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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Long Eyed Field


Believing you may just have better luck this time, you take another ball and start walking south. And then?

A very large serpent starts powering its way up, obviously mad. By reflex, you toss the Safari Ball given to you.

Congratulations! You've caught one of the rarest Pokemon in Hawkeye Pond:


OH THANK THE GODS A well-made choice, player!


well, this is new. Instead of the comforting wetness that was the pond, you're now in..this. It's kinda pretty, all the grass and the buzzing noise is oddly calming. Shaking off these vaugely deep thoughts, you delve into the northern terrain. A cluster of purple fuzz catches your eye. Bingo.


Well adapted to the pond by now, you decide to wing it and stumble north. Your Gyarados, remarkebly enough, is right at home.
Aha! You see a tail...a spiky one. Oh well. This being the only pokemon around, you toss your Pokeball


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@Zapdos: Damnit thought it was a typo :|

You slosh around, kinda clumsily, west. From lillypad to lilypad, your Zigzagoon jumps...*plop*

....did that one just move? It did. You toss your ball and *plock*




Once again you return to the comforting wetness. Ah...

A red, hard little thing sproings up. What endering little eyes. Aww...

OW! it pinches. You capture it in a hurry.


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Same areas? What direction? Who you sending out?

A newcomer! Oho. You decide to go to the lake, seeing as people group up there quite often. You turn around. Streampunk seems to be staring at something. Is...is that a lizard?

No, wait. It's...oh.
You eagerly toss the ball, elated. You caught a rare one!


you lucky bastard Female
Whooo, there goes my $9. Three goes in the Sandy Pit, please. And Enhydris, you'll have to get your fur mussed up.

North, West, and East.
Well. Your pants are pretty damn wet right now, and muddy too. You decide to make your way west via shore and jump in at one point. Or course, carrying a giant floaty death-maiden generally terrifies most pokemon-except for one brave...
Wartortle, boy it seems, which you then catch.


...screw it. there are a buncha dirt Pokemon around here and you are going commando and catching as many as possible. You run around quite a bit, starting North (not the best idea and a tunnel prone to possible cave-ins, but. Pick your own poison, I s'posse) bumping into a Plate. Which you promptly trip over. Ow. You shove it in your pocket*, slighty disgruntled. Shaply turning east, you bump into a sleeping..
Gligar, female. Or uh at least previously sleeping. After a couple of Fury Cutters (thankfully taken by Enhydris, that could have been ugly), you chuck a ball at it. It works.
You then turn east, a bit dissapointed by your efort. Sure, a plate with writing on it's cool, and you got a giant scorpion bat, but nothing very...ohmygod.

Lileep, male. Youu eagerly bean it on the head with a Pokeball and scrabble out. Hope you enjoyed!

(*psssst blazhy i assume you're human in the Safari Zone right)
(It's fine, these shorts are perfectly swamp-friendly.)

I'll go Mario and stomp its sorry face, then kick it away and see how many points I get. I'll keep going, in the meantime.
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Phalanx Phalanx Phalanx :'D WELCOME HOME.

Anyway uh exactly what knd of Plate was that?


Edit: And well, I'd prefer to be a mechanical dragon, but whatever works. I don't want to ninjatoe any innocent Pokemon.
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