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Man calls 911 because of wrong Subway order

That is flippin' HILARIOUS!

"Yeah, is this the police? I'd like to report a sauce scandel."

Such a retard...
Indeed.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................stop reading.
Hey, guy above me? There are like, too many periods. :(

Guys, haven't you seen the Subway commercials? They're supposed to always give you what you want and if they don't, you reserve the right to call your local emergency center! Or not, but that's in the fine print.
Hey, guy above me? There are like, too many periods. :(

Guys, haven't you seen the Subway commercials? They're supposed to always give you what you want and if they don't, you reserve the right to call your local emergency center! Or not, but that's in the fine print.

Really?! That's quite intresting..

I guess he's the type of guy who likes to read fine print :/
Haha, thats funny. Reminds me of this one time at Taco Bell when this one woman was swearing her head off because they'd messed up the day before. Lol.
Blah blah blah overreaction blah blah not thinking it may be a mental disorder blah blah blah we're better than him, fuck yeah.
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