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Land of Twilight (OOC and Signups)

I was the friend she was talking about.

Name: Ayame

Age: 1,100 (Chimani is her twin)

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune

Side: Good

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune

Bio: I can't think of one....but she is trying to stop the Twilight so her sister can be safe.

Personality: She's quiet and softspoken. She is also very trusting, but she is not naive. She cares very much about her sister. She doesn't really like to fight, but she will if she has to.

Appearance: A white fox with nine tails, like Chimani. She has green eyes and wears a green magatama (curved beads from Japan, but it looks more like the popular culture version, a solitary 9-shaped gem). She rarely goes into human form.

Other: I am capable of being semi-literate. I will try hard to be it.

Flesh out the bio more than I'll be happy. I'm fine with you two being sisters and Kitsunes. There are quite a bit of stroies about that creature. An di do hope you can be semi-Lit

As for you Darksong. Yes. I want a source to a legend/myth/tale. This is a RP of Myths/legends/stories.
Name: Ayame

Age: 1,100 (Chimani is her twin)

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune

Side: Good

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune

Bio: She has always enjoyed peace. Unlike Chimani, she liked being in nature, rather then seducing young men. She loved to run in the forests and fields near the den. Then, the Twilight came.

After almost being killed four times, she snapped. She killed many of the men and ate many flesh and body parts.

She still can't believe she did that. If anyone mentions death or killing, she closes up.

Personality: She's quiet and softspoken. She is also very trusting, but she is not naive. She cares very much about her sister. She doesn't really like to fight, but she will if she has to.

Appearance: A white fox with nine tails, like Chimani. She has green eyes and wears a green magatama (curved beads from Japan, but it looks more like the popular culture version, a solitary 9-shaped gem). She rarely goes into human form.

Other: I am capable of being semi-literate. I will try hard to be it.
I'm not sure about this, so... I'll just ask a question. Could we take a character from a book that isn't a super famous fairytail but is still a fantasy? (Well, who I'm thinking of isn't really a character, he appears a few times in the book, but he's really awesome. No physical attacks, but he does have this wierd sleep dust, and... It's hard to explain. But he's awesome.)

EDIT:Here's a thing that mentions him. (The Sacrecrow) But I would porbably leave out the 'taking away children' part. He has a little silver bell, and he shakes it, and powder falls out, which induces sleep. He usually brings his victims to someone who will kill them for him.
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hmmm....I wish it'd be a little better known. I want something not from a Fantasy novel, but a Myth/legend and the like.

This is a world of stroies created by the Grimm brothers and such. Hell, you could even use the Jupiter Tree if you want. Here's the link http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm047.html
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Dang it! I grew up on Narnia, not myths and legends, which is pretty disappointing now. I know the tortoise and the hare, but that's about it.>:( Um...... *Needs to think for a longer time*
Alright. Listen up. For those that still want to join, you can now be a villain if you so wish.

On another note.

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