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Long Eyed Field


And now because I'm too addicted to this place to stop, let's go thrice more in to the Sandy Pits. Doubt it's gonna give me Larvitar and Cubone and Lairon BUT HEY WE CAN HOPE AMIRIGHT. *slams down $9*
Melodic Harmony:

"Zzzzz-oof!" the warden topples from her chair after a girl with a mechanical dragon on her shirt runs past, squeeing. Adjusting her monocle, she glances at you. "Oh. Merde. Knew I forgot something. 6 dollars." You eagerly plunk down six coins and run over to the Sandy Pit. Sedgewater starts to scrape through the dirt, making a neat little hole. You climb in and peer through the slight darkness. Aww. A little boy catPhanpy rolls up to you, trumpeting. Cute~! You take him and climb out of the dirt pit, dusting yourself off.

"To Hawkeye Lake!" You march off, still with that optimism. After walking in wiast deep, you look around. Where oh where...oh! A lithe girl Barboach swims up to you. Another one netted~

You come squeeing back, the warden fixing you with her patented Kubrick Stare©, at which you clam up and gulp. A plunk of nine coins later, you're out and at 'em. Glancing around fevereshly, you find, nothing, nothing, no- Sandslash A female. There goes your Pokeball. This is getting fun, but no cubone yet. Continuing, you spot both a Lairon and Bonsly mlae and female. hat the hell, you say, and catch 'em.


After a long hiatus, you return, glaring at the fuzzy demon of a warden. " 'Lo there gilly, pond's over there. FFFFFff-you brush it off. Just because the pond's nice--

You stomp on over there, pushing past a Buizel. Feisty girl that she is, she pushes back. ...oh what the hell, nothing else. You catch her.
Ahaha Lairon ahaha no wait no Cubone ;-; Damnit I want my Marowak. Er-hem, anyway.

$6 more. Haha at this rate I'll be in debt :P Sandy Pit, west and east.
Back to the Bug Habitat, deedle de. Amonst the caterpie and Weedle you spot a Ledian, another female. Rarer than the ones you keep seeing anyways, you net her.

forward to Neutral Field. A little boyAipom pops up, holding a Leppa Berry in its tail. That's the driving point that causes you to toss your Pokeball.


Careful to tiptoe past the once again sleeping warden, you plunk down 6 coins.

Leaping into the pit once more (and not landing in the best way but) you're surrounded by sand for some reason.
...? oh. Hippopotas Hmm...Sand Stream. Even though we don't battle, you net him.

You limp along, and trip over a Rare Bone. The elusive Cubone left something behind~ You pocket that and jmp up.

@Green-Gills: Specify direction.
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You set down four coins at the warden's desk and point towards Netual Field. She nods and tosses you a Safari Ball. With Void leading the way, you walk up to the field and then west, wondering what to catch. Oooooh. A male Meowth slinks past, toying about with some spare blades of grass. Aiming for the charm, you muster up your strength and bingo!
Keep trekking, you tell yourself. It could be so much worse. After temporaily reducing the warden to Angrish (and getting a giant bump on the head for it...where the hell was that cane before?) you strode back into the lake. S'peaceful here. Plopping down on the banks, you relax a while.
A Gastrodon swims up to you, nuzzling you a bit. A pat on the head later, she's yours.
You slip the warden 3 coins. She shrugs, takes it, and passes you a ball. Moving swiftly over to the pit, FireFist starts tio scratch out a hole. It's not hard to get in there, really. A tunnel streches out before you, and a Swinub pokes out from the dirt. You catch him.
Fortunately for your head, the warden is a terrible aim, and you run back to the pit. You want an orphan warrior damniiit. Caked with dirt, but not caring, you look around wildly north. Oooh, shiny... a Star Piece is laid out in front of you, and you grin and pocket it. You move west, more stumbling then anything else- hard to breathe with all that dust kicked up...

You have to blink a few times to really see her. Oh. My.

Cubone Squeecakes. Luring her over, cooing, with that Star Piece you got earlier...snap. She's yours. Finally.
Twice in the Bug Habitat! Once in the Sandy Pit! Once in Hawkeye Pond! With Sedgewater!
Exclamation points and addicting Safari areas ftw! >=D

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