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Long Eyed Field


Anyway, because Typh needs money (shyeah right), two goes in the Sky Dome with my Zubat, Pleonastic. Haha it's kinda funny how such a small thing can lift a mechanical dra- wait why can't I fly up by myself.

...Whatever. *slams down $8*
Melodic Harmony:
"One of everything, eh?" The warden chuckles and spins around in her chair. "Ten."
A plunk later, you ponder briefly on where to go first. Eeny Meeny Miney...BUGSY.
Moving swiftly acorss the well known grasses, you look around.
...A Leaf Stone? Who could've dropped this...? You pluck that from the ground. Scanning the ground some more, you barely notice the Caterpie crawling onto your back. It's male. He's caught.

To the Sandy! Sedgewater starts scraping around and withing moments, a clean cut hole is there. Another leap. Huh. It's getting almost...shallower here? You decide to crawl for a bit, looking around. A cry of pian causes you to turn around. Sedgewater is waggling his tail, which is now plus one girl Trapinch d'awww socute~

And now? TO HAWKEYE AWAY Gleefully, Sedge runs into the lake, soothing his bleeding tail. And then something else snaps onto it-a feebas, female. Poor guy can't win.

"The noise, I feel its presence." The warden picks up that block again, and you quickly signal to the Dome.

"Oh. I was wondering when someone was gonna use that. C'mon, Boogie." She pulls out a Pokeball conatrining a Tropius.

A tutorial on how to ride the winds later, you call out a chittering Zubat. Grabbing otno his little tail..thing, you wait. Heh, like this'll wo-HO.

He lifts you up with ease, gliding around a chatting with an enamored Pigdey. You shoo her off while Pleonastic fixes you with an eyeless stare. An Xatu flaps up to you, male. He jsut might tell you where this 'swablu' is! you capture the Yoda-esque birdy.

Just for kicks, you steer around, mangling his tail accidentally. He Screeches and veers off. Ohhh crap warden didn't say anything abou-OOF! Something hits you in the mouth, which is where you hold it. Oh no bird cr-ohhh. it's a Sharp Beak

Completely (or selectively) oblivious to the chaos in the Dome, the warden fixed you with a glzed and tired look. "Where do you even wanna go? S' it the lake again? What way, what Mon, yadder yadder. Let me got back to my nap, please."

*...lol danger? :'D You're a human.
What? Pffft, I can transform. Anyways, lake, west, Fiddlydee.
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@Green: I did not mean you, I meant Blazhy.

Warden yawns and tosses you a ball. "Right then. Transfrom...nah I couldn't care less. Shoo." But you can..! Oh well. You decide not to nail it into the thick skull of the warden, and pick up your pokeball. Off to the pondbed. Padding around west, you find..nothing. Not even anything shiny. Suddenly, cold water hits you in the head. Whipping your head around to admonish Fiddlydee for that uncalled for Water Gun, you see...a Staryu You keep it.
$8, up to the Sky Dome again~

Hopefully Midnight won't steal all my luck :<

Edit: Nooooo does that mean I have no ninjatoes in the Safari Zone
But I can sprout wings out of my back! :<

I merely shoo the shuriken-wanna-be away and continue.
Throwing some coins in the general direction of the desk (ow, by the way), you saunter off to Hawkeye Pond. Sloshing though this newish terrain, you stumble upon a Wartortle, yawning and batting at your shoes. Hmmm. He might be useful.
After capturing him, you tred west, seeing what other things you may find. A shell pops out of bloody nowhere and hits you in the shin. Oh god why. Glaring at the devilish girl Omanyte that did such a thing, only then do you see the sparkly thing around his neck; Mystic Water. Woo sucessful capturing.


You keep it.

how is it that you keep failing to read this part on most captures. i mean if you really don't want it sure you can ditch it, but please read the whole post since this area goes by 'you catch it you keep it'.


Returning to the front desk with declarations of "Again, again!" the warden breifly wonders how far you've fallen, shrugs it off, and asks for the required 8 coins. you run off, and the owner wonders if she should buy one of those "If you are showing signs of gambling addiction, get help." things and hang it up. crazy blazhy
Steering around with the greatest of ease, you hear three male-sounding voices bicker and squawk. Dodrio
What. After wondering how a limbless bird could well...fly, you toss a ball; hey it's fully evolved. You also hear a buzz, then a nip; Bug Bite? Mothim Hmm. At least you didn't have anything on you, right? You toss your last ball with regret.
Twice in Bug Habitat, east and south.
Twice in Sandy Pit, north and west.
Twice in Hawkeye Pond, north and south.
All with Sedgewater! <3

note: because projects are raping me up the ass longer than i thought, I might not get to you all so. Wait plz until at least Tuesday? D:

The warden slips the four coins into her hat, and hands you a compass (which she should’ve given out before but whatcha gonna do.) and Safari Ball. One glance at the compass reveals north is datta-way. Marching on, you note the fleeing Normal types; peh. They’re not special much anyhow. A Linoone skitters past you, chewing on a berry. Cute little girl…capture time.

Tossing coins squarely into the hat, you stride up to the pond bed, confident that you’ll get something awesome. Walking along the northern shore, you spot one stray Floatzel Mine. You hit her squarely in the face with that ball. Smooth.
You point Steroids to the pit, which is quickly dug up. Leaping with a flourish, you land. In sand. What. Oh. Local Hippopotas wandered over. Why not catch him, only thing around. Trekking to the Bug Habitat, you find…well, not a pokemon. Damn. However this SilverPowder may come in handy.

Melodic Harmony:
More money to burn, eh? Well then. You start at the Bug Habitat, picking up a Paras along the way; she was quite cute. Going south, you find a little boy Venonat.

To Sandy Pit, nyaha~ Sedgewater nips a few Pokemon along the way, including an annoyed Rampardos Oop. You catch her to relieve any more trouble. Before you scrape the surface you toss a ball at a male Piloswine.

To The Pond! vrrrp. Huh?

"um, yes...lazy :v here take your smelly Pokemon"
You get a female Psyduck and male Goldeen thrown at you. Uhhh...? Eh.
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Dr Frank:

You yoink three balls and a compass from the front desk (after paying of course). Cautiously making your way towards the eastern area, you aim your ball for a Scyther and -vrrrrp.

Time seems to have frozen for the time being, although you could make out...a yawn over some intercom?

"Oh. Sorry about that whole time freeze. I'm still lazy for today and my mind gave out on actual creatvity, nyuk...not that it existed anyhows. Let's make this laconic, shall we?"

Time returns to normal, and you catch the afformed Scyther, and a Wurmple and Metapod, male, female and male, in that order.
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