Koori Renchuu
Always look for the heart in things!
okay! so why exactly couldn't there be a movement set for gender equality that aims to right inequalities between men and women as a whole? why couldn't feminists and masculinists or whatever just become one movement? nobody's saying that male issues aren't a big deal! feminism is already trying to accomplish those things! I don't see how two different movements aiming for pretty much the same thing - gender equality - is in any way better than one movement for everyone.
I agree, and this is why masculism pops up; feminism is used these days for a multitude of viewpoints that aren't necessarily about gender equality at all, and many women do use 'feminism' to tell people what they think men should do for women when that's not even what it's about. This is why I think that people should just start campaigning for equality rather than feminism; most people I know consider feminism to be the bra-burning feminism of the 60's or making women dominant over men. It's unfortunate, but if you want people to look past what you call yourself and start listening then I really think feminists are going to have to call themselves something different. :/
I was trying to get at this point, but did not have the ability to remain coherent in the way I write. This is the gist of what I think has happened in the feminist movement. The 'original' flavor of feminism was about equality for all. However, the more radical elements took over and forced the issues more towards the female being superior. The original aim of feminism and the current aim of masculism are roughly the same. I want a dialogue to happen, and it is happening little by little. I also consider myself a feminist, but I see the damage to men that the radical feminists have done. This is why I have taken up the masculist banner.
ITT: Lots of confusing statements in which everyone is stuck on the same page but still quibbling over how to word it.
We're all for gender equality in all areas, no? We all agree that hardly anything is free from discrimination, yes? THEN WHY ARE WE STILL ARGUING.
It seems the entire fight here is over the semantics of what to call the gender equality movement. The answer: who cares. Call it masculism, call it feminism, call it genderical equalism, call it whatever you want. It's all a united front anyways!
Fake Edit: I saw what Koori said about the education system and I just wanted to say one thing- Elementary school textbooks.
"Generic Boy Name and Generic girl name are trying to solve this problem. Generic Boy did ____ and got ____. Generic girl did ____ and got ____. Who was correct?" I could skip their work, never do the problem, say generic boy got it wrong, and be correct 100% of the time. And I'm no expert, but I think that this may have a subconscious effect on the whole "girls are better in school and boys should peddle illegal drugs" mentality. >:L
Pwnemon, the first part of your post was erudite, the second part was much less so. You missed the point I was making.
I actually fully agree with all of this.
We all agree on the actual points of both gender equalism movements, so why are we having a vocab battle here?
I'm thankful we seem to have come to a consensus. It's a relief that people have done so much research on the issue.
Unfortunately it isn't. "Feminism" covers a wide range of things, from just 'Why should women not have basic human rights just because they're women?' (such as not being allowed to go to school in some places) through 'men and women should be paid the same for the same work', right through to the crazy end where they think all men only ever think about having sex with all women they lay eyes on, or that women should rule men.
With some feminists focussing entirely on women's rights and issues (which is fair enough), Masculism appears as counterpart for male issues. However that in turn gets mixed up with and/or overlaps the extreme misogynists, who see women as heartless/subhuman/evil.
Naturally, those on the edges tend to see those on the other edge as being anti-them. People in the middle usually see both ends as either crazy or unpleasant. I think just about everyone here is close enough to the middle that we mostly agree on everything, but it doesn't apply generally.
Gender equality explains the basic ideas best, but other people likely have their own reason for using whatever term they use.
How right this is. The movements are very similar to religions, there will be radical fundamentalists in them who want things to be their way or the highway. The ones who aren't fundamentalists are reasonable and can be tolerant of other religions.
No. I'm sorry, that simply isn't true. First of all I have never actually encountered someone like that last group, but even if they existed, they wouldn't be feminists. Calling yourself a feminist isn't enough.
Just because you haven't met one doesn't mean that they don't exist. They may not be what you consider 'feminist', but they consider themselves 'feminist'.
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