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Malawi gay couple pardoned

But it's not a start. They only did it because the other countries might have been Upset :( :( :( and then they don't get aid money.

And that's terrible.

Seriously? I don't think it's anything to shout about.
This is Africa. That continent is a looong way away from accepting LGBT rights. I think they might have to solve some other, more prominent, crises there first.

Like famine, war, genocide, things like that.
South Africa indeed has gay marriage, but trust me, they should still be eradicating HIV.
well this is... not particularly great news. so they've got a pardon but the President is basically saying it's a one-off. and if they stay in the country they'll probably get killed anyway.
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I don't think most of the news sources covering this recognize this, either.
I don't think most of the news sources covering this recognize this, either.
If you ask me, it's kind of missing the point. The fact is that there is a law in Malawi which calls for the imprisonment of homosexuals. That anyone could be imprisoned under this law is dumb, even if they aren't actually homosexuals.
If one identifies as a man and the other a woman and they're in a relationship while fully acknowledging this, they're not gay or homosexual (same... thing?).
it'I meant the distinction of gender of sex where sex is biological and gender is perceived or whatever. these things are messed up.
it'I meant the distinction of gender of sex where sex is biological and gender is perceived or whatever. these things are messed up.
basically the main issue here is that Malawi, along with numerous other countries, outlaws relationships between consenting adults with the threat of imprisonment or even death. let's not forget that before we start getting into arguments over semantics, hm?
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