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Open Maeror Astrorum

"Now you're doin' it right." Alex grinned. "And Blazy, the tails just make it more obvious that you're not a real human. That's why Ciara covers 'em up."

Pocketing his soda, he then said, "Yeah, sure." He stood up and stretched.

"I don't have all day, ya know." He smirked, sneaking a fork, spoon, and butter knife into his pocket.
"Thanks, Blazy." Ciara said as she took the berry. "And Alex is right; the woman looked at my tail and the first thing she thought was that she was dreaming. I don't see why humans don't have tails, but they don't." Then she looked at Alex disapprovingly. She was a bit worried that he was up to his old tricks again. "But Alex, make sure you don't bring stuff that you're not supposed to bring with you. I don't think they'll like you very much if they catch you with a stolen table or something." Table? she thought. Why do I always say the first thing that comes to mind? Ah well. Something tells me Alex really would steal a table if he had the chance. So it does make some sense. Sort of.
Mitch stood up with the others, and just barely saw Alex stick something in his pocket. He didn't get enough of a look to see what it was, but he could pretty easily guess. That kid is ridiculous. He thought. Those things can't have any value, and I doubt we'll need to bring our own to any other place we eat. If we eat in the wilderness, we won't have one of those... Wassitcalled... plates to use with those things. Guess his fingers are just so sticky he can't help it. Maybe he isn't even aware he stole those. Mitch never voiced his opinion, figuring it would be more entertaining if Alex worked his magic on his own.

He eyed Blazaria with a little caution. As long as I get my hands free, I'm fine. Maybe the only way for me to win this game is to counter. Maybe I should pick her up before she comes to me... Then again, I would prefer to avoid the situation altogether... And she seems to be done with that for today, at least, since she's got another friend to catch up with. Mitch looked at his shoes, thumbs in his pockets. At least if she does jump me again, I have a topic of discussion, and a person to discuss it with.
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"Alex, what if they catch you? We won't be allowed here either," Blazaria said softly. Glancing at Mitch, she stayed on the ground, although her legs were kind of asleep. Hearing Ciara, she silently and shortly nodded before moving her tails (without hands) and then covering the now flattened tails with her skirt. "How would you take a table?" Blazaria said, widening one eye. "Training gym? What's that?" she said, turning to Saito.

[OOC: boring short post is boring short post]

Saito payed no attention to the ramblings behind her in regards to Alex's kleptomania, and continued to lead them.

"To answer you question Blazy, a training gym is a large area inside the basement of a PokéCenter where trainers, co-ordinators, and other travelers that have Pokémon can train, practice, or even just show off their Pokémon. It's also large enough to constitute running laps around it, if you like such a thing." Saito replied, openning the door to the gym area. There were several other trainers there, primarily having freindly battles between each other. Saito led the way to an unoccupied corner and turned to face her new travelling partners.
Mitch began to wonder how humans determined acceptable sanitary levels of certain location. This place was definetly low on the list, and had the odd smell of sweat to prove it. I suppose they have their reasons... He thought to himself. An ongoing battle in another corner occupied most of his attention, and he looked at how the participants played what was essentially a high-energy strategy game. One was a much better strategist, and despite a type disadvantage, he was mopping the floor with the opponent.

Maybe he's teaching. It seemed the only possible explanation for the difference in power. Mitch began wondering if Saito was good enough to measure up to the name her father apparently set up for her. This little team of hers would not likely disappoint. She said that she would probably be on camera, and Ciara apparently found us via the media, so then she must have been reported on. And Saito, no matter how much she differentiates from normal society by agreeing to help us, is probably susceptible to peer pressure; it is only logical to assume she would have to make sure she can hold her own in some field, and training certainly is popular enough to be noticed. She'd have to be good, or the media wouldn't report on her as much more than a failure, not near enough to be broadcast with any more than a simple image and a nametag. Oh, this team should be powerful, indeed.
"Ooh..." Blazaria whispered, intently watching. "Can we train, too, when they're done? Can we?" She whispered excitedly. It looked fun. As long as she didn't have to use that power. The one that flashed through Johto... Besides that? Yeah, it'd be enjoyable.

Tugging on Mitch's shirt, she looked up at his somewhat thoughtful face, and loudly whispered, "Can we go too?" with a large smile. "You can go grow vines! And I can put the place on fire?" The first sentence was said joyfully, but she wasn't so sure about fire. "...nevermind, I could move stuff with my head!" She quickly substituted.
"They won't miss 'em! I doubt they'll even notice they're gone," Alex said with a smirk as he began to follow Saito. "And how would I steal a table? It's bigger than I am, Blazy!"

"Even I know what this 'training gym' thing is. Isn't it like where people beat up each other for money?" Alex tilted his head curiously. "And, you might not wanna show off your, uh, bizarre abilities, Blazy. Just thought ya should know that. And you might wanna whisper next time, too."
"Unfortunately," Mitch looked at Blazaria. "Alex is right. We can't practice much until some- no, all of these people leave. But, when we get a chance, I'd gladly test out some powers with you." It was a promise of sorts. In truth, Mitch only knew he was more agile than most humans. He wasn't sure if he still possessed any actual powers beyond that. For all he knew, the leaves on his arm were completely useless, unable to even be used for a Leaf Blade. They certainly weren't his preferred proportionate length.

"Oh, and Alex? See if you can take the table apart, then steal it." He smiled slyly to himself. He figured he shouldn't encourage his friend like that, but it would be entertaining if he followed the advice.
"Don't steal the table!" Blazaria gasped. "Why would you do that?!" Oh well. Hopefully Alex had enough of a sliver of conscience not to follow Mitch's idea. Hopefully.

"Do you think that they're done yet?" she exclaimed, pointing out two trainers recalling their battle minions into their Poké Balls. "How long will it take? I'm bored and it wouldn't be boring to do something..." she said. She pictured that maybe she could train enough to control her big headache inducing flashing power. Then it wouldn't leave her screaming. And maybe she could do other things! "It looks fun..."

"Well as your all here now, here's the team." Saito tosses up five assorted Pokéballs, each letting out the Pokémon contained within. The five other members look around to see their surroundings. "Spark,"

"Hi everyone, I'm Spark, how are you?" Spark says fluttering happily around the four.


"Hello again, I'm Zert, how's it hanging? Oh BTW this is telepathy." Zert addresses the four.


"FIRST THINGS FIRST, I AM A GUY! Otherwise, yeah, I'm Regis..."


"Oh look, people, wierd people. Name's Cynthia."


...h-hi, my name's Dentt...I'm kinda shy..."

"And you already met Staiz."

"Yep this is my team, how 'bout that. Nice to meet you."
"Guys, Guys!" Ciara said. "The table thing was a joke. Well, sort of. Table was the first word I thought of. So maybe it's more a joke in hindsight. But whatever. I highly doubt Alex would steal a table." Though honestly by this point she wasn't sure about that.

She smiled at Saito's Pokémon as they were introduced. Ciara smiled a lot though, so this wasn't anything terribly remarkable. "Weird's right, I guess. I'm Ciara. Nice to meet you, too!" She wondered if they would be surprised that they understood them. She didn't think that most humans understood Pokemon. Doesn't really matter, I suppose.
"Hi!" Blazaria responded as enthusiastically as usual to the Pokémon's greetings. "I think he might steal a table..." she said softly. Sitting down, she cheered for a Ninetales that was battling a Grovyle at the other end of the room. Glancing at Mitch, she immediately felt awful. She ceased her cheering. Her eyes darted from Spark to wall to Ciara to Mitch to ceiling, unsure what to focus on in particular.

"What do we do now?" she asked.
"Alex would steal the whole city if he could fit it in his pocket." Mitch pointed out. Saito let out her team, and Mitch watched as each of them in turn was introduced. He still didn't like Zert being able to enter his mind. He could probably poke around, in things he had no business in. He was tempted to tell Cynthia that, yes, we're so wierd, Alex once killed a man with plastic wrap and a stapler. Messy business. But he kept his mouth shut, having already bashed Alex enough, and for a slight fear Blazaria might become confused again, call him out on it, and then it wouldn't be funny. Just upsetting.

Mitch glanced at Blazaria, following her eyes to the Ninetails and Grovyle battling. She cheered for the Ninetails. Mitch would have done the same if he was a louder person. The Grovyle wasn't very smart, or he'd be a bit more creative with his approaches. Unless he's letting the Ninetails win until it feels overconfident, at which point he lashes out, and ends the battle quickly. But, no, he'd seen that technique before, and this Grovyle was just stupid. Or maybe its trainer was stupid. And then the Grovyle would be stupid for doing what a stupid person said. He noticed Blazaria's cheering stop, and saw her briefly look at him. He wondered if his presence was screwing with her morals concerning the battle. Nice people didn't usually cheer against people similar to their friends, so Blazaria would, of course, not cheer against a Grovyle while Mitch was around.
Alex pulled a screwdriver out of his pants pocket. "Give me a couple minutes and I'll steal it. Seriously!" He grinned. "And I would steal Goldenrod - if it could fit in my pocket."

He stared at Zert, eyes wide. "Would ya mind not pryin' into my brain? It kinda hurts a bit. No offense," he said out loud. Pocketing the screwdriver, he stared at the ground, eyes shining red.
Mitch raised an eyebrow at Alex. "It's a good thing you're so small, then." He looked at the battle between the Ninetails and the idiotic Grovyle again. He's going to give me a bad name. He thought. He began wondering about the possibility of having more grass-type attacks than he did as a Grovyle. A Razor Leaf, for example, would be nice, but he had never learned how to do it before. Vine Whip was impossible for a Treecko and a Grovyle, but was there a chance he could perform the move? Not likely.

"Have any of you three found out about powers you have now that you didn't before? I mean, aside from the thumbs and all, are there some fire-based attacks that a Vulpix could never do that you can now, Blazaria? Or you, Alex?" He felt like he knew nothing of his powers, and in truth, he didn't know much other than moving fast. Even then, he wasn't as fast as he'd like to be. More mobile and flexible, sure, but more speed was always nice. Nevermind the Grass Attacks.

[OOC: I think I'm paranoid of this dying. -.-; Blah, conversation post proposes conversations.]
[Sorry bro, would've posted a few days ago but shit happened and my post got deleted. Twice. I'll edit parts of my post into this one until I finally finish it- when it's done, I'll repost it so it reports that there is a new post]

Pyre woke up suddenly, as the relative warmth of his surroundings flipped over to the cold in the span of about three seconds. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

Then he realised that he had hands.

And arms.

And was human.
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[So am I, Yoshi. It's too good and young to die D:]

"Um..." Blazaria thought, trying to recall the powers she had used as a 'human'. "When I woke up in the mountain, I blew out a lot of fire to make it brighter." She paused. "And then when I saw the Charizard, I made a big blast of light. I didn't like it." She shivered. "If you count general interesting abilities, I climbed down a mountain and fell a little without getting hurt beyond a few cuts."
[OOC: Me too. Not just because It's mine either.]

Ciara shook her head. "I haven't used my powers at all. Do we even have them? That's probably what the Scientists were trying to do with this. Create superpowered humans. But what would be the point of that? They already have Pokemon, what's the point of having them walk on two feet?" She hadn't really thought of any reasons what the Scientists' long term goals for this project were. "I mean, we have a pretty good idea why we were released. But it might be important to find out why we were captured in the first place."

[Even more OOC: Plot forwarding time! Also, please tell me if I've got my brain-timeline messed up and we actually have figured this out.]

"I know I have my powers, why would I have it and not the lot of you? It isn't like I'm special," Blazaria said. "I don't know why they needed us though, you're right..." She paused. "Here, look." She closed her eyes and used her left hand to cover her right thumb so that only the group could see, and sparks and a rainbow glow flickered across it. "See, I have a little bit of power..."
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