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Lucario Palace

Wartortle opened the door to see a vast void of nothing. All he could see was water... and an angry Octillery that wanted to destroy him. It launched out a Bullet Seed at Wartortle.

The Ekans, when it was finally released from his opponent's grasp, fell to the ground, and turned into a silver statue.

Chikorita tried to walk backwards, but the ice at her feet prevented her from doing so. In her frustration, she unleashed her ultamite move: she summoned humongous vines from the underground, and aimed at her opponent. The Frenzy Plant adequately covered her up.
Articuno unleashed a blast of water from her beak. It aimed for Froslass, and then cringed from the poison.

Holy- The Weavile was covered by the vines and they began to constrict, effectively cutting off her circulation. With a cry, she reached through the vines and pointed her palms outwards as the temperature in the room began to drop, and blasts of ice and snow swirled around the room. She knew she would have to finish the Chikorita quickly, and then hopefully the vines would loosen their grip.
((Blizzard ;O))

The seeds stung. A lot, mind you. Maybe a good ol' fashioned fisticuffs...

Wartortle swam out, trying to locate the offending Pokemon..where...wheeere...

THERE! Encasing himself in the surrounding water, the turtle shot straight out like a torpedo.

(Aqua Jet. Gogo breeding moves)
Mr. Mime strode forward confidently, and grabbed the silver trophy.

Silver this time, eh? He was getting better at this. He walked up to a door, marked with a 'four', and entered the next room.
Chikorita squealed in pain as it turned into a gold statue. The vines turned into a shimmering powder, and the doors unlocked.
Weavile sighed as she could breathe again, and looked with a smug grin at the trophy. Gold, huh? What was after gold? Brushing the powder away, she wished she didn't burn so much energy, and left the room. Once again, she stood outside the doors.. and nodded to the number three.

"Well, I guess you can be my last door?" Placing a claw on the third door's handle, she entered the room and began to charge up a Blizzard in the other claw. This would probably be her last battle.
Octillery, hit by the blast, decided to launch out an Octazooka at zero range. A disgusting ink blob hit the Wartortle's eyes.

Cotton began to fly around Mr. Mime as a Jumpluff rose from the ground. It decided to try to drain its opponent's energy and unleashed a green seed.

Oh, screw this. Staring at the atacking mass- an Octillery, huh?- he dived, launching an Ice Beam at the water below the Octillery, hoping to encase it.

(Dive + Ice Beam)
Weavile walked into the room, to see a small coin with the number fifty engraved on it. Weavile suddenly felt very sleepy... and fell asleep, coin in hand.

It woke up at the table, where Lucario greeted his challenger. "Good work," Lucario said. It closed its eyes, and meditated again.

Meanwhile, Wartortle launched an Ice Beam at Octillery, who's legs froze up from the attack. Octillery grabbed the opposing Pokemon with a psychic grip, then stung the opponent with a Bullet Seed.

(You're getting low on health here... careful!)
Froslass winced at the next attack, but finally had enough energy to go on the offensive once more - a tweaking of her mental energies, to attune them, and she then unleashed a Psychic on the legendary, grinning inwardly as she distanced herself from the other's mind once more and used another Shadow Ball, followed by a flurry of sparks that quickly spread into a spreading wave of electrical energy. After this, she'd have to use Rest, but she wanted to take care of her extremely powerful opponent first.
What? Cotton?...

"aa-aa-aa-CHOOO!" Mr. Mime sneezed and, duly distracted, was surprised when the Leech Seed landed on his head. Grimacing as he slightly weakened, Mr. Mime sent out a wave of Psychic energy, locking onto his opponent's thoughts. After quickly noting its strategy, the mime focused Ice-type energy into both of his oversized hands, and brought them together where the Jumpluff was floating.

((2x Ice Punch combined into a sort of double-power Ice-clap))

The hits were really starting to stack up. Wartortle decided to rest for a bit, but not before yawning at the Octillery. He curled up, sleeping.

(Yawn and Rest)
((But I liiike five D; okay fien))

Lopunny stared at the doors for a while, then finally selected #7, pushing it open gently.
Articuno cringed after being hit by the psychic blast, and the ball of drakness also weakened it. Its wings, singed by the Hyper Beam, fell limp. It watched as the Pokemon fell asleep, then sang a shrill note. Rocks fell from the sky at a high velocity, attacking the sleeping Pokemon and waking it up prematurely.

5/30. C'mon, you can do it!

Octillery felt sleepy, and both Pokemon got some rest.

Lopunny jumped into room #7, to see a pipe on the wall. Suddenly, noxious gases began to come from the pipes, and Lopunny found herself choking from the poisonous gases. The doors opened. (Poison room!)
Ahhhh...whatta dream. There were ROCKETS AND CANDY AND POPCORN AND WOLVES AND um.


Wartortle rolled over, muttering something in his sleep and drooling a bit.

(Sleep Talk~)
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