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Level Up Your Adoptables

Yay some people clicked...Glares at those who didn't...growls...
So more clicks and please click Luke AND Lily. If Luke reaches Lv 8 then I will click everyone's once. If Lily is Lv 28 then I will clicks everyone's the following day and then the next as I'm here quite alot. Feel free to click as I'm not going to ditch my pokeballs unless they are unoriginal pokemon like Grimer and Voltorb. So click for the sake of it click. Well I'll click yours so start clicking like you're a mad crazy freaking monster. RAAAAAA!!!!!!!

From EeveeSkitty
Luke and Lily aren't Lv 8 and 28 respectively. They are 25 and 6. So please click some more. To all who clicked thanks a whole heap of strawberry cake with mango slices and banana slices and CHOCOLATE on it saying thanks. So thanks. Remember click Lily if you are a girl or click Luke if you are a boy or BOTH if you are strange or just act like the opposite gender or something. If you can click both but if not click your gender. I want to see if Girls rule or Boys rule.[Girls rule in my sense!!!]
Lily's current Lv: 29 [Gone up by 3]
Luke's current Lv: 9 [Gone up by 3]

Luke's Lv went up by 3 and so did Lily's so boys and girls both are even. Come on girls we know that we rock. So if you are a girl click Lily if you are a boy click Luke.

From EeveeSkitty
Lily's current Lv: 30 [Gone up by 4]
Luke's current Lv: 11 [Gone up by 5]

The contest. Boys click Luke and Girls click Lily. If you click the opposite gender one then you are letting down your gender. Boys are winning currently. Come on girls we can win. Girls click!!! Boys you can click if you want...
Wow, I was one of the first to post in this thread and now it is on nine pages!! This will take awhile...

But my last batch of eggs perished, so now I'm starting over. ='(

But please click on my heat-filled egg!!! =P

Also don't forget my plushie!! Here is the link: http://www.pokeplushies.com/feed/495027
Lily's current Lv: 32 [Gone up by 6]
Luke's current Lv: 12 [Gone up by 6]

Oh it's close now. It's a tie for the Girls and Boys. For those who don't know what I'm talking about...I have two pokeplusies. One's a girl and one's a boy. If Lily the girl has gotten more clicks than Luke then girls are better than Boys however if Luke beats Lily then Boys rule. [Note that it is how much they go up by not how high level they are]
A trick to level up your adopts is to put them at the top of your sig. And don't put too many of them at once. When you have this huge, long signature that you have to scroll for ever to get to your adoptables, not many people are going to click them.

*clicks everyone's anyway*
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