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knives alley hydra mafia

Well now this is an interesting idea, thank you sande

Thank you especially for the information that actions definitely can target only one head of a hydra

Don't have time to issue thoughts in full now, but, full disclosure: My and VM's role is flavoured as him carrying out the action. However I did explicitly check with rari and can confirm that, mechanically, either of us is allowed to be the one to perform it

i'm a tiny bit suspicious about mewt, but mostly i think that was just her arguing in favor of something she really didn't want us to waste time on, so i'm trying to dismiss that and look for other things.
curious, why me and not skylar?
in large part because i remember you posting more in response to H&M&F and also in smaller part because i thinking you were more likely to be the person who opened private communication with me (and therefore lying when you said that communications only went through the hydra account). i was also thinking it's entirely possible for skylar to be that person but in that case i don't have very many ideas
we were allowed to submit on a full hydra and i was allowed to submit zori's action for her but i'm not sure if it like

actually worked or anything??

meh. i don’t really like this. i kinda doubt that individual members of a hydra have different alignments, so being able to kill individuals would mean that you just like... have an extra guy hanging out whose alignment you know. that seems pretty weird and not terribly likely to me. it’s a thought but i feel like it’ll just be a waste of time and would rather try to solve the game.

also our vote wasn’t random fwiw. staying there.
i definitely thought this was kind of suspicious though. but again, it could just be someone arguing that we shouldn't waste our time, not a maf being worried that they'll be found out.

i'm a tiny bit suspicious about mewt, but mostly i think that was just her arguing in favor of something she really didn't want us to waste time on, so i'm trying to dismiss that and look for other things.
curious, why me and not skylar?
in large part because i remember you posting more in response to H&M&F and also in smaller part because i thinking you were more likely to be the person who opened private communication with me (and therefore lying when you said that *you think that communications only went through the hydra account). i was also thinking it's entirely possible for skylar to be that person but in that case i don't have very many ideas
(bolded to clarify)

-- sande
yeah if there's confirmation that actions can target specific hydra heads then i'm a bit less less >:( about the theory, it's just that our rolecard kinda made it sound like a normal hydra where both people just constituted. one normal slot. so i wasn't thinking outside of that really tbh
- m
i had a brainwave, right

so you've been saying that for sure there's abilities that can target one head of a hydra

but if the old people with the cake was indeed a roleblock as i theorize, it appears as if that ability targetted both me and stryke since we were both distracted by cake
ok without quoting or revealing my role, i had the tools in my hands for what my action theoretically would be, and then the cake people knocked on the door and i had to hide everything and stryke came downstairs to also get cake
if it WASN'T a roleblock then that gives me a ton of information

if nobody targetted me at all then i'm pretty sure i solved the game
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