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Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

"omg bulli mitsy is a bulli aliz lets WIN. and thn teka moar badgeses." znagoose thn attaked the mean evl sqirtl boi an his gf. SUPR AFCTIV. "aliz lesgo get the mewotoe lol btw mitsy u an ur bf hav horibl gramar so dos that strangr" so aliz and snardra go firhrhter into the cav lol.
"God job orfan gurl i frgot ur name alredy lol" A man appears out of no where. "PROFESEE."
"lol its snadra doy" she turnd 2 the PROFESEE man. "omg rly hoo r u. cant u c this is aliz and i's cav lol" TOLD
"O yea snadra." She terns to the profesee man. "O hey u were da gy who almost rape me at da park!" she slapps missy 4 slaping her.
"omg profesee man dats aganst the law liek rly im gnna tel the kops." snadra turnd to mitsy "its rood 2 slap othrs" so snadra kikd mitsy and sqirtle boi. "aliz lets go get mewotoe an fufil teh PROFESY.1da"
"orly wel we don liek u ether!11!32." shoted snadraa. "NUH UH wii will gt the profesee frist lets go nao aliz."
"omg the profesee!!!!! lol meby mewtos in ther and itll sho us the profesi!!!!!" lola wuz exited so she ran inside and jumped up ad down cuz she wuz hapy
"AAAAAAHHHHH this story is 2 slow, less speed it up a bit[/i]" said alen to no on in perticaler.

Evie and vm oh wait i mean alan lol had an EPIC MONTAGE and beat all the jims. Then the were ther. at the pokemno leeg.

"SarGENT! UUSE MEGA LAZER* to defeat all the enmys!"
Then Alan anevie become the champen of the pokeon leeg. they macked out sexily.

*Mega lazer is a move i inveted. NO STEALING!
"LETS GO KILL MOOTOO and get profesee ovar w/!!!!1!!" sayd amy

Annen they went to carulan gave but then...

dere wa no Mootoo!!11!!1!!1!!!!1 "o no wat hapen?!" ask amy to montjou a

Montjotty was psycic (rememba I told u) and he sad that mootoo had gone to the pkmn leag!!1!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!! "oh mo i hav to warn every1 thar" sad amy. ... annen amy went to the league and tol everyon
"guyz lok thers mewto!!!!!1!!!1!111!!!!!!!! lets go 2 it!!!!" sed lola "becuz ten itll tell us teh profese" ad mewto wuz standng behnd tem ad it's eys wer gloing
"ew no alzi an i don wan 2 c u mak out thats natsy. aliz we stil ned 2 go cath mewotoe." at dis pont she grabed aliz' arm and dragd hr to a knew part of the cav lol. "hm wii ned to sruf ho do we do dat. OMG nvm mewotoe is hear!!! WIN"
snadr loked at aliz "omg u r soo kool u caht teh mmewotoe. evry1 nao worshipps u." snadra bowd don. "omg guiz u ned to respekt the gilr." snadra got up an smakd every1 exept aliz. thn snadr saw teh pokebal wit mewothree CUNSPIRASY.
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