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Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

K as I just realised I'll have a bunch of speech forms, heres a list:

"I'm speaking as Saito."

"I'm speaking Telepathically as Zert, or having Saito respond to him through thought.

"I'm thinking, no-one is aware of what is in this speech."

"I'm speaking through my Pokémon, mainly used so that I can have them address the cast without some sort of NPC speech lending..."
@Legendaryseeker99: If you're talking about Black Yoshi's adorable comic of adorable, read the little exchanges between the two in the roleplay very carefully. It'll all make sense after that.

And everyone, my connection might be a little scarce until Thursday. It'll still be possible, but I probably won't be able to get on as much. I'm going to my grandparents' house, and I can't exactly bring my super old heavy laptop, but my grandparents have an awesome new one. It's just I'll be expected to socialize and stuff. :/ So I'll watch you guys and answer any questions, but I might not have time to post in the actual roleplay for five days or so (including today).
I'd just like to say something to all of my fellow Tristicula Astra. My last post said "It's alive." Bad idea on my part, because it seems very much dead.

Except none of us want to have it die, I think. If anyone is bored with it, I think it's because they aren't involving themselves. RPs are made for the story, kept for the characters and their relations to one another. The RP still has a shot at staying alive, but you need to post for that. I'd post in it right now, but my character is waiting for a response, I think, and if not, Blazaria is waiting for a response that Mitch certainly couldn't provide very well.

Think of what we could still screw up! I think extreme hilarity could possibly ensue. Like Mitch going totally insane when he can't take all the emotions and grinds a random kid's face into the dirt. Or something. Alex stealing such a ridiculous variety of things that it shouldn't be physically possible. And Arcane is just flat out amusing to me. I want to see it all. Every. Freaking. Second.

Pretty please? I like this one too much right now.
IT SHALL NOT DIE. Not if I have anything to say about it! In my next post I am going to do something so plot forwarding and ridiculous that you will all be stunned into posting! MUAHAHAHAHA!

...Or maybe it won't be that amazing. Whatever. I like that Mitch idea though.

Also, does anyone think I should go poke DarkAura? She hasn't posted at all, and she's most definitely been on. And what about everyone who reserved a while back but hasn't put up their form? I probably should have poked them earlier than this but I'm a lazy idiot so whatever. They've all been on recently (as in like today recently) so I think they've forgotten or something. It would be nice to know if they're not planning on actually joining or if they just forgot.
You are amazing.


Also yes go do that too. To everyone.
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