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London Expo


Still loves Joltik, though!
Staff member
Heartache staff
So. It's official now: I'm going to the London Expo this year. Where I will meet Dannichu, Espeon and whoever else might come!

Especially awesome because I will be staying at Dannichu's place and we have epic sleepover plans. :D

Therefore, squeeee~
Ughh I want to go but London is a five hour drive away and my parents won't let me go by myself ;_;
(Although some of my new friends from College are going so if I'm lucky I might be able to take advantage of that...)
Isn't Dannichu's place a long way from the middle of London?
So hey.

Might you be arriving on the 23rd of October?

I will be in London for about an hour in the evening of the 23rd. 8)
yeah when is this but I'll only be in London in March I'm afraid and unavailable probably lol

Wheeeeeee you know what this means. >:O
I was invited to go by someone. But I'm not sure anymore since I don't really know them. =/ Ah well, have fun you guys.
Hmm. I want to go to attempt to get Butterfree's autograph/hear her supposedly weird English pronunciation but I don't have much time/money. What day & time is everyone going to be there?
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