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March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

What this being says makes no sense, Kojol thought, Why would I, a... "Spirit" cause anyone to get killed? As long as nobody tries to take the staff...

Unless it's the staff these "Goblins" are after. In which case, they throw away their lives... right?

He began to look around the village, looking for a sign of these Goblin creatures
The ships were suddenly swamped by great waves, almost unnatural waves. They began to list and sink. However, as Arjan watched the scene from afar, a verdant mass lurched up and formed a knotted mess in front of him. A lovely flower sprouted.
He slapped a hand on his forehead in annoyance, and sighed, "Back to Mideran I go, all right.", as he headed back to the table by the back window.
((To the water spirits - Please refrain from sinking all the ships. It's important that at least some get to Monari. Sorry for not telling you earlier.))
"Okay, I am going to make this as easy to understand as possible," said Mark, talking as if to a rather slow child. "The people in this town are hiding in various places. They are hiding because a mean army of ugly creatures called Goblins are coming to this island. If the Goblins don't see any signs of life in this town, we are hoping that they will leave us alone. If the Goblins see you standing there, or anyone for that matter, they will attack us and most likely kill all of us in the process."
Kill... I wonder why that would be?

Still, if what this being says is true, then I should perhaps find some way to hide.

He decided to do this by bringing the barrel from before to life, and then making it move so that it would block him from view.
Acacia reappeared in her human form, giggling impishly. She snapped her fingers, and the mass of vines disappeared. She picked up the flower, admiring the different colors. She looked innocently at the human and asked in a hurt voice,
"But don't you like plants? I think they were pretty."
She didn't quite seem to realize or care she probably shouldn't be in somebody's house.
Finally, he cooperates! Mark thought, lowering his head back into the barrel.
Trox trudged through the clearing, resisting the urge to shield his sensitive eyes from the sun. That would show weakness, which was a quality he couldn't show, because nothing about him was weak.
The Goblins who had been teleported into the sky all yelled and screamed as they fell, plummeting towards the sea like cannonballs tied to bags of bricks lines with bowling balls. They hit the sea in almost perfect unison, creating a tumultuous splash that muffled all other sound for miles around and sprayed the land nearby.

Of course, they all drowned almost immediately.


The next morning, as the sun dawned, illuminated Monari and Banari in curtains of golden light, the Goblins began to wake. Those who stayed asleep were prodded and roughly shaken by their peers, until each and every Goblin was ready to continue their attack.

Each group left their camps and began to work their ways to their planned assembly point, where all the Goblins would meet and re-form the army. The aforementioned rendezvous just happened to be a wide, barren field at the bottom of the mountain, devoid of all plant life yet filled with strange, creepy creatures that flitted across the corners of your eyes, never truly revealing themselves.

The Goblins arrived, and began to set up their camps again, closer to each other this time, arranged in concentric circles surrounding the central one which, of course, was where Hak was.

After a while, there was laughter and uproar. A small Elf had approached the camps. The Goblins close to the Elf aimed their bows, malicious expressions on their faces, but a voice cut over them.

"Leave him. Look, he carries a scroll, he must be bringing a message."

Sinister Hak pushed through the crowds of Pawns and without a word snatched the letter from the Elf's slender hand. The Elf looked terrified and bewildered, partly at Hak and partly at the strange, ugly language they were speaking in. He quickly read it and sneered, then turned around to face his army, reading it aloud in a nasty, sneering voice.

"Dear Sinister Hak,

It has come to my attention that you have arrived on Banari, and according to an outside source your intention is to attack my race and I. I would like to bring to your attention the Note of Banishment your people accepted many years ago. If you do not leave these islands within a day, I will be forced to come and find you myself.

Yours sincerely,

High-Elder Draxysa of the Elven Tribes of Leiarna.

The Goblins fell about, choking in hysterics, and Hak scribbled a reply on the back of the letter, throwing it at the Elf messenger who abruptly ran off into the woods.

"We will find you tonight."
Phantom's eyes opened. He looked down over the ground. He had been roosting in a tree, in one of the higher branches. He stretched his wings and alighted from the limb, beginning his morning sun dance.
Firesong looked up at Phantom. He was doing some kind of move... a sun dance, maybe? Perhaps she could join him?

Carefully, she soared up to him, but didn't say anything. She just looked at the phoenix.
((Having a stupid moment. Have the goblins arrived at Monari yet? I think some were already there, but not the ones Link008 was mentioning... sorry, I'm confused. :sweatdrop:))
Phantom looked backwards at Firesong, and continued. He did some flips and barrel rolls, flying what one would call "dangerously high" and close to the sun.
Fassar called the water again to form a spinning, deflecting wall between him and the spell being thrown at him, intending to block it like he had with the arrows... but magic didn't quite work like physical projectiles did, especially if it wasn't intending to just throw a physical-like force at him. Though the water-wall may have had some effect on the spell, the purple energy passed through it and struck his elven body. Immediately Fassar found himself immobile, stuck in the awkward position with his arm half-stretched out and one foot above the water.

... well.

They could limit his physical body, perhaps, but not his control over the water, so the waves continued to assault them. They were just much smaller and weaker, and would only make it uncomfortable and harder to keep balance, rocking the boats but probably not damaging them unless the goblins had never encountered rough seas before. Normal storms could get much more dangerous than this. And unlike the current situation, the waves in a storm generally hit more than one boat at a time.

The tameness of the water was mainly due to the fact that he was devoting most of his energy to leaving this pesky, paralysed body and attempting to return to his spirit form, to escape the spell's effect. It was more difficult when paralysed, strangely, but he wanted escape from the discomfort more than he wanted to keep this form.

Besides, he could avenge himself so much better when he wasn't limited by a physical body and all of its flaws and weaknesses.

It was harder than he thought, though, and he absentmindedly let the seas calm to their normal level so he could focus. It shouldn't matter if they left while he extracted himself from this body, he thought, because there was no escape from a spirit as powerful as he was.

Shame that they could probably escape far from his current location by the time he managed, though.
Moss buried her black opal and marked the spot with a twig with a single leaf, to keep it from getting scratched or otherwise damaged.
She thought she saw a Goblin camp in the distance, so she set off in that direction, refreshed from her long night's sleep.
Firesong flew higher, towards the sun (hoorah) and towards Phantom. Finally, she had the courage to ask... "What are you doing?"

((Just wondering. Do phoenixes have fire on their plumage?))

Phantom looked down at her while flying upside down. "Sun dance. What would we do if we had no sun, no life? We wouldn't exist, that's what."
"Nothing but make us glad the sun is here to warm us and make us live," he answered, flipping upright again. "Why not?" He flapped his wings a few times. Hard.
"Um... o-okay..."

Nervously, Firesong shuddered in midair. She began to do some tiny maneuvers, then began doing a few flips and things. Shyly, she sang a song that she had composed a while ago. It was a sun song, coincidentally.
((Just wondering. Do phoenixes have fire on their plumage?))

((All phoenixes are different, so it's your choice.))

The three of the Seven had been successful. The strange Elf had been frozen, and the unnatural waves had calmed to a halt. The ships continued their journey around the north side of Banari, and soon enough, after they had passed the gap between Banari and Gjashdil, they could see Monari in the distance. Far from that strange beach with the magical Elf, the Goblins could finally relax for the last leg of their journey.


The messenger returned to Draxysa. He quickly glanced at the reply, and he bowed his head. "I knew this day would come," he muttered, "They were bound to try and come back one day, but that they would do it in such a violent way..."

He sighed angrily and turned on the spot, running into a different room, one with a large, intricately detailed map carved onto a circular table, hewn out of a tree stump.

"I suppose I should have suspected nothing less from Hak," he breathed, placed little golden markers on certain points on the map. He put one on fort Kazros, another at the place the Goblins had assembled, the third on his location at the moment and the final one in the sea between Monari and Banari. The messenger tentatively watched, wondering what the High-Elder was doing.
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