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March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

Trox watched, inwardly bored, as a small body plunged into the water. Pah! Sacrifices..." he thought, "How useless! Why would any divine power, if one existed, care whether or not some Goblin child was killed in its name? Tox mocked the very idea of sacrifice. It was useless death to a child that, somehow, might become marginally less weak than every other creature that existed. Besides Trox, of course.
Mark arrived at the small village that was closest to his small cottage. He ran to the town square, which, it being Market Day, was filled with people, and yelled, "Everybody! Goblins are mobilizing! Make sure that you're ready, because they might be coming here. Gather your valuables and make sure that you're prepared! Find a hiding place to go to if they invade!" The crowd stared at him for a few moments, and then they all ran in seperate directions, bumping and jostling. Maybe that wasn't the best idea....
Moss flew above the mountains with her prey, a mountain goat, with big, curly horns. Instead of turning and flying off for her living cave (she has a seperate hidey hole for her hoard), she found a comfortable place beside a boulder and settled there, tearing open the goat and beginning to eat. This whole Goblin thing was too interesting.
In the meantime while they were still preparing to set off, she started digging in the rocks. To her delight, she found a black opal, which she considered among the highest class of gems.

The first of the Gjashdian galleons threw down its anchor into the water, and a gangplank was set out. The Goblins loaded onto the ship scrambled out carelessly, pushing some into the water and trampling others as they went. The other ships followed, and soon the whole Goblin army was out. Finally, Hak's galleon - which had moved to the back for his own 'safety' - arrived, and the Sinister himself sneered down at the Elven army, who had just arrived from a bend in a mountain pass.

Brandhyr roared a command, but to the Elves it would have been incomprehensible. It sounded something like "Gjashr - Graavniit!", but in actuality, he was telling the Goblins to climb. And climb then did, charging at the slopes of Banari, grabbing onto protruding ledges and scurrying up the rock faces, each Goblin gaining his own position. The Elves looked up in apparent bewilderment - what was the point in this?

Then it became obvious.

A few Goblins had stayed on board one of the galleons, and were loading what appeared to be countless long, thin spikes into something similar to a large cannon. When there was no room left, the fuse was lit, and before the Elves had time to move, the spikes were blasted out, a cluster of impending death, rotating through the air towards them -

Some Elves were killed upon impact, impaled gruesomely. Others were mortally wounded, but survived the attack. And it was then that the Goblins jumped into the ranks of beautiful Elves, hacking with their scimitars, stabbing with their pikes - yet they did not seem too interested in killing the elves. They just seemed to want to get through the blockage as soon and as efficiently as possible.

Hak tailed behind the rest, but he didn't really need any guards - one swing of his huge iron sword would send about ten Elves flying to the side - and to their deaths. He lumbered through the Elves almost lazily, swinging the longsword to and fro...
Trox stabbed with his pike, impaling a particuarly tall Elf. He smashed the Elf's beautiful face in with his boot and cackled. He charged forward, stabbing at whatever Elf got in his way. Hah! I'd like to see the Sinister himself do better!
((Two things: One, Kojol has never seen a Goblin ebfore, so those were the "strange creature", and two: ZC, what can the powers of Life do? I don't want to make it overpowering.

EDIT: IC deleted because I'd gotten mixed up about the two islands))
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((ER - basically, they allow one to heal nearly any injury or illness, as well as 'creating' small plants and animals.))
((Okay. Well in that case... to balance that out, I think the more he makes, or the bigger they are, the more power it takes for him to keep them going. That way, he won't be overpowering.))
((Mkay then.))

The Goblins tore their way through a small Elven village, ruthlessly killing any and all that stood in their way. They left many dead behind them - but still they were not done. Soon, some of the Goblins returned to the ships and set sail for Monari, while the rest spread out, covering sea-level Banari like a fungus in a matter of hours.
((Oh, shoot. I jsut realized I'd made a huge mistake in my last IC post. (I thought the goblins were in Monari.)

*goes to edit))
Everyone in the village had hidden, whether it was in their basements or, in Mark's case, a large barrel. His knees aching, Mark went over his plan. Well, it wasn't a plan really, more like a vague idea. Basically, he was going to hide in this barrel and hope Goblins didn't find him. Of course, Mark did have a weapon, along with Magic, but he really wanted the Goblins to think this was a ghost town...
Moss watched, half-interested, as the Goblins set off. When they were out of sight, she flew higher, abandoning the mountain goat- all that was left of it now was bones- and carrying her black opal in one front foot.
They landed in Banari and started to attack.
She had never really cared for Humans or Elves (or really any other species) in themselves, but they polished gems and could make them more lusturous. They could turn alexandrite from a cold, gray lump into a beautiful, sparkling gem that changed color: red-orange most of the time, and a deep blue, like a sapphire, when exposed to sunlight.
The Goblins won't destroy them, she thought, because I'll help. Maybe they'll even polish this black opal for me in their gratitude!
Satisfied that it was worth it, she roared and launched herself in the air towards Banari.
((Is anyone actually in Monari except me? Starting to regret having my character there.. :P))

((I am, even though my last post might indicate otherwise because I'm an idiot. :P))

Arjan got up and headed westward, towards the coastal town he originally came from. Getting into town, he headed towards his residence, a tidy little house that had a pretty good view of the sea. He fixed some tea and sat down, looking out a window that faced the coast. He could spot, barely so, a large island to the south of mainland Mideran, considered part of the draconic continent. He then looked around, and spotted what appeared to be very faraway ships.
((I too am on Monari, but my stupid mistake earlier probably gave that away :sweatdrop:))

Kojol reached the village, and was surprised to find it mostly deserted.

Where did everyone go? This doesn't look like a village that could've been abandoned for very long... right?

Well, it's not like anything could happen here that's important... right?
((You are?! Whathewigetwflibflgksl AARRGH!! I need to pay more attention, I really do. ^^; Nothing is happening with my character because there's hardly anyone there. Jeez, Monari needs love too!grumblegrumble))
So much for the original plan of going home. The spirit was pretty far from where she usually was, now closer to the ocean. Maybe it was time to move, after all. She looked at the different houses, wondering what was inside them. She'd never been in one, and only knew humans lived in them. She hummed softly and walked closer to one of them, glancing inside. It was relatively small compared to others she'd seen before. And there was a person inside. Oops. Acacia waved sheepishly and stepped away from the window. As a prank, she tapped the side of the house and created thin vines covering the door and windows to see what the human would do.
Arjan took his bow off his shoulder and took the string off. He sat back down, sipped his tea, and relaxed. Until he heard a tap, seemingly from nowhere. He got up go to the door. However, he noticed something amiss with one of the windows he walked past. Vines crawled across it at a rather unnatural rate. He said to himself, "Damn kids and their magic.", with a chuckle. He opened the door and looked around outside, but, finding nobody around, he went around the back. The back window was covered in vines. He swept and scraped with his sword, which got them off simply enough. Upon returning to the front door, he found it was teeming with life as well. He made a mental note to get that checked out and headed back inside.
It was only when they disembarked that Fassar realised that they were, in fact, goblins; he could've checked before, any time while he followed them, but he hadn't wanted to. Watching them slaughter the much more beautiful elves, those like his current form, he decided he should've. Then he wouldn't have let them pass so easily.

He didn't like ugly things, and liked them even less when they destroyed something beautiful. He could not deny that blood and slaughter had its own beauty, but that it was goblins slaughtering elves and not the other way around...

The sea churned.

Now, there were some goblins returning to the ships... he could either destroy those or attack the ones on land, but doing both would be difficult. The boats, he decided, as they were already in his grasp. And there wouldn't be as many elves on the boats.

To get a full view of the slaughter, he'd had to approach shore, and was standing not two metres from land - but it wouldn't lessen his power. He turned around, glaring at the ships.

Perhaps they'd think him some elven mage. That was just as well.

A mound of water rose on one side of the ships, the side where it seemed most were boarding. He had no lack of volume of water at the ocean, but it was more difficult gathering it where he wanted it to go when the water was shallower than out on the open sea.
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