should be quashing that impulse, it's not exactly helpful to the game.

H&M&F - An unknown quantity tbh. I have the impression that they both usually meme a lot more in the early game than they have here, which is slightly eye-raising? But that could equally just be scheduling/irlstuff. Overall, not really enough to base any sort of read on.

Tl;dr: No thoughts head empty.

This all assumes we want to yeet someone today at all tbh, which is an argument we've had many times before and I expect that when VM gets here he's going to say we should abstain (and he's not altogether wrong imo, it's a valid opinion).

feh the owl - I can see why one might want to go for them. They're probably going to be among the trickiest to read, given sande doesn't play much and most of us don't really know Ephemera. So I don't think voting for them would be a terrible decision. But I confess it feels a bit mean to immediately vote someone out in their first day phase on the forum, haha... Maybe I should be quashing that impulse, it's not exactly helpful to the game.
i’ll mention rq that i do actually know eph haha, rari and i played with them in a recent MU hydra game. i’d kinda rather not vote there yet since a) their first game 🥺 and b) at the moment im stark neutral on them and am hoping to find them (+ i’ve cowolfed with sande)

that being said i don’t feel that strongly about most of y’all, feh just happens to be my exact Neutral read. lol

- m
i’ll mention rq that i do actually know eph haha, rari and i played with them in a recent MU hydra game. i’d kinda rather not vote there yet since a) their first game 🥺 and b) at the moment im stark neutral on them and am hoping to find them (+ i’ve cowolfed with sande)
Extremely valid lmao

This is why I'm not a fan of daystarts tbh, there's never anything useful to go on for the D1 vote

OK so here is what I think.

I definitely don't want to yeet lolfoxes D1; partly because I feel like Zori deserves to survive to D2 for a change, and partly because they genuinely are actually being helpful. And while the usual "D1 reads are basically arbitrary" still applies, I'm willing to go with them for now on alma mater and probably also bruh moment if nobody else raises an objection, if only because it's the path of least resistance. So that leaves RSP, feh and H&M&F.

Strykenix - Their bit is the same as usual, and just as non-alignment-indicative as usual. They were the first people to mention the "most of the hydras are lovers in flavour" thing, if that has any relevance. I find them sort of a mystery to be quite honest. Open to suggestions.

feh the owl - I can see why one might want to go for them. They're probably going to be among the trickiest to read, given sande doesn't play much and most of us don't really know Ephemera. So I don't think voting for them would be a terrible decision. But I confess it feels a bit mean to immediately vote someone out in their first day phase on the forum, haha... Maybe I should be quashing that impulse, it's not exactly helpful to the game.

H&M&F - An unknown quantity tbh. I have the impression that they both usually meme a lot more in the early game than they have here, which is slightly eye-raising? But that could equally just be scheduling/irlstuff. Overall, not really enough to base any sort of read on.

Tl;dr: No thoughts head empty.

This all assumes we want to yeet someone today at all tbh, which is an argument we've had many times before and I expect that when VM gets here he's going to say we should abstain (and he's not altogether wrong imo, it's a valid opinion).

This is PROBABLY a villagery post. I will have to MONITOR for PROGRESSIONS, but I LIKE this.

This all assumes we want to yeet someone today at all tbh
also yeah usually idrc about this but the small game size makes me slightly afraid
though then again my pro-lynch logic probably still holds even now? idk ... if it’s 7 total then i assume. 2 wolves (28%)? maybe 3 (43%)?
that being said i don’t feel that strongly about most of y’all, feh just happens to be my exact Neutral read.
(+ rsp because i refuse to make snapreads on them now. it’s called personal development luv x)

- m
We likely have a COP-type or a VIG-type in the setup.
What I am afraid of is that we ABSTAIN, and then someone like QUETZAL dies and flips Villager, and nothing much else happens.

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