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Magikarp vs Feebas

Which is better?

  • Magikarp

    Votes: 22 55.0%
  • Feebas

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • They both rock~

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
Milotic > Gyarados any day of the week.
Also Feebas learns TMs n_n
Do you really want to spend all your time searching for a useless fish then spending all your time mixing perfect Pokeblock/Poffins just to get your Milotic?
Actually I happen to be a lucky bastard who got a Modest Feebas on the first tile.

But yeah, that part sucks. I still prefer Milotic, though.
Battle wise, Feebas is awsomer. But I think Magicarp is way cooler natrurally because it takes talent to be that weak. I want to make a Lv.100 magicarp to put in my competitive team to honour it as being so awesome!
Technically you could, considering its defense would be headachingly high, thus giving you enough time to Tackle or Flail everything to oblivion (eventually).
Magikarp. Because they are delicious. See, if you roast them and you add this....

Ok, joking aside, I voted Magikarp because it looks cooler. And I like Gyrados better anyway. And Magikarp is so hopelessly useless, it's awesome.
lol, do you remember the episode after the St.Anne sinks? Meowth tried to eat James' magikarp, but it broke his teeth. Dexter then said that they taste like crap. lol
Yes...I wonder if feebas are as gross (I mean...they look like moldy cheese or something) or if they are, in fact, very delicious, and thus hunted to near extinction, which would explain why such a weakling is so rare...
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