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The only thing I can speak/write/read fluently is English. Mostly American English, but I've heard and seen enough British English to not be confused by it.

I know enough Spanish to pick up on the general idea of written things, but I can't really speak it or understand much of it when it's spoken... native speakers always talk so fast that I can only catch one or two words I recognize out of full sentences.

I can usually understand what's being said on Spanish TV stations if they have their closed-captions set up the right way, though.
I can currently speak fluent english and french.
Now I just need to work on my portuguese which
I already understand very well but the speaking part... not so much.
I can (usually) speak, write, and read English. I can read and speak Mandarin Chinese as well as understand a little bit of Japanese.

I want to learn some non-oriental languages though... German sounds so cool.
English, fluently, and Welsh and German on a intermediate level.
Also know tiny bits of Finnish and Polish.
To everyone out there studying a language:

What do you use to study your language? Do you take classes or study independently? What methods have you found that work best for you?

Here are some sites I've been using (or trying to use) to study Russian:
Livemocha: Do exercises which are graded by native speakers.
Qasana: Online Vocabulary program.
Lang-8: Write a journal entry, get corrected by native speakers, do same for people learning your language.
SCOLA: See broadcasts of news and interviews done in language of your choice. Requries password (but it's easily found).
Surusu: Make an account and have your own portable flashcard system.

There's some Russian specific stuff I could list if anyone's interested. :x

I try to make flashcards to carry in my pocket with vocabulary and I quiz myself whenever I'm not doing anything. It's pretty useful, imo.
then make an online friend who speaks russian or french and skype with them
then make an online friend who speaks russian or french and skype with them

They all seem to stop after five posts.

I've had around three Russian e-mail pals, one of which stopped after three e-mails, the other which went on a little longer but stopped after five, and the last one which stopped after two. Skype sounds... somewhat fun but I'm not allowed to install it so poo.

Mostly I just try to read literature and listen to music because using it every day would be the best way, but I can't get in contact with real people (or seem to be interesting enough for them - wtf).
Observez, je retablis ceci trés vieux thread! Hahaha!

Oui, comme la magie, je rappelé soudainement ma capacité écrire et lire francais! Enfin...un peu. J'ai pas pratiquer beaucoup, donc ma grammaire est horrible, probabli. J'ai besoin de l'assistance, mais il est difficile trouver. Je veux appendre encore. :(
Tengo un boligrafo y una hoja de papel, pero no tengo un lapiz o un sacapunta. Conozco espanol un poco, pero mi profesor conoce mucho.

There's probably a billion mistakes in there, but whatever.
I speak English, herr durr.

I also speak...*takes deep breath*
Fluent Mandarin
Fluent Cantonese
Semi-Fluent Shanghai-nese
A little Italian
A little Japanese
A little French
A little German
A little Indonesian (VERY little)
AND a little Latin.

Yes I'm dead serious.
I speak English well enough to know that I don't speak it fluently.
I'm in my first year of Latin classes but I'm learning second year material with the Certamen team.
Simply by living in this culture I've picked up a bit of Spanish, though I will eventually take up formal Spanish classes.
I know a small amount of Japanese from watching English subtitled Japanese television.
I'm taking informal lessons in Hebrew from my grandma, and am somewhat self-taught in hopes of following up my heritage a bit more.
And I will very soon be learning Greek. I already know the alphabet.
English (main language, it'd be sad if I couldnt speak english)
Taking Italian in school (can keep a conversation)
The only thing I need to know in Spanish: No Hablo (Habla?) Espanol
English for me. I still... have grammar issues and whatnot with it, but I'm not really overly worried about it (it's generally readable, and I have gotten better with bits and pieces of it). I have poor comprehension skills in general so... trying to completely understand where to put what and when and all that is... confusing. Yeah. :|

Trying to learn Japanese though. I can sing it, but getting more of the pronounciation down is the part I'm trying to do before I go all out learning it. I have a speech deficiancy problem, so that makes it hard. I have the basics, but the more advanced sounds is the fun part.

I can generally understand German (like around 70% of the time, and not word for word, it's like... a broken english sort of thing or something idk). But I can't speak it or really translate it.

Hey Shiva, didn't you know a little bit of Vietnamese? I remember wanting to learn Vietnamese because of you. :p

SonicNintendo said:
No Hablo (Habla?) Espanol

It's 'Hablo'. 'Habla' is third person. Also, why the hate against Spanish? :(

So, going over again: Spanish, English, French (getting better!)... once I finish my AP French exams, I'll do *fanfare* Russian, Hindi, I'm taking a Japanese class next year, I hope to get around with Navajo eventually, and I've been considering Indonesian. :p French is enough for me now.
Hey Shiva, didn't you know a little bit of Vietnamese? I remember wanting to learn Vietnamese because of you. :p

Only a very tiny amount. I don't really remember any of what my dad knew and told me now (that's why I didn't put it up there)... but I may still learn a tiny bit because of Kristine Sa. Awesome Vietnamese singer, but also does English. She... even did an acapello on a webcast for me because I asked about "The Truth Is" since it's FFX-2 related, so now I wanna try to sing some of her Vietnamese songs.

So yeah. I may try again.
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